90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Commie Pope displeased about Italian soccer coach’s religious signs

Pope Francis accused the coach of the Italian football team ... of making the sign of the cross.

Roberto Mancini no longer allows himself to make the sign of the cross on a football field, so that the pope does not “get angry”.

Shouldn’t a pope be the first promoter of the Catholic religion? It is no longer the case, it seems. In an interview with Italian TV TG5, the coach of the Italian football team reported a statement by Pope Francis which is – to say the least – a bit disturbing, reported the site Breizh info.

Therefore, according to the former international footballer, the sovereign pontiff had encouraged him to no longer show his Christian faith on a football field. “I was doing this hoping that nothing would happen during the match, then we went to see the pope. He said, ‘Why are you doing the sign of the cross, don’t you have any other thoughts at that time?’. So since that day, I don’t do it anymore. I would not want the pope to get angry,” he said.

Roberto Mancini has been Catholic since his childhood, and has never hidden it. As a youngster, his life “was divided between school, home and parish,” he told Italian television. But since this Pope’s intervention, he will no longer allow himself to publicly express his faith.

However, as Breizh info pointed out, the bishop of Rome seems to be attached to identity.

Thus, in April 2019, he declared: “We are not mushrooms, born alone: ​​we are people born in a family, in a people and often this liquid culture makes us forget belonging to a people. One criticism I would make is the lack of...

Fight Against Government Tyranny...

We Stand With The Virginia Constitution Lovers!

‘They’ve Awoken a Giant’: 20+ Virginia Counties Become 2A Sanctuaries Overnight

Six-Time Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Colorado Grandmother

A six-time deported illegal alien has been arrested for allegedly killing a 51-year-old Colorado grandmother after being released from local law enforcement custody.

Juan Sanchez, a Mexican illegal alien who has already been deported from the United States six times over the last decade, was arrested last week and charged with vehicular homicide and fleeing the scene of an accident after he allegedly hit and killed Annette Conquering Bear, a grandmother, while she was walking home from Walgreens, 9 News reported.

Sanchez, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials revealed, was deported from the U.S. twice in 2002, three times in 2008, and in 2012. Sometime after his last deportation, he illegally re-entered the...

The Largest Army In The World....

Let's Keep It That Way!

Southern Poverty Law Center Silent on Domestic Terror Attack Against Jews

Doesn’t fit the narrative.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has remained completely silent about the domestic terror attack against Hasidic Jews, presumably because it was carried out by a non-white person.

Grafton E. Thomas entered a a rabbi’s home and stabbed five people as they celebrated Hanukkah in an Orthodox Jewish community in New York City on Saturday night.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo quickly announced that the stabbings were an act of domestic terrorism “spurred by hate.”

Another attack earlier this month on a kosher grocery store in New Jersey was carried out by assailants motivated by black supremacist ideology.

Despite the SPLC constantly fanning the flames of hysteria over domestic extremism, the organization has not commented on Saturday’s attack.

“Nothing from the SPLC about last night’s domestic terrorist attack against Hasidic Jews,” remarked Mike Cernovich.

Indeed, a brief perusal of the SPLC’s Twitter account contains no mention whatsoever of the attack two days after...

The Fixer...

The Invention of Hispanics

America’s surging politics of victimhood and identitarian division did not emerge organically or inevitably, as many believe. Nor are these practices the result of irrepressible demands by minorities for recognition, or for redress of past wrongs, as we are constantly told.

Those explanations are myths, spread by the activists, intellectuals, and philanthropists who set out deliberately, beginning at midcentury, to redefine our country. Their goal was mass mobilization for political ends, and one of their earliest targets was the Mexican American community.

These activists strived purposefully to turn Americans of this community (who mostly resided in the Southwestern states) against their countrymen, teaching them first to see themselves as a racial minority and then to think of themselves as the core of a panethnic victim group of “Hispanics”—a fabricated term with no basis in ethnicity, culture, or race.

This transformation took effort—because many Mexican Americans had traditionally seen themselves as white. When the 1930 census classified “Mexican American” as a race, leaders of the community protested vehemently and had the classification changed back to “white” in the very next census.

The most prominent Mexican American organization at the time—the patriotic, pro-assimilationist League of United Latin American Citizens, or LULAC—complained that declassifying Mexicans as white had been an attempt to “discriminate between the Mexicans themselves and other members of the white race, when in truth and fact we are not only a part and parcel but as well the sum and substance of the white race.” Tracing their ancestry in part to the Spanish who conquered South and Central America, they regarded themselves as offshoots of white Europeans.

Such views may surprise readers today, but this was the way many Mexican Americans saw their race until midcentury.

They had the law on their side: A federal district court ruled in In Re Ricardo Rodríguez (1896) that Mexican Americans were to be considered white for the purposes of citizenship concerns.

And so as late as 1947, the judge in another federal case (Mendez v. Westminster) ruled that segregating Mexican American students in remedial schools in Orange County was unconstitutional because it represented social disadvantage, not racial discrimination. At that time, Mexican Americans were as white before the law as they were in their own estimation.

Half a century later, many Mexican Americans had been persuaded of a very different origin story. Among the persuaders-in-chief was Paul Ylvisaker, head of the Public Affairs Program at New York’s wealthy Ford Foundation during the 1950s and ’60s.

Though little known today, Ylvisaker wielded great power and influence to advance a particular vision of social justice inspired partly by socialism and its politics of resentment. Ylvisaker hoped, as he later put it in a 1991 essay, “The Future of Hispanic Nonprofits,” that Mexican Americans could be organized into a...

Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019, Melania Trump Places Second As Most Admired Woman..

  • Trump's percentage improves, ties Barack Obama's
  • Barack Obama has record-tying 12th first-place finish
  • Michelle Obama most admired woman for second year in a row

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Barack Obama and Donald Trump are tied this year as the most admired man. It is Obama's 12th time in the top spot versus the first for Trump. Michelle Obama is the most admired woman for the second year in a row.

Each year since 1948, Gallup has asked Americans to name, in an open-ended fashion, which man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most. This year's results are based on a Dec. 2-15 poll.

Americans' choice for most admired man this year is sharply divided along party lines: 41% of Democrats name Obama, while 45% of Republicans choose Trump. Relatively few Democrats choose Trump and relatively few Republicans pick Obama, while independents' choices are divided about equally between the two men.

After Obama and Trump, no other man was mentioned by more than 2% of respondents. The remainder of the top 10 for men this year includes former President Jimmy Carter, businessman Elon Musk, philanthropist and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Pope Francis, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, California Rep. Adam Schiff, the Dalai Lama, and investor Warren Buffett.

Eleven percent of Americans named a relative or friend as the man they admire most; 18% named some other living man; and 25% did not name anyone.

The incumbent president has typically been Americans' choice as the most admired man, having earned the distinction in 58 of the 72 prior Gallup polls. When the incumbent president is not the choice, it is usually because he is unpopular politically, which was the case for Trump in 2017 (36% approval rating) and 2018 (40%).

Trump is more popular now than he was in the past two years, with a 45% job approval rating, among his best as president. Coincident with the rise in his job approval rating, the 18% of Americans currently naming Trump as the most admired man is also up, from 13% in 2018 and 14% in 2017. Increased mentions of Trump as the most admired man have come almost exclusively among his fellow Republicans -- 32% of Republicans named Trump in 2018 and 35% did so in 2017.

Obama's 18% mentions among U.S. adults as the most admired man are in line with his 2018 (19%) and 2017 (17%) figures, all of which are high for a former president. Dwight Eisenhower is the only other former president who received double-digit mentions at any point after leaving office.

The post-presidency popularity for Obama and Eisenhower allowed each to finish first a record 12 times. Each man was named most admired man in the year he was elected president and all eight years he was in office, plus three additional years. Obama has finished first during the first three years after he left office, while Eisenhower won once before he ran for president (1950) and twice after leaving office (1967 and 1968).
Michelle Obama Only Woman in Double Digits

Historically, it has been more common for a former first lady to be named the most admired woman than for a former president to be named most admired man. Michelle Obama is the sixth former first lady to win, along with Eleanor Roosevelt (1948-1950 and 1952-1961), Jacqueline Kennedy (1963-1966), Mamie Eisenhower (1969-1970), Betty Ford (1978) and Hillary Clinton (2002-2017).

The 10% naming Obama this year is down from 15% last year. The 2018 poll was conducted shortly after she released her bestselling autobiography.

Current first lady Melania Trump finished second this year, mentioned by 5%, with former...

Morning Mistress - Happy New Year!

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #154

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #852 - Happy New Years!

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night - Happy New Year!