90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Girls With Guns

Hold On To Your Rights...

I mean this literally.

Hold ON.

The Only Hero Who Fights The Problem...

When You Finally Learn What It Is Like To Actually Work At Work...

Trump's USMCA is not just biggest deal ever—it's an international game changer

The deal is an unequivocal win for America and will help Canada and Mexico over the long run

As a candidate, Donald Trump called NAFTA the “worst trade deal ever” and vowed its replacement. On Wednesday, he fulfilled that promise, signing the new USMCA trade pact covering North America.

The deal is Trump’s biggest yet—in fact the biggest in history. It covers $1.4 trillion in annual U.S. trade volume—nearly twice as much as the recent deal with China. And most important, it covers nearly four times as much in U.S. exports: some $663 billion in exported goods and services, which will grow as a result of the deal.

Trump’s achievement won overwhelming support from Republicans and Democrats in an otherwise divided Congress.

The deal is an unequivocal win for America and will help Canada and Mexico over the long run. It puts an end to unfair Canadian tariffs that amounted to nearly 300 percent in some cases, thus creating a level playing field for American farmers and ranchers.

It requires Mexico to increase wages for automotive and related manufacturing jobs which removes incentives for exporting U.S. jobs and sneaking around environmental standards.

By limiting the ability of foreigners to circumvent U.S. courts in resolving disputes, the pact restores fairness and the U.S. sovereignty that was lost under NAFTA.

For disputes between governments, it creates a resolution mechanism separate from the failed World Trade Organization.

USMCA also creates a new standard for protecting intellectual property and digital trade, which is likely to be included in other trade deals. That means fairness for high-growth industries in which America leads...

Really Democrats, A Communist???

‘Floating protection systems’ against illegal immigrants

Migrants crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesbos, January 2016. Wikipedia

Greece has announced further measures to keep illegal immigrants away from its own coasts. The Ministry of Defense wants to make it more difficult for migrants with “floating protection systems” to get ashore.

ATHENS: On Wednesday, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the ministry published a tender for the installation of appropriate countermeasures to be used in an emergency against illegal migrants heading to Greece with boats. Specifically, it is about the use of “barriers or networks” with a length of three kilometers each.

According to the Greek authorities, these should protrude half a meter from the water and be provided with flashing lights. The total cost is therefore around half a million euros.

There had recently been mass protests against the flood of asylum seekers in the Greek islands. According to the Ministry of Civil Protection, 7 200 asylum seekers currently live among 6 500 locals in Samos. There are currently around 42 000 immigrants on the islands of Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Kos and Leros.

Last autumn , Greece tightened its asylum policy under the new conservative government. Among other things, Athens has been sending 30 rejected asylum seekers back to Turkey every day since the beginning of...

That Moment When You Finally Get To Defend The President...

POLL: Trust issues with the FBI on the rise

People trust the FBI less than ever in light of the latest revelations about the FBI’s wiretapping misconduct. That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com.

Sixty percent (60%) of the respondents stated they trusted the FBI less in light of the recent reports of misconduct by the FBI, while 38% said their feelings had not changed and they do not trust the FBI.

Read the full results below. Meantime, be sure and vote in our latest poll at SharylAttkisson.com on the home page. Look for the black box in the right sidebar or scroll way down on the mobile site!

With revelations about FBI wiretapping misconduct I trust the FBI:

< 1% More

60% Less

<1 div="" same="" still="" trust="">

38% Same (don’t trust)

<1 care="" div="" don="" i="" know="" t="">

Current Iterations Of Netflix Series...

It seems like everything they produce now is based on political correctness and remedying the sins of the past. It must be really hard to be a straight white male actor in Hollywood today.

Guess I'm not woke enough to watch Netflix anymore.


Iowa determines convicted child molester who raped 14 kids and a 1 year old is no longer a threat due to sex change

The Iowa attorney general’s office is releasing a man convicted of multiple sex crimes, rather than committing him to a mental institution indefinitely as recommended by the state’s expert, because the man has undergone hormone therapy as part of a gender transition process.

Former Midwest Christian Services student Joseph Matthew Smith, 23, was convicted of molesting a fellow student in 2014 and is accused of molesting as many as 15 victims from ages one to 13, including the repeated molestation of a 7-year-old. Smith was molested repeatedly as a child around age seven as well.

Smith was sentenced to prison in 2015 and expressed a desire to begin the gender transition process in 2017, undergoing hormone therapy over the past two years at Newton Correctional Facility.

The attorney general’s office on January 9 dismissed the application to commit Smith, who now goes by the name Josie and was transferred this month to the Sioux City Residential Treatment Facility in anticipation of an eventual release.

“An offender’s hormone levels are an important part of substantiating an offender’s likelihood of recidivism,” a spokesman for the attorney general said. “We don’t believe we have evidence sufficient to prove Josie Smith has a significant chance of re-offending.”

Smith will still be registered as a sex offender, which requires that he continue to meet with a probation officer.

“Josie Smith will be subject to...

This Is How You Know You Are About To Have A Bad Day...

The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool