90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Some Kids Are Not Like Others....

As Parents, Our Number One Duty Is To Keep Our Children Safe.

FBI Given Evidence Of Clinton-Linked Libya Scheme; Instead Launched Trump-Russia Quagmire

Recently made public FBI records reveal that the agency virtually ignored evidence from private GOP-backed sources about a scheme in which Hillary Clinton associates tried to exploit her position as Secretary of State in order to profit from the 2011 turmoil in Libya she helped to create, according to RealClearInvestigations.

The documents, provided to the FBI in June 2016 as the agency was kicking its Trump-Russia investigation into high gear, allege that Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal sent her "a series of detailed memos and reports about Libya," which were intended as a "quid pro quo" which might help a post-Gaddafi Libya recover as much as $66 billion in offshore funds hidden by the slain strongman.

According to the private investigators funded by Judicial Watch: "Our evidence shows that Mr. Blumenthal was involved with a group of intelligence professionals seeking to repatriate asset[s] which were plundered and then exfiltrated by the [Gaddafi] family and hidden in various offshore localities."

If successful, Blumenthal and associates "stood to gain a brokers' cut of perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars."
The private Libya inquiry leaves important issues unsettled. The documents do not include emails or other original source material to support the allegations within. While claiming to possess evidence that Blumenthal and his associates had contracts and offshore accounts to repatriate the money, the documents say "no concrete evidence" was found suggesting Clinton acted to support the effort.
Yet if verified, the files might shed light on why Clinton kept her emails, tens of thousands of which have gone missing, out of normal government communication channels. -RealClearInvestigations
The documents, released as part of the FBI's case files for the Clinton email investigation, code-named "Midyear Exam," reveal that Blumenthal was deeply involved in the Libya affair with Clinton operative Cody Shearer. The two would later join forces to proffer anti-Trump talking points similar to...

Candace On The Bottomless Hypocrisy Of The Leftist Douchbags...

Exposing The Divisive Agenda Of The Left...


And the media refuses to cover it.

When ISNA, an Islamic group accused of supporting terrorists, announced a presidential forum for ISNACON 2019, the expectations were low. The Islamic Society of North America had been created by Muslim Brotherhood members and was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas Holy Land Foundation trial.

And even if the 2020 Democrats were willing to overlook the minor matter of murdering Jews, which they usually are, Muzammil Siddiqi, ISNA's former president who chairs its Fiqh Council, which dispenses Islamic sharia law, has assented to the death penalty for homosexuality.

At the 2019 ISNA convention, Siddiqi spoke on “Strengthening Our Connection with Allah.”

Imam Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing, was there at an Imam Round Table. Wahhaj has repeatedly endorsed violence against non-Muslims. That wouldn’t bother Democrats, but Wahhaj has also declared that “masculine women” are “cursed”, claimed that the “feminist movement” is headed by “lesbians” and then offered a reminder of Islam’s LGBT position.

“And you know, brothers and sisters, you know what the punishment is, if a man is found with another man? The Prophet Mohammad said the one who does it and the one to whom it is done to, kill them both,” Imam Wahhaj said.

(Meanwhile a social justice interfaith panel at the convention included ‘Rabbi’ Marissa Elana Singer, a lesbian anti-Israel activist with the T’ruah hate group, who works for Beit Simchat Torah, a gay temple.)

What kind of presidential candidate would attend a convention featuring support for killing gay people?

Either a very desperate candidate or an extremely radical...

If Portland Were A Person...

Pray For Left Coast Tsunami.

Protecting The Grotesque Swamp: Clapper intervened to lavish McCabe with praise in bid to save him at FBI

James Clapper, formerly the Director of National Intelligence, penned a glowing testimonial to FBI Director Christopher Wray in 2018 in an strenuous effort to save Andrew McCabe’s job, calling the fired FBI deputy director a man of "self-effacing humility" and “impeccable integrity.”

The lengthy and apparently heartfelt handwritten letter by Clapper appeared amid hundreds of pages of newly released FBI documents made public through Freedom of Information Act litigation carried out by the left-leaning watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

The note from Clapper to Wray, dated Feb. 25, 2018, came the same month that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz completed his investigation concluding that McCabe improperly disclosed investigative information on the Clinton Foundation to the media and misled investigators about it. Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe on March 16, 2018, just before his retirement was to begin, citing Horowitz’s conclusions.

Clapper, now a strident Trump critic and who served as DNI from 2010 through 2017, was effusive in its praise of McCabe, calling him “steady, straightforward, candid, forthright, and honest” and claiming that the “biased scrutiny” and the “firestorm of criticism” against the embattled bureau deputy “completely unjustified and profoundly unfair.”

“I would hope you will consider my observations, which I know are shared uniformly by virtually everyone who knows Andy, and will use your influential voice to ensure he is able to complete his career and retire after his 21 years of distinguished service to the bureau and this nation,” Clapper wrote to Wray.

After a lengthy investigation, Horowitz did not agree with Clapper’s assessment of McCabe. The DOJ watchdog’s report concluded that McCabe had improperly authorized his subordinates to confirm the existence of an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation to the...

Killing Us Softly With His Song...

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly
With his song

I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him and listen for a while
And there he was this young boy
A stranger to my eyes

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly
With his song

I felt all flushed with fever
Embarrassed by the crowd
I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud
I prayed that he would finish
But he just kept right on

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly
With his song ...

He sang as if he knew me
In all my dark despair
And then he looked right through me as if I wasn't there
And he just kept on singing
Singing clear and strong

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly
With his song

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me...

He was strumming my pain
Yeah he was singing my life
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

Poll: 28 Per Cent of Democrats Think it Should be Illegal to be an NRA Member

23 per cent of all voters think NRA should be declared a “terrorist organization.”

Leftists and their totalitarian proclivities. SMH.

A new Rasmussen poll has found that more than a quarter of Democrats think it should be illegal to be a member of the NRA.

Yes, really.

28 per cent of Dems say Americans should be prohibited by law from belonging to pro-gun rights organizations.

In addition, among all voters 23 per cent favor declaring the NRA a “terrorist organization,” while this view is held by 32 per cent of Democrats.

These views are held despite just 13 per cent of respondents believing NRA members are more likely to commit a crime with a gun.

Last week, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors voted to label the NRA a terrorist organization and now faces a lawsuit from...

OANN Files $10M Defamation Lawsuit Against Russian Conspiracist Rachel Maddow, MSNBC

The owner of right-leaning cable news channel One America News Network (OANN) has filed a defamation lawsuit against Rachel Maddow and others claiming that the 46-year-old liberal commentator “maliciously and recklessly” smeared the network as a Russian state propaganda outlet.

In a press release obtained by Law&Crime, attorneys for OANN’s owner Herrring Networks, Inc. said they filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit against Maddow, Comcast Corporation, NBC Universal and MSNBC in a California federal court.

The lawsuit tracks a series of longstanding grievances between OANN and Comcast.

According to the press release, the complaint alleges that Comcast refused to carry the right-wing network because OANN “counters the liberal politics of its own channel, MSNBC.” One week after that, OANN’s founder Charles Herring sent an open email to Comcast deriding their alleged “anti-competitive censorship.”

Maddow apparently responded in turn, defending her own network’s owners by blasting OANN and telling her own audience the right-wing network “really literally is paid Russian propaganda.” As you can see, the plaintiff claimed that counsel for NBC Universal said in a letter that by “literally” Maddow meant...

You Live In North Carolina? VOTE TODAY!!

Vote Republican Straight Down The Line.
Democrats Will Usher In A Communist Nightmare.

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #43

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