90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Grief-Stricken Father Jailed for Social Media Posts Criticizing Court System After Son Dies in Mother’s Care

The cruelty of the family court system and Big Brother are colliding in this disgusting case.

A grieving father, robbed of his now deceased son by the notoriously unjust family court system, is being held in a Michigan jail for making social media posts about a judge he believes put his baby boy in harm’s way.

Jonathan Vanderhagen lost a custody battle for his son over two years ago, and his son died shortly after while in his mother’s custody. He had warned the court about the mother’s history of unstable behavior, but his pleas were ultimately ignored by the female judge and court referee.

Deborah Vanderhagen, Jonathan’s mother, is raising awareness about what she feels is a grave injustice that is being committed against her son.

“His lawyer said something is going to happen to this child. You need to get him away from the mother. There are too many red flags. And the judge said, oh that is in the past,” said Deborah Vanderhagen.

A police report filed following the untimely death of two-year-old Killian cleared his mother from liability in his death, but the Vanderhagen family disagrees strongly with that assessment. They feel that if Killian was taken care of properly, he may be alive today.

“He was so full of life,” Deborah Vanderhagen said while recalling memories of her beloved grandson. “I am trying not to cry.”

Jonathan Vanderhagen was vocal about his anguish on social media, assigning blame toward Judge Rachel Rancilio for granting sole custody of Killian to his mother. As a result, Rancilio complained about her safety, and the Macomb County Sheriff’s office charged Jonathan with malicious use of telecommunications services as a result.

He refused to be muzzled despite the court infringing upon his 1st Amendment rights. He went back on social media and continued to raise public awareness about corruption the court following his arrest.

“Dada back to digging and you best believe I’m gonna dig up all the skeletons in this court’s closet,” Jonathan wrote in a social media post after he posted bond.

As a result, a judge determined that Jonathan Vanderhagen violated his bond conditions. He was placed in jail on an astronomical half a million dollars bond, more than what is recommended in for rapists and murderers in many cases.

“He just wants justice. He don’t want to kill anybody. He don’t want anybody physically hurt. He wants them to acknowledge what they’ve done and get justice,” said Deborah Vanderhagen.

Jonathan’s attorney, Nicholas Somberg, believes that this is an egregious case of government overreach meant to silence a public opponent of judicial tyranny and scare away...

Break Free!

Black Americans Are Doing Great Under Trump

The August jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed more great news for all Americans. And particularly for black Americans.

The nation’s unemployment rate of 3.7% puts it near the lowest ever in the last half-century.

Black unemployment is at an all-time low at 5.5%.

Also at an all-time low is the gap between black and white unemployment. With white unemployment at 3.4%, the gap is 2.1 percentage points. Put in other terms, black unemployment stood 62% higher than white unemployment.

A few years ago, the Pew Research Center looked at BLS unemployment data back to 1954, the first year the data was broken down by race. From 1954 to 2013, white unemployment averaged 5%, and black unemployment averaged 9.9%.

So going back as far as we have data, the black-white unemployment gap averaged a difference of 4.9 percentage points, compared with 2.1 points now. The black rate averaged 100% higher than the white rate compared with 62% now.

This is good news for everyone except those who are more unhappy that Donald Trump is president than they are happy that blacks are working.

CNN’s Don Lemon told blacks that their vote should be influenced more by what is, according to him, Trump’s “racist behavior” than by the strong economy.

According to the BLS report, there were 349,000 more blacks employed in August 2019 compared with August 2018.

So these 349,000 black Americans now working, who weren’t working a year ago, should be thinking when they go to the voting booth that Don Lemon, whose net worth, according to various online sources, is somewhere between...

Breaking The Law....

Seven of nine Supreme Court justices greenlight Trump policy limiting asylum seekers

Two liberal-appointed justices sided with five conservative-appointed justices tonight in allowing a Trump administration asylum policy to be implemented while challenges work through the court system.

The White House win means that for now, people seeking asylum in the U.S. must seek safe haven in the first “safe” country they arrive in.

That effectively means that immigrants traveling from Central America who pass through Mexico will have to seek asylum in Mexico rather than farther north in the United States.

The decision rolls back a lower-court ruling intended to block the policy in some southern border states.

The liberal-leaning judges who went along with the conservative-leaning majority are Elana Kagan and Stephen Breyer.

The two dissenting justices who disagreed with the court’s decision are liberal-leaning...

Swedish Rapper Calls For White People to be Shot

This is what you get when you bring them to a western country and teach them the toxic culture of the left.

“We should take them as slaves and treat them even worse.”

Nigerian-born rap artist Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable called for his fans to “shoot” white people while urging, “Take them as slaves and treat them even worse.”

What a fantastic role model for the kids.

The comments were made in a rant posted on a closed Instagram group called Barasvarta (“Blacks only”), according to news outlet Samhällsnytt.

“We, blacks” will “become number one and take over these whites,” said Conable, adding, “Like these whites took us as slaves we should take them as slaves and treat them even worse.”

“We’ll take their bitches and we’ll take their money,” he continued. “To be perfectly honest, we will be the best race ever. We are African warriors, they are not on our level. This is just the beginning, black power.”

Making the shape of a gun with his hand, Conable asserted, “If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk shit about you, shoot them! If they talk shit about your family, shoot them!”

The rapper appears to think he has carte blanche to make violent racist threats against white people, posting a meme that says, “You cannot be racist if you are not white.”

After Conable’s comments were reported on by the media, he announced that he would ‘delete’ the “snitch” who...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #45

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #742

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Always Remember....

Girls With Guns