90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Evangelical Pastor and 16 Others Kidnapped from Church by 20+ Islamic Gunmen in Nigeria

Gunmen in Nigeria reportedly kidnapped an evangelical pastor and 16 other Christians this week in an attack that also killed one person.

The incident happened in the Igabi local government area in Kaduna state.

Rev. Zakariah Ido and 16 members of the Evangelical Church Winning All, including the pastor's daughter, two elders and the son of an Assemblies of God minister, were kidnapped after midnight in the early hours of Sunday.

A witness said the kidnappers were 20 to 30 armed Fulani extremists, a violent, mostly Islamic group that has carried out many attacks on Christians in Nigeria.

A witness said it happened as the church was hosting a combined choir fellowship.

A senior adviser on Nigerian issues for the non-profit International Crisis Group reports, "Pastor, his daughter and 15 others #kidnapped in #Kaduna state, yesterday 19 May. Official church source says over 20 gunmen abducted Rev Zakariah Ido and others - 11 girls and 5 men - at ECWA #church premises."
: Pastor, his daughter and 15 others in state, yesterday 19 May. Official church source says over 20 gunmen abducted Rev Zakariah Ido and others - 11 girls and 5 men - at ECWA premises, Dankade in Birnin Gwari LGA.
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The Evangelical Church Winning All is said to have the largest mission organization of any African church, and has seen phenomenal growth, with some churches growing as much as...

If Today's Media Covered The American Revolution...

...We'd be Serfs.

I Prefer The Hardships Of A Free Man....


HOUSTON, TX (The Houston Chronicle) – The man accused of stabbing an elderly woman to death in her Sharpstown home detailed the gruesome killing to police investigators, saying that he spent at least 40 minutes with her as she begged for her life, according to prosecutors.

Marco Cobos, 19, allegedly used multiple knives to stab Etta Nugent to death for about 40 minutes to an hour, according to the charging documents which prosecutors read aloud during his first appearance in court Wednesday morning. The medical examiner reported finding more than 13 stab wounds on the 75-year-old woman’s body.

He has been charged with capital murder in Nugent’s death. The Mexican national is being held at the Harris County Jail without bond and federal authorities have placed an immigration detainer on him.

Cobos, who also is homeless, had sought help from Nugent to fix his broken down Ford F-150, but she was unable to “because of her age,” police said.

The truck Cobos had been sleeping in had been reported stolen in Phoenix, Arizona, authorities said. Before the attack, neighbors said they saw Cobos and his vehicle parked outside Nugent’s home in the 8100 block of Neff Street.

Prosecutors said Cobos confessed to stabbing the woman around 10 p.m. Sunday.

“The family of Etta Nugent is heartbroken and in absolute shock at the senseless tragedy that unfolded before them this week,” relatives to the slain woman said in a statement. “Etta was a kind, gentle and generous woman who lived her life with unwavering dedication to her faith, family and friends.”

“To see her life end in such a tragic, evil matter is simply...

Let The Gamechanging Begin: Trump Authorizes Declassification Of Crossfire Hurricane Origins

Trey Gowdy promised earlier this week that declassifying evidence related to the start of Operation Crossfire Hurricane would be a “game-changer.” Looks like we’ll shortly find out how accurate Gowdy’s prediction would be. Late this evening, the White House announced that Donald Trump authorized Attorney General William Barr to declassify any documents related to his probes of the FBI counterintelligence operation:
President Donald Trump directed the U.S. intelligence community on Thursday to “quickly and fully cooperate” with Attorney General William Barr’s investigation of the origins of the multi-year probe of whether his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia. 
The move marked an escalation in Trump’s efforts to “investigate the investigators,” as he continues to try to undermine the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe amid mounting Democratic calls to bring impeachment proceedings against Trump.

Press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump is delegating to Barr the “full and complete authority” to declassify documents relating to the probe, which would ease his efforts to review the sensitive intelligence underpinnings of the investigation.

Escalation? That’s an odd way to characterize declassification. The escalation already took place when Barr appointed Durham to run a separate probe. This is just making it somewhat more transparent — with the “somewhat” part reliant on how much and precisely what gets declassified.

Speaking of which, CNN also notes that this reinforces Barr’s central role in dealing with intelligence operations related to Crossfire Hurricane:

According to a memo released by the White House, the “heads of each department or agency that includes an element of the intelligence community shall promptly provide such assistance and information as the Attorney General may request in connection with that review.”

As CNN has previously reported, Barr is working closely with the heads of the CIA, the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to review the origins of the Russia investigation — an effort the President had long demanded.

That central role in assessing and declassifying intel is a little unusual. Normally, one would expect the Director of National Intelligence to take charge of dealing with declassifying intel, even that developed by the FBI in a domestic counter-intel operation. That’s why the ODNI was created, after all — to centralize intelligence collection and analysis and have a direct path to the president. Trump’s executive order in this instance shifts the ODNI to essentially a direct report to the AG for the purposes of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #631

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Dutch Asylum Minister resigns after faked report on migrant crime

The Dutch immigration minister has been forced to step down following a scandal over a government migrant crime report which hid serious migrant crimes including rape and murder under the category of "other".

For the recorded crimes in which asylum seekers were the suspects, various misdemeanours, such as shoplifting and pickpocketing were listed however while failing to identify much more serious offences like murder, child abuse, and rape.

Dutch daily, De Telegraaf reported on Thursday that the category included 79 alleged sex crimes, including 47 cases of sexual assault, five allegations of child abuse and four alleged rapes plus a series of other violent offences.

Mark Harbers said: “I am not only responsible in terms of the law, but I feel responsible.” He maintains that no “deliberate concealment” of the figures had taken place, but said he took “full responsibility” for having “misinformed” the Dutch Parliament after resigning from his position on Tuesday.

The Asylum Minister resigned during a debate with MPs after being accused of attempting to hide the figures. Asked why the ministry again had failed to report the true extent of the potential involvement of asylum seekers in crime, Harbers said civil servants were worried that the figures would lead to “confusion”.

The figures, which were published last week, included at least 31 murders under and 51 serious assaults under the heading “other”. Police registered cases such as physical abuse as well as threatening behaviour and some 1 000 incidents in the same category.

Last week’s Ministry of Justice report also showed that “fake” asylum seekers who come from so-called safe countries, namely Morocco and Algeria, were responsible for almost half the 4 600 incidents requiring police intervention.

De Telegraaf revealed the glaring omissions of the report last week which Harbers had praise for its “full transparency”. According to Harbers at the time, “only by providing [such] insight can there be support for the reception of refugees”.

Dutch politicians hit out at the faulty report in the press. Freedom Party leader, Geert Wilders described the Justice Ministry as acting like “a mafia gang” to present misrepresent the real figures.

But Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte expressed great sadness over Harber’s resignation, tweeting: “Politics can be tough. Respect for State Secretary Harbers’ decision to resign… But it is incredibly unfortunate that the cabinet must say goodbye to such a talented and committed liberal.”

The resignation was described in local media as a second “heavy blow” to the ruling VVD party, which already this year faced a major setback with the anti-immigration Forum for Democracy party which went from zero seats to becoming the largest force in the Dutch senate at provincial elections in March.

Mark Rutte’s televised debate with Forum for Democracy leader Thierry Baudet drew a record number of Dutch viewers this week.

Rutte and Baudet went head to head on Wednesday night after the Prime Minister challenged Baudet to a live televised debate which lasted 65-minutes. Baudet has been described by Foreign Policy magazine last year as part of a....

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