90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Will You Fight For Freedom Or Submit To Socialist Tyranny?


Wealthy Politicians And Donors Push For Open Borders While Living Their Lives Behind Walls And Gates...

Trump's Strategy in the China Trade War

A recent stock sell-off was "explained" to the public as "investors are worried due to tariffs on Chinese imports." However, it should be known that market makers are doing this on a regular basis: from a cacophony of daily news, they pick up one story and broadcast it as a "reason" for the stock market moving up or down in a particular day. It makes the unsuspecting public (who is always positioned in a way to maximize losses) feel "good" and "in the know" even if people lose money at every market turn — fake news at its best. However, keep in mind that the sell-off manifests much deeper reasons: reconfiguration and correcting decades-old unfair trade imbalances.

The best tariff (tax on imported goods) equals zero — at least this is what standard economic theory says. However, such a rule is valid only when both trading partners are set at zero. If either side moves one iota above zero in tariffs, it makes its population pay for that move. So what happens when one party does not respond to an unfriendly move from zero to some non-zero tariff? In a short time frame, it hurts the side that makes such a move, but in the long run, it could eventually bankrupt businesses on the other side and, in turn, bring enormous benefits for those who made such a move first. The more time other side keeps indifferent, the more it loses in the end.

Enter China: it established non-zero tariffs years ago on practically all American goods and services, while the United States was busy discussing the stained blue dress, "hanging chads," "9/11 was inside job," "keep your doctor," and "Trump is Putin's marionette." As a result, many American businesses moved to other countries, including China, and took millions of jobs with them. The Maoist Chinese rulers were completely satisfied with this American complacency. (Let us recall that Maoism differs from other leftist -isms in an area of "coexistence." Maoism declares that during the transformational period from capitalism to communism, both capitalistic and collectivistic enterprises coexist — both under strict Communist Party leadership. That is why all Chinese billionaires are close to the Communist Party apparatus.)

American decades-long inaction led to enormous imbalances in the world market. Every independent observer understands that the situation on Trump's plate does not have any suitable solution besides going back to the mutual zero tariffs mode. However, the United States cannot do this unilaterally, because the situation has reached a breaking point.

Trump knows all this. He also knows that any country that unilaterally increases tariff hurts domestic manufactures in the short term. The solution he implemented to alleviate this is brilliant. Trump decided to increase external taxes (tariffs) and, at the same time, to decrease domestic taxes.

Will the recent painful moves by the American side in the tariff war make Chinese communists think harder? Not at the moment. China buys about 180 billion dollars' worth of American goods in a year; America buys about 560 billion dollars' worth of Chinese goods. This asymmetry, known as the trade deficit, is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, an increasing trade deficit means increased Chinese profits. On the other hand, it means a loss of leverage in trade disputes simply because the Chinese have a bigger amount to lose.

To explain Trump's approach further, let us imagine the world economic imbalances as a pair (i.e., the U.S. and some other country) of communicating vessels that use money as their fluid. If the level of fluid in one of such vessels increases (i.e., the wealth of one country in respect to the other), the level of fluid in another vessel will try to compensate. The law of economic gravity equalizes the levels of fluid (i.e., negates economic disparity).

How is it possible to correct such an imbalance? Possibly by relocating businesses from one country to another. China has been doing this for decades by using various tricks; tariffs are just one of them.

Now it is America's turn. Trump pushed for substantial tax decreases for domestic manufacturers and substantial, painful tax increases for the foreign ones. The proverbial "big sucking sound" everybody hears is the sound of businesses relocating back to the U.S., bringing with them jobs, prosperity, and a headache for Democrats. Such massive relocation of businesses and accompanying wealth transfer would not be possible without Trump's double punch — first on the domestic and then the international front.

The world is on the verge of a massive exodus of manufacturing, investing, and finances from China and all other countries into the United States. The communicating vessels must equalize the trade imbalances, whether one likes it or not, and President Trump's double punch approach triggers ejecting businesses from other countries and injecting them into....

The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Jerry Nadler


When You Try To Actually Stop Government Corruption...

...When The Corrupt And Evil Hold Power....

Exclusive — 2016 Arizona Police Report: Cocaine Pipe Found in Car Rented by Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Biden, Authorities Declined to Prosecute

Breitbart News has exclusively obtained a heretofore unreported-on police report from days before the 2016 presidential election that describes how a cocaine pipe that authorities determined was used to smoke cocaine was found in a rental car returned to an Arizona Hertz location in the middle of the night. Also found in the vehicle were several personal effects of Hunter Biden, then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son, like two of his DC driver’s licenses, multiple credit cards, and personally identifying information like a Delaware Attorney General badge and a U.S. Secret Service business card that police said bore his name. Hunter Biden, according to the police report, had rented the vehicle from a location in California with the intent to return it to the Prescott, Arizona, location, where it was discovered the morning after it was dropped off with the drug paraphernalia and Hunter Biden’s personal effects inside.

Instead of returning the car keys to the drop box where after-hours returns are supposed to go, the car was returned—according to the police report—with the keys left in the gas tank compartment of the vehicle. Also found inside the vehicle, per the police report, were two drivers’ licenses both bearing Hunter Biden’s legal name Robert Biden, as well as “some credit cards with the same name,” “a secret service business card,” and an “Attorney General’s badge” all contained inside a wallet that Hertz rental employees discovered—along with a pipe that Hertz employees thought and police later confirmed was used to smoke illicit drugs, as well as “a white powdery substance in the arm rest of the vehicle.”

The next morning, according to the police report, a man who identified himself as “Joseph McGee” called the Hertz rental car counter to inform them of how the keys to the car were left in the vehicle’s gas cap rather than in the normal spot. “McGee” informed the rental car company employee, according to police, that “his friend was feeling sick so they didn’t know what to do” when the car was returned. Police, according to a supplemental report filed by a Prescott Police Department detective, sought and obtained a subpoena to discover the source of the “Joseph McGee” phone call—and traced it to a phone number owned and operated by a renowned “Colon Hydrotherapist” in the region.

Police attempted to find and interview “Joseph McGee,” but were unable to–and they also, per the documents, attempted to call Hunter Biden himself from the phone numbers he provided to the rental car company. Prescott Police Department officials were unable to reach Hunter Biden during the investigation for an interview on the matter, though, according to the documents, they did attempt to call him. One of the Prescott Police Department officers who responded to the initial scene wrote that according to his Sergeant, described in the report as “Sgt Small,” the Secret Service had informed the local police that “Robert Biden had been located by the Secret Service and...

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #626

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Girls With Guns

Goodbye To You, New York, New York!


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Getting Off On The Right Foot...

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