90 Miles From Tyranny

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The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #215

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #913

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Saturday, February 29, 2020

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The Greatest Life-Or-Death Crisis in China Isn’t What You Think

As the new virus strain known as COVID-19 makes global headlines, fears are mounting. Experts note this public health situation pales in comparison to China’s human rights abuses.

Since the first diagnosis on December 8 in Wuhan, China, the coronavirus has become a global concern.

The respiratory illness is now designated as coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19. According to the World Health Organization, currently 2,804 people have died from the virus. Nearly 98 percent of those fatalities have occurred within China.

“To the Chinese Communist Party, even one million people dying does not matter,” said Sean Lin, a microbiologist and U.S. Army veteran. “It’s just a statistic to them.”

Speaking on a Thursday panel at CPAC 2020, Lin joined two former generals and prominent China expert Gordon Chang to discuss “The Present Danger: China.”

While lamenting the loss of lives, they consider how the outbreak is exposing a regime’s decades of lies.

“The Chinese people understand that the disease is coronavirus,” said Chang, “— but the real disease is communism. For the first time, the Chinese people are starting to lose their fear of Xi Jinping and the Communist Party itself.”

“The disease is coronavirus — but the real disease is communism.” – Gordon Chang

For Americans, Robert Charles says this is no time to panic. He served as Assistant Secretary of State under George W. Bush which involved public health issues.

“From what we know currently, this appears to be overblown as a ‘crisis’ by politicians and the media,” said Charles in a phone interview. “But this is a health event, not a political event.”

Facts On Coronavirus — and China

According to the CDC, currently 15 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the U.S. with no fatalities.

“The coronavirus is really a group of viruses, this latest strain called COVID-19,” said Charles. “Its fatality rate is between 2 and 4 percent, depending on whose reported numbers you look at. That’s a much lower rate than we saw with SARS or Ebola.”

In the U.S., people recently back from China have been quarantined. The virus spreads via person to person contact.

“The vast majority who have contracted it recover,” said Charles. “Among those who contract it, those with weaker immune systems — such as very elderly people or newborn babies — are most at risk.”

Chang warned of China spreading the notion that this disease originated in the U.S., including in a statement they released on Thursday.

“A prominent Chinese physician just stated that the first diagnosis of coronavirus was in China, but the origin was not in China,” recounted Chang. “It’s a ludicrous, dangerous, and totally irresponsible charge.”

Rather than the virus, Chang sees other reasons to be concerned. The communist regime has spent decades building up military and technology assets.

“Just about everything is on the line here,” said Chang. “Americans have often been very good about ignoring what our enemies are saying about us. We must not be taken by surprise.”

Life-Or-Death Crises in China

Having seen communist states rise and fall during his tenure in diplomacy, Charles agrees the Chinese government cannot be trusted.

“Their authoritarian rule is brutal,” said Charles. “Confirmed reports show one million Chinese people have been placed in reeducation camps, just over the past year or so. Those few churches that do exist have surveillance cameras with facial recognition.

“It’s like what we saw in the Soviet Union decades ago, only this time with sophisticated technology.”

Sean Lin has a firsthand vantage point on China’s abuses.

As a student, he protested in Tiananmen Square in 1989. He escaped communist China years later and emigrated to the U.S.

Lin then served in the U.S. Army, ultimately directing a viral disease lab at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Today, he raises awareness of human rights abuses in China.

“One of their biggest crimes that has been exposed is organ harvesting,” said Lin.

“They remove the organs from innocent prisoners of conscience, killing them in the process. They make great profits from this state-run enterprise.”

Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting tracks these atrocities. They report more than one million Chinese people have been killed in...

The Chronicles Of A Dangerous Nut-Job...

Islamists Are Slaughtering Christians Left and Right in Nigeria

Abraham Cooper and Johnnie Moore of the New York Postprovided lurid details about the Christian slaughter taking place in Nigeria.

In recent years, Islamist terrorists of Boko Haram have gained notoriety for the slaughter of Christians in the African country.

A 9-year-old girl told them about her experience witnessing terrorists murder her parents and siblings with machetes.

They also recounted the story of the kidnapping of two female parishioners of a church that had been destroyed twice.

The church’s pastor had to rescue them by paying off the terrorists with a ransom.

According to the authors, “The ransom demanded was a fortune for any individual in his modest town. So he sold virtually all his possessions, as did other church members, to pay the thousand dollars required to save their lives.”

Another village’s experience didn’t turn out well:

Other stories didn’t end so happily. We met men from a village razed entirely by the Islamists. The livelihoods were sabotaged, their families’ massacred. The attackers waited till the middle of the night before assailing men, women and childnre with guns and machetes. Kidnapping wasn’t to their taste. They started fires, then unleashed horrific ethnic cleansing.

One victim — Leah Shurabi — has stood out among the rest. This Christian teenager was 14 years old when she refused to convert to Islam despite the constant threats coming from her terrorist captors. The two authors were in Nigeria on the second anniversary of her abduction.

Nigeria’s Muslim president, Muhammadu Buhari, shared her Christian testimony in a statement on the front page of a leading newspaper in Nigeria.

“Leah remains in the hands of the terrorists,” declared Buhari. “They say [it’s] because she refuses to renounce her Christian faith. We say that no person has the right to force another to...