90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, January 18, 2020

And A Time For Every Purpose Under Heaven...

How Do We Know What Controls Climate On Planet Earth?
If The Sun Stopped Shining Tomorrow, What Would The Climate Be?

Representative Ilhan Omar Says ‘We Must Stop Detaining’ Illegal Immigrants

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar on Thursday called for the U.S. government to cease detaining illegal immigrants.

Omar tweeted an ABC News story about a tiny Georgia town having more detained illegal immigrants than residents. Her takeaway: America shouldn’t be detaining those who cross the border illegally.

“This should never be the case,” she wrote. “The cruelty of our immigration system becomes clearer every day. We must stop detaining immigrants and start giving them pathways to citizenship.”

Omar’s tweet Thursday wasn’t the first time she’s stated her opposition to detaining foreign nationals who illegally cross America’s borders.

“We need to abolish ICE and end all inhumane detention and deportation programs. We need to fight back against the criminalization of immigrants,” she said in May 2019.

“It’s un-American to criminalize immigrants for wanting to...

A Tale Of Two Agendas...

FLASHBACK: Seven Times the GAO Said the Obama Administration Broke Federal Law

A report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released Thursday contained the non-binding opinion that President Trump’s Office of Management and Budget violated the Impoundment Control Act (ICA) by withholding aid to Ukraine. The ICA governs how the White House distributes money approved by Congress. The timing seems almost too perfect, being released right before the Senate trial officially began.

Trump’s opponents rushed to claim the release as the latest “bombshell” to rock his administration. Sen. Chris Van Hollen literally called it a “bombshell,” while failed presidential candidate Even McMullin declared that the “Senate cannot ignore this crime.” They, and everyone else, are wrongly under the impression that this justifies impeachment. If it did, Obama should’ve been impeached seven times over.

As Breitbart’s Joel Pollak reported, there were seven times that the GAO found the Obama administration to have broken the law:

  • The Department of Homeland Security and United States Secret Service (USSS) were found to have violated section 503 of the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, and the Antideficiency Act, in 2009 after the Secret Service reported that it had overspent on candidate protection in 2008 by $5,100,000, and used money from another program to cover the shortfall. DHS failed to notify Congress 15 days in advance of the “reprogramming.”
  • The Department of the Treasury was found to have violated the Antideficiency Act in 2014 when it used the voluntary services of four individuals. “Treasury did not appoint any of the individuals to federal employment, nor did any individual qualify as a student who may, under certain circumstances, perform voluntary service,” the GAO found, adding that there was no emergency that might have justified using the individuals to perform several months of work without receiving pay.
  • The Department of Defense was found to have violated the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014 and the Antideficiency Act in the infamous Bowe Bergdahl swap, when President Barack Obama traded five high-level Taliban detainees for a...

The Secret Life Of Mitty Romney...

Virginia Antifa chapter raises eyebrows when it claims to want to join conservatives in gun rights march

The term “Antifa” does not often conjure images of support for the Second Amendment, but Antifa Seven Hills is reportedly joining the massive group of conservatives slated to descend upon the Virginia Capitol in support of gun rights.

A spokesperson for the local chapter, who asked to only be identified as “James,” gave a rather common-sense reason for joining hands with the right when it comes to this particular issue.

“I think it’s been pretty important for us to focus on the fact that gun control in America has a legacy of racist enforcement,” he said. “Like taking guns away from black people, because black people were perceived as a threat to property and the sanctity of the state.”

James identifies himself as an anarchist and says that conservatives aren’t the only ones with a dog in this fight.

“This is our fight as much as anyone else’s,” he pointed out. “It’s our state, and we are left largely out of the debate. The presence of an armed left is not discussed, it’s not understood.”

James also believes that this particular instance of shared interest will serve to prove that Antifa isn’t a hive-mind that only advances progressive-left causes.

“I think what’s particular about the South is that we have to be a bit more creative and sensitive to the people around us — instead of fulfilling some sort of meme of...

The Appalling Nancy Pelosi

Evil in Any Case:

Male Teacher Assaults Female Student Over “Women for Trump” Pin

“[He] put it upside down on his shirt and said it belongs upside down”
A female high school student in Michigan reports that that she was assaulted by a male teacher when she wore a metal pin to school voicing her support for President Donald Trump.

Sadie Earegood is a junior who attends Mason High in Mason, Michigan. But when the 16-year-old wore her “Women For Trump” pin to school, she was confronted by an angry male teacher who “aggressively” grabbed the pin and detached it from her jacket.

The teacher, who has been identified as media technology teacher Paul Kato, first confronted Sadie, saying he didn’t like her pin. “That’s fine, you don’t have to like it, we can have our opinions,” she responded. But the teacher was not willing to let the matter go.

"He grabbed it and I pulled, I tried to push his hand away and he grabbed my shoulder," she described in an interview with a local news channel "(He) just kind of put his hand there, and then he started pulling more and more and I just started backing up."

The teacher then "took both hands and unlatched the pin from my jacket and put it upside down on his shirt and said it belongs upside down," Sadie explained. The incident occurred during school hours on December 5.

“He had no right to put his hands on my child over a pin or anything else,” said Sadie’s mother, Capi Earegood, who was very upset about the incident. “The First Amendment gives everyone the right to express their freedom of speech. No one should get that upset about...

The Oracles of Obtuse Idiocy Deliver The Articles of Impeachment...

Pure Theater.

Alexa, Who Is Hillary Clinton?

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #172

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