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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Girls With Guns

Still Better Evidence Than Democrats Impeachment...

President Trump Punks Nancy Pelosi Again!

Still Not Tired Of Winning....

GOP Investigation: Thousands Of Obama Admin Docs Under Review Regarding Ukraine White House Meetings

The National Archives is in the process of reviewing several thousand documents related to meetings held between senior Obama Administration and Ukrainian officials at the White House in 2016. The trove of documents was discovered after a request for documents was submitted by two top GOP Senators in November of last year, this website has learned.

The documents requested by Senator’s Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, are significant as they directly concern meetings that senior Obama Administration and Ukrainian officials had at the White House in 2016. The documents are expected to be reviewed for classification purposes, as well as Executive privilege by lawyers for both President Obama and President Donald Trump, officials told SaraACarter.com.

Johnson, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, and Grassley, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, sent the three page detailed request letter in November to David S. Ferriero, the head of the National Archives. The request was for “records of multiple White House meetings that took place in 2016 between and among Obama Administration officials, Ukrainian government representatives, and Democratic National Committee officials.”
We are going to get to the bottom of what all has been happening here. Hopefully we will get access to the information to make it available to the American public so they really do understand what’s been happening, Sen.Ron Johnson
A source familiar with the ongoing Senate investigation told SaraACarter.com that the request for documents “is still in NARA’s notification process.”

The National Archives (NARA) did not immediately respond for comment. This story will be updated when and if NARA officials respond to the request.

The National Archives did, however, recently notify the Senator’s offices that the expected response “to our documents request will likely be in the order of several thousand responsive pages. They cannot give us a specific...

They're Coming to Take me Away Ha Ha!


What A Bargain! For $2,500, White Women Can Learn About Their Inherent Racism

For $2,500 liberal white women can enjoy dinner with two hosts that aim to educate them on their inherent racism.

Race2Dinner is a two-hour event with hosts Regina Jackson and Saira Rao, attended by liberal white women who seek to untangle their racism and learn to be more cognizant of it so as to be part of the solution.

Jackson and Rao believe white liberal women are receptive to change, while white men and white women who voted for Trump aren’t going to change their racist behaviors and aren’t worth the effort.

The event includes the embellishments of a nice dinner, such as appetizers and pasta. “If you did this in a conference room, they’d leave,” Rao tells The Guardian. “But white women have been taught to never leave the table.”

Jackson believes its precisely their proximity to wealth and power that instills in them an inherent racism, which the hosts seek to bring to the fore by asking questions such as “What was a racist thing you did recently?”

Rao ran for Congress in 2018 on an anti-racist manifesto after campaigning for Hillary Clinton, according to the Guardian. Rao also rebuked the “pink-pussy-hat-wearing” women of the Democratic Party,” and has developed an anger that she has articulated on Twitter toward white people and others who don’t share her sentiment.

“White folks – before telling me that your Indian husband or wife or friend or colleague doesn’t agree with anything I say about racism or thinks I’m crazy, please Google ‘token,’ ‘internalized oppression’ and...

If You Missed The State Of The Union Address Last Night:


Wow! John Kerry on the Ukraine Prosecutor

Seems Like Whenever One One These Corrupt Kleptocrats Sense Trouble, They Threaten To Run For President...

John Kerry Overheard Discussing a Run for President as Democratic Angst Over Sanders Comes to a Boil

Democratic Socialists Believe They Have A Better Form Of Socialism....


The 5 Biggest News Media Lies During Impeachment

Throughout the impeachment process, the news media echoed constant lies from Democrats. Thankfully, it didn't work.

There is no shortage of blame to go around for the impeachment follies that wasted America’s time for the past five months. To be fair, congressional Democrats own the lion’s share of this blame, but they could not have done it alone. This ridiculous effort would never have gotten off the ground had Democrats not been confident that a compliant news media would play lap dog for them, licking up lies at every turn.

It was bad enough that most of the news media trumped up minor developments as major revelations throughout the process. In many cases, they simply failed to apply the slightest bit of incredulity when House Democrats made demonstrably false assertions. Five incidents stood out over this impeachment process, but there were many, many more.

1. Republicans Aren’t Arguing the Facts

Over and over during the House impeachment process we heard from the left that Republicans were not arguing the facts but instead just harping on what they called an unfair process. Did the GOP say the process was unfair? Yes. Was the process unfair? Yes. But the Republicans in the House were also arguing the facts, and arguing them pretty well.

This is a consistent theme in all of this. Confronted with several arguments from the president’s supporters, the mainstream media always selected only the ones they thought helped Democrats. The House Republicans made a simple argument based on four facts that never change. 1. There is no quid pro quo in the transcript. 2. Both Trump and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky said there was no pressure. 3. Zelensky did not know U.S. aid was held up. 4. The aid was released with no announcement of investigations.

Those are not process arguments.

2. Gordon Sondland Did Not Say He Knew a Quid pro Quo Happened

European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland caused a stir when he changed his testimony in the secret House hearings. He said there was no quid pro quo linking military aid to investigations, then said there was in open testimony. Surely this was the final straw that would break Trump. But when pressed by Republicans, Sondland admitted that he was just presuming this was why the aid was held up. He had no actual knowledge from anyone to back that up.

But this of course did not stop the news media from pointing at Sondland as the next big domino falling towards Trump’s demise. Sondland’s presumption somehow became a fact.

3. Alan Dershowitz Didn’t Say the President Could Do Anything

The news media bungled Alan Dershowitz’s presentation for the president in myriad ways, but none more awful than their misrepresentation of his remarks during questions from senators. There Dershowitz said that...

Please Get Better Rush, We Need You...

I Freaking Love Rush Limbaugh.

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