90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Democrats Panic as Trump Popularity Increases Among Black Voters

Democrats are sounding the alarm, warning their party of President Trump’s surging popularity amongst black voters in America.

On CBS’s Face the Nation, Democrat political analyst Jamal Simmons, expressed his concern with support for the president from black Americans.

“I’m gonna send this flag up to the Democratic Party — people need to understand this. We talked to Terrance Woodbury, who’s a young African American pollster. He has been saying for months that he thinks President Trump has been going very hard at African American men, particularly young African American men.”

Simmons cited Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as well as funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) as possible reasons for increasing support for the president from the black community.

“I think they’re not gonna let up,” he continued. “He doesn’t have to win, he just has to tick it up a couple points in some key places to have it count. And Democrats need to have a candidate who really has a strategy about how to deal with that.”

On Saturday, CNN’s Van Jones joined S.E. Cupp’s show, Unfiltered, where he claimed Democrats have taken the black vote “for granted.”

“Our party is ‘We’ll spend a billion dollars on an election and 97% of the campaign dollars go to white male-owned firms.’ So you know, again, what is it that we’re getting out of this relationship? I think that it can strengthen the African-American community overall having the competition between the two parties. For a long time, the black vote was taken for granted by Democrats and written off by Republicans. That’s not happening this year.”

“I would accuse my party at this point of having engaged in three years of fantasy football politics where we said, ‘OK, don’t worry. Trump is never going to be seated because the Electoral College won’t seat him.’ Remember that?” Jones continued.

Last Tuesday, Jones reacted to the President’s State of the Union address, claiming it was a wake up call for Democrats regarding the black vote.

“The thing about it is, and we’ve got to wake up, folks, there’s a whole bubble thing that goes on, he said s-hole nations, therefore all black people are going to hate him forever. That ain’t necessarily so. I think what you’re going to see him do, you may not like my rhetoric, but look at my results and my record to black people, if he narrow casts that, it’s going to...

Swedish Communist Party: The Left Has Abandoned the Working Class For Migrants & LGBT

Identity politics has supplanted income inequality and the cost of living.

Former members of the Swedish Communist Party have accused the new left of abandoning working class people in favor of becoming obsessed with mass migration, Greta Thunberg and LGBT issues.

“Nils Littorin, an ex-member of the Malmö branch of the Communist Party, told Lokatidningen that the Left of today has become part of the elite who has lost contact with the working class it was supposed to represent,” reports Voice of Europe.

Littorin is planning to help launch a new socialist party that will eschew the fixation with climate change alarmism and identity politics that has come to define leftist political movements.

“The Left doesn’t understand why so many workers don’t think that multiculturalism, the LGBT movement, and Greta Thunberg are something fantastic, but instead believe we are in the 1930’s Germany and that workers who vote for the Sweden Democrats have been infected by some Nazi sickness,” he explained.

According to Littorin, real issues such as income inequality and the cost of living are being dominated by fringe middle class concerns that do not resonate with working class people.

“Pride, for instance, has been reduced to dealing with sexual orientation,” he said. “We believe that human dignity is primarily about having a job and...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #196

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #894

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, February 10, 2020

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
What is Rule 5?

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Carole King
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
EBL has: Rule 5 And FMJRA
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Mitt Romney Makes Himself A Stench...

The Killing Fields Of Cambodia Will Forever Stand As A Grotesque Monument To Egalitarianism...

Know Your Communist Genocides...

Did Someone Tell This Loser He No Longer Works There?

..And Take Your Red Stapler With You...

The Week When Trump Was Reelected

Santa was late coming down the White House chimney, but this week a sack of reelection Christmas presents belatedly arrived under the Trump Christmas tree.

Face it, Christmas was a downer for President Trump and his supporters. The House rammed through two articles of impeachment and promptly skipped town, much like kids leaving a flaming bag of dog poop at someone’s front door before running away.

There was uncertainty over how long this would drag out, whether there would be witnesses and an ultimate vote for acquittal. There was concern that a last-minute witness would appear, like Julie Swetnick at the Kavanaugh hearings, accusing Trump of participating in a “rape train” during his phone call with the Ukrainian president.

Last week’s festivities started with “Republican strategist” Rick Wilson and sidekick stooge Don Lemon on CNN calling 63 million Trump supporters, “credulous boomer rubes” and laughing uproariously over their cleverness. As a strategy, it was brilliant, but not in their intended way, energizing the Trump base by insulting them.

Then came the Iowa caucuses. The party that wants to nationalize and run healthcare and energy can’t count 170,000 votes in a relatively small state and provide prompt results. Where’s the Democrat enthusiasm against the reprobate Trump? In 2008, 240,000 turned out to caucus for the Democrats.

Was this incompetence? If so, then Democrats should not be put in charge of anything larger than a yard sale.

If it was deliberate, they are trying to screw Bernie Sanders out of the nomination again. The Des Moines Register scrapped their pre-caucus poll for sketchy reasons, raising suspicion it reflected a Bernie surge. Their establishment can’t have that, pinning their 2020 hopes on a hard-core socialist who honeymooned in the USSR and recently suffered a heart attack.

If the DNC disses the Bernie Bros again, expect fireworks. Aside from literally taking it to the streets, expect many to stay home, vote for Trump, or form a third party, splitting the Democrat vote, ensuring a second Trump term.

Next was impeachment acquittal -- no witnesses and no conviction, despite the efforts of Pierre Delecto, aka Mitt Romney, to channel his inner John McCain, although only as an empty gesture. Giving the middle finger to...