90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 16, 2019


It’s a male student’s worst nightmare. No matter the proof, he’s not believed, but she is.

Lawyers for Ben Feibelman, a former journalism graduate student at Columbia University, are advising him not to discuss his pending lawsuit against the school after a woman accused him of sexual assault in 2016. Her name is being kept tightly under wraps and has not been reported by the media.

In what is being hailed as the “anti-male” lawsuit, Feibleman is suing the school for expulsion and gender bias. Lawyers filed the suit against Columbia Monday in Manhattan Federal Court.

Also under wraps is the complaint. A judge has temporarily sealed it pending possible redactions. The woman’s counsel filed a motion to redact the complaint “based on the ground that [it] contains the name of the alleged sexual assault victim, photographs and other personal information.”

Motions are due by May 24. Responses are due by June 4.

Oddly, Feibleman is pictured in the New York Post with a big smile in a cap and gown. Columbia allowed him to go through the motions of graduation, but the school expelled him and is withholding his degree.

“My senior associate, James [Figliozzi], advises that you called to discuss Mr. Feibleman’s case,” attorney Kimberly Lau wrote The Mirror late Wednesday night. “Due to the pending litigation, I’ve advised my client not to discuss his case because all details are included in the complaint.”

The following is Feibleman’s legal statement:

...When The Corrupt And Evil Hold Power....


When You Try To Actually Stop Government Corruption...


What happened when a nation tried Bernie Sanders’ power plan.

Nearly 150 years after electricity came to South Africa, the country is in the dark. The blackouts can strike at any time and then lights, hot water and even major industries vanish into the darkness.

Storing perishable food in the fridge has become a gamble. The meat you buy today may be inedible tomorrow if the rolling blackout arrives and lasts long enough to destroy all the food you cooked.

With rolling blackouts that can last for as long as twelve hours, South Africans have grown used to eating by candlelight and heating water the old-fashioned way. Those who can afford it have been stocking up on generators. But the demand is so high that it can take a month to even obtain a generator.

It’s not just homes and small businesses. Factories and mines are struggling to maintain the country’s industrial base when power can vanish for the entire workday. Traffic lights run off the same power grid and when it goes into ‘load-shedding’ mode, the roads become a snarled maze of honking cars.

South Africa is out of power. The load-shedding blackouts are a last-ditch effort to avert a national blackout that will send the entire country spiraling into a deeper and more enduring darkness.

At the center of the disaster is Eskom: South Africa’s state-owned power company. The socialist relic has had many scandals over the years, but its dysfunction reached epic proportions under the ANC. The African National Congress still carries a mythical luster in the United States due to the Mandela name, but it has thoroughly alienated both the country’s white population and its black middle class.

Key figures in the ANC, including Nelson Mandela, were members of South Africa’s Communist party. And under ANC rule, Eskom, the largest state-owned enterprise in South Africa, suffered massive thefts. Earlier this year, a government investigations unit tried to track down $9.6 billion in stolen Eskom funds.

And that may only be the tip of a melting iceberg.

With elections coming up, the blackouts are politically inconvenient to the government, and the opposition Democracy Alliance is accusing the ruling ANC of blowing through a secret diesel budget to keep the system up and running until the elections are over. And then the real blackouts will begin.

Eskom meanwhile is dominated by the Union of Metalworkers which has its own political movement, the Socialist Revolutionary Workers’ Party, founded due to ANC proposals to break up Eskom. The SRWP is a Marxist-Leninist movement whose manifesto calls for abolishing private property ownership.

“We will nationalize the land and place it under the control of a worker state," its national chair, Comrade Irwin Jim, the general secretary of the Union of Metalworkers, declared. "Under a Socialist government, no one will own land, therefore allowing for the worker-controlled state to decide how land is allocated, farmed and used."

Considering how well South Africa has done with state and worker control over electricity, giving the SRWP control over all the land would lead to famine and the deaths of millions.

But when it isn’t calling for a Marxist dictatorship, the SRWP is fighting the privatization of Eskom.

South Africa’s power supply is in the hands of Marxists who are fighting the more moderate Marxists. The SRWP doesn’t care if Eskom’s debts bankrupt South Africa or its blackouts leave the country in the dark. The ANC knows that it if it doesn’t find a way to keep the power on, it will lose the middle class.

The Marxist SRWP is fighting to maintain Eskom’s failing coal plants while the ANC has proposed bringing in private companies to supply renewable energy. The power struggle puts South Africa in the unique position of being the only country where the Left is fighting against solar and...

Tick, Tick, Tic....

OUCH: Former Obama economic adviser slams AOC for making ‘the most economically ignorant statement he’s ever read’ and LOL

Typical Politician:Do As I Say Not As I Do...

Deep Thoughts With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #7...

Deep Thoughts With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #5...

Deep Thoughts With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #4...

Connecticut radio station WDRC rebrands itself as ‘Trump 103.3’ in ‘ultra conservative’ talk format

Few people work harder than Donald Trump when it comes to self promotion, but now Connecticut radio station WDRC is doing it for him, rebranding itself as “Trump Radio."

The station’s brass is touting the new “ultra conservative talk" format — which is expected to be temporary — as the “brave new voice of freedom.” The station’s lineup includes Lee Elci, Brad Davis, Mike Gallagher, commentary from Bill O’Reilly and Ben Shapiro.

It’s all part of an effort by the station, which is running promos calling for the firing of Gov. Ned Lamont, to galvanize conservatives in the state. How that plays in deep blue Connecticut remains to be seen.

“My [station] owner is a crazy person, but in a good way. He likes to make a big splash and he likes to ramp up the listeners,” Elci said Wednesday. “It seems like the listeners have embraced it, even if it is for the short term. A lot of people like it. A lot of people think it’s funny.”

A request for comment was left Wednesday for the station’s owner, John Fuller of Full Power Radio. The station broadcasts on a number of frequencies, including 103.3 FM and 1360 AM.

Trump Radio is trying to stoke the opposition to Lamont’s controversial transportation funding plan, which calls for high-speed tolls to be installed on Interstates 91, 84, 95 and Route 15, which encompasses the Merritt and Wilbur Cross parkways.

“I’m disappointed. I can’t get Lamont to come on the show,” Elci said. “He doesn’t want to talk to...

Brace Yourselves...

So Many People, So Few Guillotines...

Top FBI officials were 'quite worried' Comey would appear to be blackmailing Trump

Senior FBI officials were concerned then director James Comey would appear to be blackmailing then President-elect Trump – using tactics notoriously associated with J.Edgar Hoover – when he attended a fateful Jan. 6, 2017, meeting at which he informed the real estate magnate about allegations he had consorted with prostitutes in Moscow, according to Jim Baker, the bureau’s chief counsel at the time.

“We were quite worried about the Hoover analogies, and we were determined not to have such a disaster happen on our watch,” said Jim Baker, then the FBI’s top lawyer in an interview with the Yahoo News podcast Skullduggery. But he and Comey determined the bureau had an obligation to tell Trump of the uncorroborated allegations because “the press has it; it’s about to come out. You should be alerted to that fact.”

Baker’s comments came during an interview in which he shed new light on the internal bureau debates over how to handle the Russia investigation in its early stages and how much to tell Trump about it. In the podcast interview, Baker also pledged to cooperate with a new investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, emphasizing that he believes he and his FBI colleagues did nothing wrong.

Attorney General William Barr appointed the U.S. Attorney in Connecticut John Durham this week to conduct the new probe.

“I welcome scrutiny,” said Baker. “I plan to fully cooperate with the department to help them figure out what happened. Because I believe what happened was....

Congresswoman Unpacks Damage the Equality Act Would Do to Women

I’m Rep. Debbie Lesko from the state of Arizona.

The Equality Act—or I call it the Forfeiting Women’s Rights Act—takes away women’s and girls’ rights that we fought for for years.

It requires organizations such as schools, churches, university dormitories, or nonprofit organizations to allow biological males in traditionally women’s spaces like women’s bathrooms, women’s locker rooms, women’s showers—even without any type of medical diagnosis or psychological diagnosis.

This really infringes on the rights of women and girls to have their privacy and to have safety.

The Equality Act would require doctors to give sex-change operations and sex-changing hormones to adolescents. Even if the parent disagrees and doesn’t give permission. Women and girls who take these sex-changing hormones are then sterilized for the rest of their lives.

People need to wake up. This radical bill is going to totally eliminate women’s and girls sports because what this bill does is it requires schools and universities allow biological males to compete in women’s sports.

The so-called Equality Act would really take away all of our constitutionally protected religious freedoms. It strips out of the language the Religious Freedom Restoration Act—the first time in history that a bill has done this. This will be terrible for anyone that...

BEHOLD! It's A Great Time To Be Alive!

President Trump Single-Handedly Owns The Media, Owns Hollywood, Owns Democrats, Owns Never Trumpers, Owns The Deep State, Owns Rogue Intelligence Operatives And Owns The American Renaissance!

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #623

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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