This determination can be made based on reports from vengeful former spouses, ex-girlfriends and boyfriends, former coworkers, hostile neighbors, just about anybody with a grievance, even by government agencies pushing a gun-control agenda.
We are assured that the gun owner guilty of no crime can pursue what is laughingly called “due process” and petition the judge to have his legally purchased firearm returned to him by proving to a judge he is not crazy or dangerous. Just how do you do that, pray tell? And just how can a state have a “red flag” law anyway, infringing on a federal and national right established by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? Which part of “shall not be infringed” do red flag law advocates not understand?
As noted at NewsTarget:
That’s a process that could take weeks or even months, and in the meantime, you and your family are left defenseless to the world. Plus, there is no guarantee that a court will find that you’re not a threat and authorize police to give you back your guns; maybe the judge is a judicial activist who hates the Second Amendment on principle.As Philip Van Cleave writes at Ammoland:
Red Flag laws are unconstitutional “prior restraint” laws that violate our basic civil rights. What's particularly alarming is that to take away a person's Second Amendment rights, such laws violate the protections found in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution! And all of that based on an unnamed person's secret allegation that someone else “might” do something dangerous to themselves or others in the...