90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Pete Buttigieg reveals that blacks experience the pain of the Trump administration more than anyone else

Mayor Pete Buttigieg, often referred to on social media as #MayoPete, was in Sacramento, Calif., trying to convince voters that not only are Americans experiencing the pain of the Trump administration, but no group is experiencing it more than black Americans and Americans of color — none of whom appeared to have shown up at his rally.

Yeah, that record-low unemployment is a killer.

Overall black likely voter approval of President Trump: 43 percent. That’s way better than Buttigieg is doing with the black community.

Not one person of color in the crowd. They are out enjoying their Saturday spending all the newfound money they made over the last three years.

Will the black community fall for this again? I mean, it has been the same old scare tactics for every single election, combined with promises which were never going to be fulfilled. What about these Democrats is different..... Nothing

Now in 2020 here come white Obama 2.0. Little known Mayor from a small city, No one knows who he is, He speaks in endless platitudes just like Obama, If you dare question his background media calls you homophobic. We are being set up yet again just like in 2008

Lowest unemployment for black Americans ever..... lowest unemployment for Hispanic Americans ever...... millions no longer in need of food stamps and govt assistance.


I guess if people consider having to get up each morning and go to work at their newly acquired job after 8 years of unemployment a real pain, then he’s right.

Because their unemployment is at the lowest levels in recorded history and criminal justice reform has been addressed in a very meaningful way.

Buttigieg = smooth-talking deceiver

The easily-duped fall for such calculated, unfounded nonsense. The wise do not.

Buttigieg is going to have to pander a lot harder than that to...

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again...

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again....