90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Pete Buttigieg reveals that blacks experience the pain of the Trump administration more than anyone else

Mayor Pete Buttigieg, often referred to on social media as #MayoPete, was in Sacramento, Calif., trying to convince voters that not only are Americans experiencing the pain of the Trump administration, but no group is experiencing it more than black Americans and Americans of color — none of whom appeared to have shown up at his rally.

Yeah, that record-low unemployment is a killer.

Overall black likely voter approval of President Trump: 43 percent. That’s way better than Buttigieg is doing with the black community.

Not one person of color in the crowd. They are out enjoying their Saturday spending all the newfound money they made over the last three years.

Will the black community fall for this again? I mean, it has been the same old scare tactics for every single election, combined with promises which were never going to be fulfilled. What about these Democrats is different..... Nothing

Now in 2020 here come white Obama 2.0. Little known Mayor from a small city, No one knows who he is, He speaks in endless platitudes just like Obama, If you dare question his background media calls you homophobic. We are being set up yet again just like in 2008

Lowest unemployment for black Americans ever..... lowest unemployment for Hispanic Americans ever...... millions no longer in need of food stamps and govt assistance.


I guess if people consider having to get up each morning and go to work at their newly acquired job after 8 years of unemployment a real pain, then he’s right.

Because their unemployment is at the lowest levels in recorded history and criminal justice reform has been addressed in a very meaningful way.

Buttigieg = smooth-talking deceiver

The easily-duped fall for such calculated, unfounded nonsense. The wise do not.

Buttigieg is going to have to pander a lot harder than that to...

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again...

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again....

Nike Swooshes in to Attack Women’s Sports

First, it attacked America. Then adoption. Now, women. Honestly, with such a busy schedule of political extremism, it’s a mystery how Nike has time to sell anything. But for all of the company’s radical campaigns, it’s Nike’s latest that’s really raising eyebrows. The retail titan is picking a side in the transgender sports debate—and it isn’t girls’.

Just how beholden is big business to LGBT activists? Well, one of the biggest manufacturers of international sports equipment just told half its market that it doesn’t care about the future of women’s sports. So much for Nike’s progressive feminist cred.

In Tennessee, one of the states that’s considering a ban on biological boys competing against girls, the company actually suggested that keeping a level playing field for girls “put[s] our collective economic success at risk.” If anything puts our economic success at risk, it’s destroying 50% of high school, collegiate, and pro sports.

And yet, Nike, like 142 other businesses, is actively working to stop Tennessee (and at least six other states) from fighting the injustice of transgender sports.

“I fully support them for being true to themselves and having the courage to do what they believe in,” Connecticut track star Selina Soule says of her male competition.

But athletics is “an entirely different situation. It’s scientifically proven that males are built to be physically stronger than females. It’s unfair to put someone who is biologically a male, who has not undergone anything in terms of hormone therapy, against cisgender girls … It’s upsetting when we work hard all season and put in a lot of effort, only to turn up at the state meets and get beat by someone who is biologically a male and lose state championships over this.”

And these boys aren’t just stealing trophies, they’re stealing scholarships too. With the Olympics around the corner and the debate exploding across the sports world, even athletes who’ve identified as gay or lesbian are calling the trend what it is: cheating.

Tennis pro Martina Navratilova has been a great ally for the LGBT movement, but she had no problem blasting the radical ideology that’s killing sports and...

My Bernie Memeage Is Overflowing...

‘You’re A F**king Fascist!’ — Second Amendment Activists Heckle Mike Bloomberg In Virginia

Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg was heckled by several pro-Second Amendment activists during a Saturday evening campaign stop in Virginia.

As the former New York City mayor was speaking, protesters yelled “You’re f**king fascist!” and “You’re a racist!”

The mostly pro-Bloomberg crowd began booing and yelling “We like Mike!” and “Mike! Mike! Mike!”

A video of the action was posted Saturday by the Washington Examiner:


Several protesters were wearing “guns save lives” stickers, the Examiner reported, a slogan they continued to chant as they were pushed out by security.

Long a lightning rod on the issue of gun control, part of the former New York City mayor’s Saturday speech included reiterating his support for Virginia Democrats who recently passed controversial gun control legislation in the state.

“I’ve been to Virginia more than anywhere else,” Bloomberg said, according to the Examiner. “I have been involved in Virginia politics since long before I became a presidential candidate. In 2013, I was a big supporter of Terry McAuliffe.”

“In 2017, 2018, and 2019, we were fighting against the hate displayed in Charlottesville,” he continued. “Last year, in more than 25 years, all that work paid off, and Democrats took control of both chambers.”

The billionaire businessman’s late entry strategy to make a splash on Super Tuesday and beyond seems to be paying off, as he is currently polling first with 27.3% Democratic support in...

On Ending Surprise Medical Billing...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #201

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #899

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Girls With Guns

The Democrats Have A Hair Problem...