90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, February 10, 2020

Rare Photo Of Young Bernie Sanders...

Mayor Cheat: Nevada Democrats Tap Buttigieg Staffer to Lead Voter Protection Effort

Democrats know what Democrats are capable of...

The Nevada Democratic Party has reportedly hired a former Pete Buttigieg staffer to lead its voter protection efforts, increasing fears that party leaders are trying to rig the nomination in favor of the ex-mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

On Sunday, it emerged that Nevada Democrats had hired Emily Goldman to be their director of voter protection. Goldman, who has a law degree from the University of Michigan, was most recently a top organizer for the Buttigieg campaign in Iowa. Little is known about the parameters of her new position, especially as the Nevada state party had not announced the hire publicly and has yet to include Goldman’s biography and title on their website. Goldman, herself, added to the mystery by locking her professional and private social media accounts after news of the hiring first broke.
The Nevada Democratic Party just hired a paid Buttigieg organizer to be their “Voter Protection Director”
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The revelations about Goldman’s newfound role comes as progressive backing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are worried the Democrat establishment is trying to rig the nominating contest in favor of a moderate, pro-business candidate.

The suspicion stems from the 2016 Democratic primaries, where leaders of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) reportedly went to great length to assure former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won the nomination over Sanders. Anti-Sanders bias among DNC leaders was best exhibited during that primary campaign by Donna Brazile. Despite being a high-ranking DNC official at the time, Brazile was infamously caught feeding questions to Clinton prior to a CNN Democrat town hall between the candidates in March 2016.

Given that history, Sanders supporters have begun speculating that Buttigieg is now the vehicle through whom the establishment plans to deny their candidate the nomination. Such fears seemed to be confirmed last week when it became public that...

Before You Start Popping That Bubble Wrap...

Joe Biden's Attack Ad Against Pete Buttigieg..

Lost Your Homework? You Can Still Blame It On The Bitch...

AOC And Boyfriend Riley Roberts Share Tips For White People On 'Combating Racism'

Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had her white boyfriend share tips on combating white supremacy on Instagram over the weekend.

From the New York Post:
"I think it’s helpful and important to talk to other white people about racism, and I think a lot of people, they don't want to be racist," Roberts, 30, offered as Ocasio-Cortez sat beside him. "They don't think that they're racist, but they also don't know some of the things they believe or say are and can be racist."

Their web chat didn't offer much about what the couple defines as racist, or who gets to decide what is and is not racist. Roberts suggested telling racist white friends that they were not racist, but merely held "wrong" opinions.

"One of the effective ways is just to talk and kind of help teach them about why some of the things they believe or say or think are wrong — not necessarily racist — but that they're wrong and that will sort of chip away and contribute to some development in this area but not necessarily take somebody from being a racist to not being a racist in one conversation," he said.

Really solid stuff.

Could we get some tips from Ilhan Omar's white boyfriend next:

President Trump will propose massive spending cuts, tax cut extension in upcoming budget

The Trump train steams full-power ahead

President Donald Trump will unveil a budget proposal on Monday that outlines the direction of his administration in a second term, including spending cuts totaling more than $4 trillion.

The budget will dramatically decrease foreign aid and social safety-net spending, while increasing funds for NASA, Homeland Security, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The proposal also allocates $2 billion for the border wall, while slashing the Environmental Protection Agency's budget by a whopping 26 percent, the Wall Street Journal reported.

In total, the budget proposes $4.4 trillion in budget cuts over the next decade.

More from NBC News:
That includes $130 billion from changes to Medicare prescription-drug pricing, $292 billion from cuts in safety net programs — such as work requirements for Medicaid and food stamps - and $70 billion from tightening eligibility rules for federal disability benefits.

Trump's foreign aid proposal seeks $44.1 billion in the upcoming fiscal year compared with $55.7 billion enacted in fiscal year 2020, an administration official said.

The budget proposal totals $4.8 trillion in spending per year. It would only marginally decrease deficits, from an estimated $1 trillion in 2020 to $966 billion.

Trump will also propose an extension of the tax cuts passed by...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #195

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you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Girls With Guns