90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Rest In Peace - Rush Drummer And Lyricist: Neil Peart 1952-2020

One Of My Favorite Albums Of All Time:

We’ve taken care of everything
The words you read
The songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure
To your eye
One for all and all for one
Work together
Common sons
Never need to wonder
How or why

We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
Our great computers
Fill the hallowed halls
We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
All the gifts of life
Are held within our walls

Look around this world we made
Our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood
Of Man
What a nice contented world
Let the banners
Be unfurled
Hold the Red Star proudly
High in hand.

- Neil Peart warns of the dangers of Socialism in this song/album

A Termite Vs. The Left...

In Wake Of Soleimani Hit, One NYT Reporter Amplified Iranian Propaganda

  • New York Times "journalist" Farnaz Fassihi has been amplifying Iranian propaganda into the media following Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s death.
  • The Daily Caller spoke with retired retired army intelligence officer Tony Shaffer and former CIA chief of station Daniel Hoffman about some of her tweets, where she cited anonymous Iranian sources.
  • Shaffer said he believes Fassihi could be getting information fed to her directly from the Iranian government in an effort to get Americans to sympathize with Soleimani’s death.
In the days following the Jan. 2 strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani, one New York Times journalist in particular became the focus of criticism for consistently amplifying Iranian messaging.

The journalist was by no means an isolated case. Iranian propaganda and propagandists managed to get air time on CNN, Yahoo, the NYT and Washington Post, among other outlets, and a fake American death toll that made headlines on MSNBC was actually sourced directly to Iranian media. Above it all though was New York Times reporter Farnaz Fassihi. 

The New York Times is at it again. This time, Tehran stenographer Farnaz Fassihi tells us Hassan Rouhani is Iran's "moderate president," He is taunting the U.S. in this quote and taking credit for retaliating in the Lockerbie bombing, which killed 190 Americans. Very moderate.
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Fassihi’s aggressive dissemination of Iranian messaging started almost immediately after the Jan. 2 strike that killed Soleimani. She began Jan. 3 by peddling “unconfirmed reports” of “ballistic missiles hitting” Ain Al-Assad, the largest U.S. military base. 

There was no attack at...

President Trump Saved This Soldier Who Served America...

Traitor John Kerry: I Knew US Dollars From Obama’s Iran Deal Would End Up Funding TERRORISTS

Former Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that he knew part of the money sent to Iran as part of Obama’s Iran nuclear deal would end up in the hands of militant Iranian terror groups.

“To put a fine point on it, do you believe that any of that 55 billion dollars ends up in the hands of terrorists?” a reporter asked John Kerry on camera in 2016.

“Ahh, I think that some of it will end up in the hands of, ahh, the IRGC or with other entities, some of which are labelled terrorists,” replied John Kerry.

President Trump announced this week that the Obama administration’s Iran nuclear deal allowed Iran to finance its weapons through 150 billion dollars given by the United States to Iran.

“Iran’s hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in...

Uncomfortable Questions....

Minnesota Governor Boasts About Refugee Resettlement, Consequences be Damned

The Democrat governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, is a notorious refugee resettlement booster.

Diana Mary Sitek of American Thinker wrote a piece detailing Walz’s grandstanding against President Donald Trump’s executive order allowing localities to shape their own refugee policies.

Walz boasted, “The inn is not full in Minnesota.”

To justify this program, Walz claims that refugees bring benefits to the state. However, he forgot to mention Somali welfare fraud and Somali unemployment, which was triple that of Minnesota’s unemployment rate.

Can ANY Democrat beat President Trump in November?

Sitek also notes that local Somalis prefer Sharia law, thus making them harder to integrate into Western society.

She believes that Somali refugees should go back to their countries, but the political class and interest groups pushing mass migration are impeding that. Churches are funded for “settling” the refugees.

Such refugee inflows have grown bureaucracy profoundly, as governments have to cater to these migrants who have low skills and aptitudes conducive towards assimilation. None of this comes free, as taxpayers have to fork over considerable money to resettle these refugees and provide them with...

Sandmann Vs. We-Lieeth....

As Part Of Settlement With Nick Sandmann, CNN Hosts Must Wear MAGA Hats During All Broadcasts

Climate activist calls for the extinction of the human race

Les Knight, a climate activist in Portland, Oregon, has a novel solution for improving the environment: eradicate the human race.

In an article in the UK's The Guardian newspaper, Knight detailed his five-decade long journey of advocating for an end to mankind.
Fifty years ago, I concluded that the best thing for the planet would be a peaceful phase-out of human existence. We're causing the extinction of hundreds of thousands of other species. With us gone, I believe ecosystems will be restored and there will be enough of everything. No more fighting over resources.

Surprised, Knight conceded his idea "wasn't as well received" as he hoped. Still, the climate activist said he led by example and voluntarily had himself sterilized in the 1970s.
"At 25, I wanted to show I was serious. A medical school gave me a discounted vasectomy in exchange for being a student doctor's first try at the procedure, which was successful," he wrote.

The Voluntary Human Extinction Project

Then, in 1980, Knight settled in Portland where he founded the Voluntary Human Extinction Project. "Our message is simple," he wrote, "we encourage people to stop procreating so the biosphere might return to its former glory, and everyone...



Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #166

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