90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #162

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #860

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Indian Ocean Naval Base Diego Garcia: The Launchpad To Attack Iran

The Indian Ocean island Naval Base of Diego Garcia is the key launchpad for United States in case of an attack on Iran in the wake of the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike. The Pentagon has send six B-52 strategic bombers to military base on Diego Garcia that is beyond the range of Iran’s ballistic missiles to prepare to hit Tehran if given the order.

B-52 Bombers deployed at Diego Garcia

The US Defense Department is sending six B-52 bombers to the Diego Garcia military base in the northern Indian Ocean as preparations for possible military action against Iran move forward.

The Pentagon is deploying six B-52 Stratofortress bombers (like the ones seen in the above stock image) to a military base in the northern Indian Ocean, according to a CNN report from Monday

Pentagon officials told CNN on Monday that the B-52 will be available for operations against the Islamic Republic if ordered into action, though the deployment does not signal a decision has been made about any attack plans, as reported by Dailymail.

The United States maintains several military bases in a number of Middle Eastern countries in close proximity to Iran, but it chose to deploy its bombers to Diego Garcia because it is out of reach of Iran’s longest range missiles, according to the Pentagon.

JAN 06: USAF B-52Hs MYTEE51 & 52 departed Barksdale AFB for Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean due to tensions.
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This is the second time in the last year that the American military has deployed B-52 bomber aircraft to the region due to rising tensions with Iran.

In May, the White House ordered six B-52s to deploy to an American military base in Qatar as well as other bases in ‘southwest Asia’ after it received reports of alleged threats from Iran.

Diego Garcia – British occupied American Naval Base in Indian Ocean

The Chagos Islands were colonized by France in the 18th century and...

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Here’s Why Authors, Theologians Think Pope Francis Cooperates With the Chinese Government Despite Persecution of Religious Groups

Pope Francis caused widespread confusion among Catholics when he agreed to recognize bishops appointed by the authoritarian Chinese government in 2018. Over a year later, the pope keeps silent as China continues religious persecution, imprisons priests, and destroys Muslim graveyards.

Catholic authors and theologians provided the Daily Caller News Foundation with a variety of reasons on why Pope Francis keeps silent on Chinese persecution, and why the pope aligned the Catholic Church with the Chinese government in the first place.

“Francis continually denounces Western countries for any efforts at border control, but stays silent on China’s genocide against the Uighur Muslims; on its persecution of Christians; on its escalating crackdown on Hong Kong,” author John Zmirak, who writes about Catholic-related topics, told the DCNF. “Is this a replay of the Hollywood studios that vetoed anti-Hitler movies, for fear of losing business in Germany? Or is it darker? Is what we’re seeing more like the Soviet Union’s stifling of anti-fascist rhetoric after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939?”

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin pushed Francis’s September 2018 deal with the Chinese government, an agreement ending a decade-long power struggle between the Chinese government and the Catholic Church on whether the Chinese government has the power to appoint Catholic bishops. Under the conditions of the deal, Pope Francis recognized the legitimacy of seven bishops selected and appointed by the authoritarian Chinese government.

But this same Chinese government appointing bishops also persecuted Christians for decades, particularly after Communists took control of China in 1949. Led by Catholic bishops appointed by past popes, Chinese Catholics have practiced their faith through underground churches to avoid arrest.

The Chinese government continues to harass, detain, and arrest Chinese Catholics. As recently as Dec. 30, 2019, a Chinese court sentenced a priest to nine years in prison after the priest called the Chinese Communist Party...

On Chuck The Cuck Todd.....

Appeasement or war? Trump proves the Iran ‘experts’ wrong again

In 2015, as the debate over President Barack Obama’s proposed ­nuclear accord with the Iranian regime roiled the nation, mainstream reporters insisted there were only two choices: the deal or war.

It was understandable. Left-of-center media (that is, most outlets) so adored Obama that one of his aides called them his “echo chamber.” Following the White House line was the dutiful, echo-chamber thing to do — even if it meant ignoring rational alternatives to Obama’s appeasement of Tehran that didn’t entail waging war.

Today, liberals are regurgitating the same claims about the consequences of President Trump’s decision to take out Iranian arch-terrorist Qassem Soleimani. Iran’s threats of retaliation and the statement that it is abandoning restrictions on its nuclear program are evidence, they say, that Team Trump is sleepwalking to war. The only option, in this line of thinking, is returning to the deal.

According to Obama administration alumni and other voices on the left, the deal was keeping Iran’s nuclear ambitions in check, and it was only Trump’s decision to pull out and reimpose economic sanctions that caused the current trouble.

But these are barefaced lies. Obama’s deal didn’t solve the nuclear problem. And Soleimani and his Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps began to make trouble for America long before Trump’s pullout from the deal.

Obama’s deal, for starters, made it certain that Iran would eventually gain a weapon. It included generous sunset clauses, permitted the regime to inspect its own military facilities and never ­required Tehran to come clean on its past weaponization activities. As bad, the deal ignored Iran’s use of state-sponsored terrorism, run by Soleimani’s outfit, even as it enriched the...

Our Enemies Will Reveal Themselves....