90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Masked Antifa Radical Who Harassed Elderly Lady is a Syrian Migrant

Man identified as Alaa Soufi DaLua.

One of the masked Antifa radicals who harassed an elderly lady with a rolling walker during a protest in Hamilton, Ontario is Syrian migrant Alaa Soufi DaLua.

As we previously highlighted, the old woman was confronted as she tried to cross the road by a group of Antifa members who proceeded to yell “Nazi scum!” in her face.

The incident occurred during a demonstration outside Mohawk College against right-wing politician Maxime Bernier.

One of the culprits has now been identified.

“Intelligence group @EXEINTEL reports that one of the masked antifa militants who harassed the elderly woman with the walker is Alaa Soufi DaLua. I can confirm that I independently verified this as well. DeLua is a Syrian man who settled in Canada,” tweeted journalist Andy Ngo.

Intelligence group @EXEINTEL reports that one of the masked antifa militants who harassed the elderly woman with the walker is Alaa Soufi DaLua. I can confirm that I independently verified this as well. DeLua is a Syrian man who settled in Canada.

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DaLua was able to be identified because he was pictured in a separate photo wearing the same distinctive orange t-shirt.

The idiot should have kept his mask on.

Meanwhile, the elderly lady he harassed has appeared in a video in which she asserts, “free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy and it can never...

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Border Patrol Agents Rescue Trafficked Child From Human Smugglers

The human smugglers used the child as a prop, claiming to be a family unit in order to receive asylum.

Texas Customs and Border Patrol Agents rescued a minor being exploited by human smugglers last week, according to a press release from the federal agency.

Agents assigned to the Uvalde CBP station assisted Department of Homeland Security in investigating the smuggling activity. Two individuals were arrested for using the minor with hopes of utilizing an infamous illegal immigration loophole, falsely claiming to be a family unit in order to receive preferential treatment from immigration courts.

The individuals were later determined to be smugglers connected to criminal activity. CBP agents took custody of the child and properly cared for he or she after they were emancipated from the illegal migrants, who had no family connection to the child to speak of.

The infamous ‘family unit’ loophole continues to serve as an exploit for illegal immigrants, drug traffickers, and human smugglers to exploit America’s lawful immigration system. The Trump administration has committed to ending the rules that enable hundreds of thousands of illegals to cheat the system by treating supposed ‘family units’ the same as other illegals, but a fix to the problem has been delayed in...

Trolling Commies 101

They Are All Commies Now...

Michelle Malkin: Anti-Defamation League, Antifa and Koch – Toxic anti-Trump trio

The Anti-Defamation League is a joke.

Once a respected civil rights organization dedicated to fighting extremism and hate against Jews, the ADL lies in bed with violent antifa extremists and perpetuates hate against political opponents. The “progressive” group is now a brazenly partisan character assassination outfit headed by Jonathan Greenblatt, a Clinton/Obama operative and former George Soros-funded operative, whose contempt for President Donald Trump trumps all.

The ADL also partners with the corporate cheap labor lobby funded by Trump-hating billionaire Republican Charles Koch to stifle patriotic critics of open borders. In June, the Charles Koch Institute joined left-wing Silicon Valley companies and ADL’s speech police to exploit the riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, as a means of demonizing all Trump supporters and nationalist activists while giving cover to antifa online.

In 2017, left-wing antifa protesters had provoked and engaged in violent encounters at the Unite the Right rally. A man drove his car into a crowd there, killing one woman. New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg tweeted on-scene that she “saw club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park” (a candid observation that she later deleted after blowback from her narrative-enforcing colleagues). Live video footage showed left-wing protesters hurling objects at the white nationalists.

An independent review of the clashes by Timothy J. Heaphy of the Virginia law firm Hunton & Williams, commissioned by the Charlottesville city government, found that the Charlottesville police and Virginia State Patrol “failed to intervene,” “did not respond to requests for assistance,” were “insufficiently equipped to respond to mass unrest,” “failed to protect the points of egress, instead pushing the conflicting groups directly into each other,” and “failed to ‘stand up’ to protect human life.” Police supervisors told Heaphy they were ordered out of their protection zones,” one CPD lieutenant reported. “We were sitting there with our thumbs up our asses.” Another described how “we were prevented from doing police work” and a third officer stated plainly that “we failed this community.”

No matter. Charlottesville fueled efforts by the ADL, the Charles Koch Institute, the Center for American Progress, National Immigration Forum and Hope Not Hate (all Soros-funded satellites, as I report in my new book, “Open Borders, Inc.”) to conduct an internet witch hunt against conservatives and Trump supporters under the guise of...

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Evidence Piling Up That Prosecutors Blackmailed Gen. Michael Flynn with Threat of Prosecuting Son

Evidence is piling up that federal prosecutors committed serious misconduct in their attempt to put Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in jail.

Evidence is piling up that federal prosecutors committed serious prosecutorial misconduct in their attempt to put Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in jail. And a new filing by Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, highlights some very troubling actions by the federal government in both his and his former business partner’s cases.

On September 30, Powell filed her latest supplemental status report summarizing the acquittal of Flynn’s former business partner, Bijan Rafiekian.

Last week, the federal judge in Rafiekian’s case acquitted the man on all counts and said that the government utterly failed to prove its case.

Judge Anthony Trenga, of the Eastern District of Virginia, threw out Rafiekian’s convictions on violating the Foreign Agent Registration Act for work reportedly done on behalf of Turkey. Trenga said that there was insufficient evidence to sustain the convictions.

“The evidence was insufficient as a matter of law for the jury to convict Rafiekian on either count,” Judge Trenga wrote in his opinion. The judge added that a new trial may be warranted “in the interest of justice should the Court’s judgment of acquittal be later vacated or reversed.”

Rafiekian and Flynn worked together in Flynn’s now dissolved Flynn Intel Group before Flynn joined President Donald Trump’s administration.

Judge Trenga ruled that there was no evidence whatever that Rafiekian knowingly broke the law by filing false papers to register as a lobbyist for a foreign government. This finding has direct bearing on Flynn’s own case as one of the chief accusations against him is that he knowingly lied about working for a foreign government.

Powell’s Sept. 30 filing points out all the misconduct engaged in by the prosecutors in the Flynn case, especially in light of the Rafiekian ruling.

Powell notes that Flynn had lived up to his agreement with the government to offer full cooperation in the Rafiekian case, and that prosecutors wanted him to testify that he and Rafiekian knowingly signed a false FARA registration. But Flynn had already told the government that he did not file false FARA paperwork and that he could not lie in court that he and Rafiekian did such a thing.

That is when the government broke the agreement and barred Flynn from testifying in the Rafiekian case. This is an admission that their whole point (the false FARA issue) was the crux of their case and now that Judge Trenga has found that Rafiekian did not file a false FARA, the charges against Flynn is also untenable.

In her filing, Powell notes that they have the paper tail to prove this: “In our endless document review, we now have a draft of the statement of offense that proves the contrary, showing similar language deleted,” Powell says.

In that statement, Flynn said directly that he does not agree that he filed a false FARA, yet the government’s main case went forward as if he DID agree to this claim.

Worse, Powell shows that the government then used threats of prosecuting Flynn’s son as a weapon of intimidation to force the general’s acquiescence to the government’s desires. Powell notes that Flynn steadfastly refused to agree that he filed a false FARA, and in response the prosecutors turned on his agreement and charged him as a...

Inspector General’s Ties Suggest Ukraine ‘Scandal’ is Just More Collusion Hoax

Democrats are poised to begin the impeachment process based on this latest controversy. It’s time for Republicans to uncover as much information as possible, including whether this scandal is an extension of the collusion hoax and whether it involves some of the very same players.

Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community’s inspector general at the center of the so-called “whistleblower” report, is earning Robert Mueller-level adoration by the press.

Atkinson, we are told, is a truth-seeker with no partisan agenda or political grudge. “The intelligence community’s chief watchdog, Michael Atkinson, is known to his peers and colleagues as a highly cautious ‘straight shooter’ who tends to keep his head down,” cooed Politico reporter Natasha Bertrand on September 23.

The former prosecutor’s resume is touted as proof that the long-time public servant only is acting in the best interest of the country; his motives are not to be questioned, we are chastised. (This description follows a pattern similar to the way the media portrayed dossier author Christopher Steele and Special Counsel Robert Mueller.)

Atkinson is “a no-nonsense, serious and nonpartisan career prosecutor who showed a strong commitment to the law throughout his nearly two-decade career at the Department of Justice,” insisted a puff piece in The Hill on September 26.

One critical period in Atkinson’s resume, however, has been overlooked—probably intentionally—by his boosters in the media: His work as a top deputy in the Justice Department in 2016 and 2017 during the very same time that the DOJ was investigating Trump campaign aides and, after the election, incoming administration officials. Atkinson worked directly for two figures involved in both the counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign and the set-up of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

In July 2016, the exact month that former FBI Director James Comey officially opened a case against the Trump campaign, Atkinson was named senior counsel to John Carlin, the head of the National Security Division. Carlin was Robert Mueller’s chief of staff when he ran the FBI and was appointed NSD chief by President Obama in 2013.

Carlin’s name has surfaced numerous times in the congressional inquiry into the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. According to closed-door testimony by former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Carlin regularly was briefed by former deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe on the Trump-Russia collusion probe.

Under questioning by Rep. James Jordan (R-Ohio) last year, one of Carlin’s top aides confirmed that Carlin notified him in August 2016 that the FBI had opened an investigation into the Trump campaign and that a team of NSD officials worked with the FBI on...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #65

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #762

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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