90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Pedophile Muslim Leader Charged With Multiple Child Sex Crimes in Texas

A Muslim leader has been arrested and charged with child sex crimes for abusing multiple children in Texas, according to reports.

Prominent Islamic leader Mohamed Omar Ali, a Somali national living illegally in the US, is currently in jail on a $125,000 bond after being arrested Friday.

Ali is being charged with the sexual assault of a child and sexual indecency of another, Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls told reporters as a press conference.

Police warned, however, that there may be many more child victims who have yet to come forward.

Nypost.com reports: Nehls described Ali as a popular “religious leader” who spent time at several mosques in Fort Bend County, as well as in greater Houston. Investigators believe Ali also victimized other children dating back to 2013 after he arrived in the US.

“We do know that there are other victims out there,” Nehls said. “And it is our plea today to those victims to please reach out to us so we can conduct further investigation.”

Ali met his alleged victims through their parents, who invited him into their homes and paid him to teach their children the Quran, Detective Michael Alexander said.

All of Ali’s purported victims were juveniles at the time of the alleged abuse, according to Alexander, who declined to specify whether they were boys or girls.

Shariq Abdul Ghani — who runs the Minaret Foundation, a group designed to increase the “civic engagement” of Muslims — said Ali was not employed by any mosque in Fort Bend County but traveled to...

Democrats Be Like:

Time Magazine Offers Guide on How Parents Can Brainwash Their Kids on Iran

Suggests Soleimani was not a terrorist.

Time Magazine offered a handy guide on how parents can brainwash their kids on Iran by disputing the fact that Qasem Soleimani was a terrorist.

The guide, entitled ‘How to Talk to Your Kids About the Situation With Iran’, promises to “arm you with the information you need if you choose to bring up the topic or if kids ask questions about it.”

That “information” consists of watering down the fact that Soleimani had overseen atrocities that led to the deaths of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian citizens as well as the slaughter of over 600 U.S. troops.
Trump has called Soleimani a terrorist. … Trump says Soleimani ordered [recent] attacks.
U.S. military leaders gave Trump several choices for how to respond to Iran’s actions. Killing Soleimani was considered the most extreme. Some top U.S. military and government officials have expressed surprise and concern about Trump’s decision.
Note how Time says, “Trump has called Soleimani a terrorist,” to subtly dispute the fact he was a terrorist, despite Soleimani being sanctioned and designated as a terrorist supporter by the U.S. back in 2007, more than nine years before Trump took office.

Also note how the article reads not so much as a guide on how parents can talk to their kids, but as a propaganda piece directed at adult readers who Time thinks have the mental capacity of children.

“Here’s my own handy guide on how to talk to your kids about Time Magazine…

Another “Fast and Furious” killer gets life sentence

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in
2010 by illegal aliens armed with weapons sold
 by ATF Fast and Furious suspects.
An illegal immigrant alien convicted of murdering U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry during the government’s ill-fated “Fast and Furious” operation has been sentenced to life in prison, according to Associated Press (AP).

Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes was one of seven illegal immigrants charged with shooting Terry in 2010. Terry’s four-man border team encountered Osorio-Arellanes’ group while on a mission in the southern Arizona desert to protect illegal immigrants from other illegal immigrant bandits.

The border patrol unit reportedly fired bean bags at the illegal immigrants after they refused orders to stop approaching. Osorio-Arellanes and his men returned fire with AK-47 assault rifles, killing Terry.

Two of the rifles found at the scene of Terry’s murder were weapons that U.S. agents allowed to be trafficked to Mexican drug cartels as part of an Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) case named “Fast and Furious.” Thousands of weapons were put in the hands of drug traffickers through the operation.

After I first broke news of the secret operation in 2011, the Justice Department denied its existence. Later, the government admitted to the “gun walking” operation but claimed they intended to track the weapons to criminal organizations and make big arrests. However, there was no attempt to actually track the weapons.

Former President Obama and then-Attorney General Eric Holder were heavily criticized for the failed operation. Holder was held in contempt for refusing to turn over documents pertaining to the operation. President Obama declared executive privilege to keep the documents secret.

Several of Brian Terry’s family members tearfully spoke at Osorio-Arellanes’ sentencing hearing in a courtroom in Tucson, Arizona.

Osorio-Arellanes’ is the sixth of the seven men charged with Terry’s murder to be sentenced. The seventh man is in custody in Mexico, but has not been...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #163

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #861

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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