90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, March 2, 2020

Mesmerized By Biden's Hairy Legs, The People Turn Around To Starve And Suffer In The Democrat Desert Of "Those Days Are Over"

‘This Is My First Time!’ Criminal Alien Who ‘Raped 3-Yr Old Girl’ at McDonalds Demands Bond

A Mexican immigrant who was released by authorities in sanctuary city Chicago despite ICE telling them not to ‘went on to rape a three-year-old girl in a McDonald’s bathroom as she cried ”daddy, daddy”,’ according to reports.

When the judge refused to set bond the accused child rapist actually shouted out “But this is my first time!”

Christopher Puente, 34, is accused of sexually assaulting the young girl at the restaurant on 600 N. Clark St. in the River North area of the city at around 8am on February 19.

The alleged attack happened while the girl’s father was in another stall with her brother, who had had an accident in the restaurant.

However, Christopher Puente should not have been walking the streets at all. ICE had requested that police continue detaining the previously deported felon, who had convictions for forced-entry burglary and forgery.

DailyMail report: Despite his background, Chicago declined ICE’s June 2019 request to detain Puente.

ICE have said this is an increasingly common battle, with the agency reporting that Cook County, which includes Chicago, denied more than 1,000 detainer requests in 2019 alone.

Puente’s bond hearing in Cook County heard the little girl’s mouth was covered as she began whimpering ‘daddy, daddy’ – before her father pulled her legs from under the door to get her to safety.

The alleged attack happened while the girl’s father was in another stall with her brother, who had had an accident in the restaurant (pictured) on 600 N. Clark St. in the River North area of the city

The horrific ordeal was relayed in court where the accused rapist appeared for the first time. Robert Guadian, field office director of Chicago Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), blamed ‘irresponsible lawmaking’ for Puentes release.

‘How many more victims must there be before lawmakers realize that sanctuary policies do not protect the innocent?’ Guadian said.

‘Puente should have been in ICE custody last year and removed to his home country. Instead, irresponsible lawmaking allowed him to walk free and prey on our...

Bernie On His Nearsighted Literacy Vision Quest: (Circa Jan 1, 1959)

13,000 Migrants Mass At Turkey-Greece Border, Preparing to Rush Europe

The “refugees” aren’t waiting for permission to enter Europe.

More than ten thousand migrants have massed on Turkey’s border with Greece, hoping to enter the European Union as refugees and asylum seekers. They’ve been enabled by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey has largely prevented massive flows of migrants and so-called refugees from entering continental Europe for the past four years. But the nation is now letting the considerable migrant populations housed within its borders travel to the Greek border as a means to show its displeasure towards the European reaction to its military intervention in Syria.

Greek police could be seen deploying water cannons and other deterrents to stop the mob from infiltrating the nation’s borders. The Greek Army has been deployed to the border to safeguard against large-scale migrant crossings.

Some of the migrants have already attempted crossing to Greece’s island territories in the Aegean Sea, receiving a cold reception from locals who are tired of costly and dangerous boats of migrants arriving in their communities.

Footage of the crowd assembled at the border, just across the Bosphorous Strait in Turkey’s European territory, showed a massive assemblage of mostly young men who could be likened to...

U.S. supply chain accelerating shift OUT of China as an additional benefit of Trump’s trade policies

During his 2016 campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly promised to ‘fix’ the massive trade imbalances the United States has had with China for decades, and by all measures, he’s delivering.

And the recent outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus in China is actually accentuating Trump’s U.S.-China trade policies.

Thanks to the virus’ spread and continued factory production slowdowns in China, U.S. supply chains for all kinds of things ranging from consumer goods to medical supplies needed to combat the virus at home are in short supply. The reason is simple: When your own economy is so massively intertwined with the economy of just one other nation, it only stands to reason that your country will suffer when that other country has a major problem producing the goods you need.

As such, U.S. companies are accelerating their plans to move operations out of China to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #216

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #914

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Crash and Bernie - Intellectual Froglegs

Girls With Guns

This Is Not What They Meant By Brotherly Love....

Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother and said she would 'do what she had to do to get him "papers" to keep him in U.S.', reveals Somali community leader