90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Iran state TV sees at least 2 news anchors quit: 'Forgive me for the 13 years I told you lies'

At least two Iranian journalists at a state-owned media outlet reportedly resigned from their jobs, with one of them apologizing to viewers for "the 13 years I told you lies."

As Tehran continues to grapple with the fallout from protests stemming from a cover-up of its accidental downing of a Ukrainian airliner, TV anchor Gelare Jabbari addressed her viewers on an Instagram post that appears to have been deleted.

“It was very hard for me to believe that our people have been killed," the post read, according to The Guardian. "Forgive me that I got to know this late. And forgive me for the 13 years I told you lies.”

Two other news anchors at the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) thanked their supporters in separate statements.

“Thank you for accepting me as anchor until today," said Zahra Khatami. "I will never get back to TV. Forgive me.”

Fellow anchor Saba Rad said she was leaving journalism after 21 years.

“Thank you for your support in all years of my career," she said. "I announce that after 21 years working in radio and TV, I cannot continue my work in the media. I cannot.”

The resignations come as Iranians again took to the streets in anti-government protests Monday. Many are calling for the ouster of government leaders after...

Trump Makes The Democrats Reveal Themselves....

Report: GOP Lawmakers to Demand FISC Judge Reverse Decision to Appoint Obama Admin Lawyer to Oversee Reforms

Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) has revealed that GOP lawmakers will appeal FISC Judge James E. Boasberg’s decision to appoint Republican/Trump critic and Obama Administration lawyer David Kris as amicus curiae to review of the FBI’s botched handling of its FISA applications.

Meadows told journalist Sara Carter that he and other top GOP lawmakers will send a letter demanding that Kris be removed from overseeing FISC reforms. He also said Republicans in Congress will work to ensure that the government no longer infringes on Americans’ civil liberties.

“I can tell you that a few of us, are not only appealing this to the Judge who has now taken over the FISA process but we are also looking at this when it comes to renewing the FISA process within Congress,” said Meadows.

He continued, “There’s a renewal of a section of the FISA that is coming up. I’ll be talking to (former Judiciary Chairman, now retired) Bob Goodlatte…we’re now working very actively with the administration to make sure that no American, not just the President of the United States, not Carter Page, it’s not just a few people but to ensure that no American’s civil liberties were actually infringed upon, and that’s what happened here.”
“Not only did it happen, but it happened deliberately and until we fix it...

This Pretty Much Nails The State Of The American Left...

Insane In The Membrane.

#Expose2020 – PART 1: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer States “F***ing Cities Will Burn” if Trump Wins Re-Election; Calls for Violence, Mass Murder of Opposition, and “Reign of Terror”

  • Kyle Jurek, Iowa Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign: “I’m Ready to Throw Down Now…The Billionaire Class. The F***ing Media, Pundits. Walk into MSNBC Studios, Drag Those M*****F***ers Out by Their Hair and Light Them on Fire in the Streets.
  • Kyle Jurek Suggests That Liberal Democrats Should be Placed in Gulags or be Put to Death: “Liberals Get the F***ing Wall First.”
  • Jurek: “Well, I’ll Tell You What in Cuba, What did They do to Reactionaries? You Want to Fight Against the Revolution, You’re Going to Die for it, M*****F***er.”
  • Jurek Affirms That “Free Speech Has Repercussions…There Are Consequences for Your F***ing Actions…You Should Expect a Violent Reaction. And You Deserve a Violent Reaction.”
  • Jurek Lambasts Elizabeth Warren, Suggests That Warren Does Not Deserve Support Solely Due to Being a Woman.
  • Jurek: “Like F**k if We Can Beat Donald Trump, as Long as We Nominated a Woman. Like F***ing Idiot. Like What the F**k? The World is on Fire. This is an Emergency Situation, and You’re Hung Up on Vaginas.”

(Des Moines, IA) A Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek, was secretly recorded bragging about his extreme left-wing fringe views, calling for violence and death to those who oppose Sanders’ radical policies. Kyle Jurek, who works out of the Sanders campaign Iowa office, has been paid at least $9,775 since starting in his official campaign role. Project Veritas Action Fund’s undercover journalists secretly recorded Jurek’s statements for months; recording footage on...

America Used To Pay Off The Barbary Pirates To Not Sink Our Ships..

Obama Loved This Arrangement So Much He Started Paying Off Another Muslim Aggressor:

Our Air Force Delivered President Trump's Answer To Iran's Terror Campaign.

Washington Post: Donald Trump Will Transfer $7.2 Billion for Border Wall

President Donald Trump will transfer another $7.2 billion from Pentagon accounts in 2020 to build the promised border wall, according to the Washington Post.

The paper reported January 13 that the president would use his national emergency powers to:
divert an additional $7.2 billion in Pentagon funding for border wall construction this year, five times what Congress authorized him to spend on the project in the 2020 budget, according to internal planning figures obtained by The Washington Post.

The Pentagon funds would be extracted, for the second year in a row, from military construction projects and counternarcotics funding. According to the plans, the funding would give the government enough money to complete [a total of] approximately 885 miles of new fencing by spring 2022, far more than the 509 miles the administration has slated for the U.S. border with Mexico.
The pending transfer, if not blocked by Congress or the courts, would bump up his border wall spending to $18.4 billion.

So far, Trump’s deputies have built a little over 100 miles of upgraded “wall system” and are in the process of planning and building another 350 miles.

Chad Wolf, the acting chief of the Department of Homeland Security, admitted last week that the agency will not meet the president’s target of 450 miles by election day. “I can tell you right now that we remain confident that we are on track to [reach] 400, 450 miles that are either completed or under construction by the end of 2020,” Wolf told attendees at a January 10 press conference in Yuma, Arizona.

Pro-migration groups, including advocates for cheap labor, are funding lawsuits to block...

You Will Never See This On Mainstream Media....

They showed people who were compelled to attend the funeral of this monster.

Is there nothing that our news media does not lie about?

Homeland Security Officials Tout 100 Miles of New Border Wall

YUMA, Arizona—Top officials in the Department of Homeland Security visited southern Arizona on Friday to commemorate completion of 100 miles of new border wall.

Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf stopped by the U.S.-Mexico border near Yuma and delivered a speech in recognition of what he called a milestone: 100 miles of completed border wall since the beginning of the Trump administration. Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls, and Border Patrol officials joined Wolf.

Wolf looked on as a plaque emblazoned with President Donald Trump’s name was welded onto a section of the wall.

“Today, as a milestone has been reached, a celebration is in order,” Wolf said. “Today I am proud to report that the Trump administration has now constructed 100 miles of new border wall system on the southern border. This is a milestone achievement for the president, the department, and more importantly for our country.”

In plain sight behind the acting homeland security secretary was newly built border wall that stood roughly 30 feet high and included anti-climbing plates. Adjacent to the new wall was the older—and much smaller—anti-vehicle barrier, which stood about waist-high. Much of the new border wall has replaced these small walls or dilapidated barriers.

Some critics have argued that the Trump administration hasn’t actually built much new wall, but is simply replacing old wall. The secretary pushed back against this narrative.

“One thing I want to emphasize: Every inch of the 100 miles that we have constructed is new border wall system. It’s not so-called ‘replacement’ wall as some of our critics claim,” Wolf said.

“It is new wall,” he said, arguing that one wouldn’t call completion of a five-bedroom house in place of a rundown shack a “replacement” house—one would call it a “new” house.

When asked what they need to make their jobs easier, Border Patrol officials everywhere tell him that they need a border wall, Wolf said.

The location of Yuma for the commemorative event held heavy symbolic value. The Republican mayor of the border town declared a state of emergency in April 2019 as local services were unable to cope with the sheer volume of illegal...

Jersey City Terrorists’ Bomb ‘Could Have Killed People Five Football Fields Away’

Domestic terrorists targeting Jews in JC Kosher Supermarket in Jersey City, New Jersey on Dec. 10, 2019

Law enforcement officials say a bomb found in the van registered to one of the two suspects in the horrific attack on a Jersey City kosher grocery last month could have killed or maimed people as far as five football fields away – and there was enough material in the van to create a second bomb like it.

US Attorney Craig Carpenito said Police Detective Joseph Seals, who was shot and killed by David Anderson and Francince Graham in a nearby cemetery prior to the shootout in the kosher grocery, may have prevented a bigger bloodbath.

Hate and Hope in New Jersey

“We believe he threw off a broader plan, Carpenito said, adding that Seals’ actions “probably saved dozens, if not more lives.” It was the detective’s death that first drew law enforcement towards the scene of what later became a war zone, locking down an entire neighborhood for hours.

The shootout, officials confirmed, was indeed a bias crime against Jews, and against the law enforcement community.

The US Attorney and the head of the local FBI told reporters Monday that Anderson and Graham had researched a Jewish community center in Bayonne.

The suspects had cased the kosher grocery store multiple times, including the morning of the attack.

The US Attorney also confirmed that a Jewish man driving near Newark Airport several days earlier had been shot at – ballistics showed two of the shots that hit his car came from one of the weapons belonging to Anderson and Graham.

The livery driver who was murdered the weekend before the shootout was shot with the same weapon that had been used to fire at the Jewish driver near Newark Airport, authorities said.

Both suspects had handcuff keys in their underwear, and both had gone to Ohio for target practice shortly before they carried out the attack. Carpenito said there was no evidence of co-conspirators.

Although officials have no established a formal link between the pair and the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, the two had identified themselves in...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #168

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