90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, May 10, 2019

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #617

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Unhinged Pro-Choice Student Throws Punches, Gets Citation For Assault

The reaction of this 19-year-old college student almost makes Brian Sims look rational by comparison. Almost.

A group called Created Equal set up a display of pro-life posters on the campus of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. You can’t really see them in the video below but those posters are graphic depictions of abortion. In fact, this group is a successor to another group called the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform which toured college campuses putting up graphic images of abortion for over a decade. In any case, the images were apparently too much for one female college student who asked the intern watching the signs if he was responsible and then immediately started throwing punches. From Fox News:

[Jillian] Ward approached the group’s display on April 2, asking them, “Did y’all put these up?”

When Austin Beigel confirmed that he did, she raced toward him with fists flying. Beigel was allegedly punched in the face a number of times and was also hit in the stomach.

“F***ing terrible person,” Ward screamed. “You’re a terrible person. You — this is not okay. This is not okay. This is not okay. Shut the f**k up right now. This is wrong. This is triggering. You’re not an innocent human being. You’re a terrible person.”

She’s not wrong about the images being triggering. They’re meant to be. But they’re meant to trigger thought and reflection, not violence. Here’s the video:

The guy filming (and being punched) is named Austin Beigel. According to the Created Equal website, he’s a student himself as well as an intern with the group. He handled this bad situation about as well as it could be handled. He backed away and told her to stop and to...

Girls With Guns

Margaret Thatcher - From The Grave!

More Groping Joe:

That Moment You Regret Transition Surgery...

A parody website with embarrassing photos of Joe Biden is outranking his official campaign page on Google

When Your Record Pales In Comparison...

Biden Releases New Book!: The Audacity of Grope...

Icing The Leftist Agenda To Destroy America....

Go Ahead And Cry For Venezuela...

Economy Going Too Good?
Venezuela Has Shown Us How To Put A Stop To It....
No Country Has A Better National Weight Loss Program.

Fix Our Terrible Immigration Laws!

Resurfaced clips of Schiff, Pelosi slamming GOP for contempt vote against Eric Holder aren’t aging well

Congressional Democrats have an uncanny “ability” to not recognize their own hypocrisy.

On Wednesday, the Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt of Congress for not providing them with access to special counsel Robert Mueller’s entire report, including confidential grand jury information.

Before and after the vote, various Democrat leaders issued grandiose speeches or statements decrying the Justice Department’s alleged “corruption” and warning of a “constitutional crisis.”

What’s notable is that the contempt vote and speeches occurred roughly seven years after the same Democrat leaders excoriated then-House Oversight Committee chair Darrell Issa for daring to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. More on this later.

“We’ve talked for a long time about approaching a constitutional crisis. We are now in it,” House Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler, who’s been battling with Barr for weeks for full access to the Mueller report, said in a hyperbolic speech Wednesday following the committee’s vote.

Yet here’s how he responded when Republicans held Holder in contempt back in 2012:

Don't Stop For The Leftist Freeloaders...

If we stop, everyone will have to get off the track to success.

This train lifts all boats!

Paper: Professor Bias May Deflate Conservative College Students’ Grades

Conservative students saw the biggest grade dip when studying in the humanities and social sciences,and a grade boost when studying in hard-science fields. The bias was more pronounced at higher-ranked colleges.

Conservative students enter college with higher SAT scores and GPAs than liberal students, but by the fourth year of college have lower GPAs than liberal peers, which may be a consequence of institutional bias, finds a new working paper from the University of Arkansas.

Self-identified conservative students saw the biggest grade dip when studying in the humanities and social sciences, none when studying in professional fields, and an extra grade advantage when studying in hard-science fields. The bias was more pronounced at higher-ranked colleges and universities.

“Notwithstanding the GPA advantages held by conservative students in high school, students who support banning racist/sexist speech, and who endorse dissent as critical to the political process (positions typically associated with liberalism) enjoy a relative advantage over their peers,” the paper finds.

The authors controlled for students’ family income, SAT scores, and demographics, and repeatedly caution that the GPA effect is comparatively small, although statistically significant, and may have explanations other than professor bias. For example, since other social science has found conservatives tend to follow rules better and score lower on spontaneity and creativity, perhaps those characteristics make them a poorer fit for college or humanities programs.

Statistical analysis on a large database often used by researchers shows that “by the fourth year of college, liberal students tend to have higher grades than conservative peers: ideological self-placement is the only variable in the model changing direction from high school to college” (emphasis original), write paper authors Matthew Woessner of Penn State, Robert Maranto of U-Arkansas, and Amanda Thompson of the University of Georgia. The working paper from U-Arkansas’s Department of Education Reform has not yet been peer-reviewed nor published in an academic journal, but has been released to generate academic input pre-publication, it states.

The paper includes the graph below, showing that conservative students have the highest overall grades in high school, although lower writing and verbal SAT scores than liberal students. This also could reflect conservatives’ higher compliance levels, political biases in the verbal (less objective) portions of tests, neither, or both. Other research has found that high schools highly value compliance and that K-12 teachers award higher grades to more agreeable students and students more similar to them, which lowers...

This Would Make A Great Mother's Day Gift!

Make sure you show your Mother how important she is to your life.
Send Flowers.
Spend Time With Her.
Take her out to eat.

Call her to talk for no reason at all.