90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, January 6, 2020

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
What is Rule 5?

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
EBL has: Rule 5 And FMJRA
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Keep Calm And MAGA On!

The Real Climate Agenda Is Not What They Tell You It Is...

PIERS MORGAN: Ricky Gervais delivered a glorious kick in the globes to Hollywood's woke virtue-signalling hypocrites - and exposed them as a bunch of shameless two-faced charlatans

They'd come to slap each other's backs and feel virtuous about themselves.

Very, very virtuous.

The world's biggest stars - not least in their own mirrors - flocked to Sunday night's Golden Globes to show us all how woke, worthy and wonderful they are. And, of course, to attack their go-to punchbag President Trump.

Meat was even banned from their dinner tables to illustrate just how much these kind-hearted celebrities care about the environment.

'See, we're saving the planet!' was the proud collective message, spoken by multi-millionaire actors and actresses who'd flown to Los Angeles in their private jets and been driven to the Beverly Hilton Hotel in stretch limousines.

Who cares about such massive gas-guzzling carbon footprints when they're making the ultimate sacrifice of swapping their steaks for 'vibrant chilled golden beet soup', 'King Oyster mushroom scallops risotto' and a vegan opera dome dessert'?

But these selfless do-gooders left three hours later feeling abused, insulted, broken and shell-shocked thanks to a host who couldn't give a damn about their hurt feelings.

They can't say they weren't warned.

'It's a room full of the biggest virtue-signalers and hypocrites in the world,' Ricky Gervais had said in a pre-Globes interview with the Spectator magazine, 'so I've got to go after that'.

And go after that he most definitely did, like a ravenous jackal gorging on the tortured entrails of freshly-slain rabbits stuck in headlights.

Gervais's opening monologue at last night's Globes in Los Angeles only lasted seven minutes and 42 seconds.

But that was more than long enough for him to punch a gigantic crater in the absurdly two-faced PC-crazed balloon that infests modern...

Hoping For A Miracle In Iran...

Police in Australia Begin Massive Criminal Investigation into Bushfire Arson

Police in five Australian states have begun investigations into alleged arsonists responsible for helping fuel the deadly bushfires that have wracked the country this summer.

On Monday, police in NSW reported they had already caught 24 alleged firebugs accused of deliberately lighting bushfires in a catastrophic season that has so far killed 18 people in the country’s most populous state.

Almost five million hectares have burned in NSW since September, destroying 1482 homes and killing hundreds of millions of animals and livestock.

Two dozen people have allegedly risked prison sentences of up to 25 years by choosing to light bushfires, despite the potential to kill and cause millions of dollars of damage, Channel Nine News reports.

Last month police in the state of Queensland began their own criminal investigations into almost 100 firebugs believed to have deliberately started blazes that destroyed homes and consumed thousands of hectares of bushland.

Police revealed 103 of the destructive fires that tore through parts of Queensland since September were deliberately lit.

Figures obtained by news agency AAP and reported by the Brisbane Times reveal police had dealt with 98 people – 31 adults and 67 juveniles – for deliberately setting fires.

A 16-year-old boy found to have started a fire that razed 14 homes in central Queensland and dealt with under the...

Most Things Progress As Time Moves On...

Except Bernie Sanders. Bernie Honeymooned in Communist Russia In 1988 And He Remains A Communist Today.

Qatar Uses Its New Media Network, AJ+ To Meddle In Our Culture War.

The emirate punishes homosexuality with death while funding “woke” outrage bait in America.
Saudi Arabia’s neighbor Qatar is engaged in psychological warfare against America. Its tool? The media network “AJ+”—a digital offshoot of Qatari-owned Al Jazeera Television. Al Jazeera describes AJ+ as its online channel which produces “short and bite-size information on the world’s big stories.”

Qatar has realized something both profound and sinister; they don’t need to wait for terrorists to attack Americans when they can use the power of the internet to make Americans fear one another.

This Qatari-funded “short, bite-size” content promotes a radical left-wing agenda and divides Americans. Qatar has realized something both profound and sinister; they don’t need to wait for terrorists to attack Americans when they can use the power of the internet to make Americans fear one another.

AJ+ specializes in racially divisive videos intended to foster outrage among liberal Blacks, with titles like “How Trump Plans To Keep America White,” and “Trump’s Racism,” which gets points for brevity, if not accuracy. A video titled “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” appeared on the Instagram account of an extremely popular Black celebrity with over 3 million followers. That video argues that American Blacks still have visceral physical and mental reactions to slavery on account of our ancestors who lived through it centuries ago. This is utter nonsense; but nonsense is useful to Qatar so long as it divides Americans.

This race-baiting content—deliberately and continuously injected into Black Americans’ social media feeds—is a serious threat to the unity of our country. Evidently, Qatar believes that fear keeps Black Americans tethered to the Democratic Party, and AJ+ provides plenty to its massive online audience, every single day.


This is all the more insidious because AJ+ is EVERYWHERE. Launched in 2014, AJ+ has over 11 million likes on Facebook, one Million followers on Twitter, and 365,000 followers on Instagram. As of 2017, AJ+ videos had been viewed over 9 billion times, and AJ+ content had received over 487 million engagements.

American foreign policy is regularly demonized in videos like Is The U.S. Military Prepping For War With North Korea? (I’ll save you a click: the answer is no)

AJ+ doesn’t limit itself to race-baiting; there isn’t a far-left talking point that AJ+ hasn’t created videos to promote. Climate Change? They’ve got you covered! Radical transgender ideology? Check. Abortion? They’ve got a trans man’s take on it! The so-called “epidemic” of police violence against unarmed African-Americans? No problem! Reparations for slavery? Sure!

And, because this left-wing media group funded by a foreign government to divide America never met a victim group it didn’t want to manipulate, there is plenty of content targeting American...

Keep Poking Shiite Head...

Contrary To Iran Deal Talking Points, There’s Something Between Appeasement and War

Just as we have other options aside from war, it’s worth considering how limited Iran’s appetite for war with the United States actually is.

Erupting first with concerns over an imminent “World War III” and a fast-impending military draft, social media reactions to the killing of Quds Force Commander Qassam Soleimani last Friday have looked like a funhouse of hysteria. The media appears to be leading the charge, frantically egging the Iranian regime to retaliate through utterly fantastical predictions of what comes next. Much of this hyperbolic reporting stems from the fact that the very thesis of the Iran Deal — and years of Ben Rhodes-generated talking points — are being thoroughly tested.

As journalist Seth Frantzman noted, much of the Iran Deal was sold on the premise that, if we did not strike a deal with the mullahs, we were risking all-out war with the Iranian regime. Trump’s partial withdrawal from the deal, combined with the recent killing of Soleimani, reveals that in order for the logic of the Iran Deal to still hold water, war must now be all but inevitable.

The Obama administration frequently parroted this false binary, purporting that appeasement and war were the only two options for dealing with the hegemonic aims of the Iranian regime. The talking point was repeated with stunning frequency until it became the unimpeachable consensus of the national security talking heads and Democratic politicians alike.

Those who suggested otherwise — like Sen. Tom Cotton, in a particularly hysterical and ugly episode — were routinely mocked or belittled by those within the Iran Deal’s heavily propagandized echo chamber. This consensus also helped shield the administration from criticism, even as $150 billion in Iranian assets were unfrozen and nearly $1.4 billion in U.S. dollars were sent to the regime.

After years of peddling this binary, our media shows scant interest in the massive area that lies between all-out-war and appeasement and surrender. Indeed, as we’re learning under the Trump administration, there are a multitude of options available at the disposal of the United States, including...

Democrats Are Defined By Whom They Defend...


OMG - Ricky Gervais Eviscerates Hollywood AGAIN!

He Did It Here Too A Few Years Ago:

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #7