90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Orange Man Bad...

They Really Are This Dumb...

Demand For ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ Bunkers Soars Six Fold Since Coronavirus Outbreak

Homes designed to repel “aggressive external influences.”

Demand for Russian-made bunker houses marketed to withstand a “zombie apocalypse” have soared six-fold since the coronavirus outbreak.

According to the creators of Cyberhouse, interest in the homes has gone global.

Having had only two customers from America and Spain before January, since the turn of the year there are 10 additional customers, with some from Italy, which has been hit hard by the coronavirus.

“Due to the large number of orders around the world, the bunker house has evolved from a one-time history into an architectural style,” says Alex Vyzhevsky, chief architect of Modern House. “Its main feature is the desire of the owner of this property to be protected from aggressive external influences.”

The bunkers are made using cast concrete, bulletproof glass, and heavy duty steel. For the Italian customers, microbiological protection systems will also be introduced.

The cost of a bunker house, described as a “multi-level silo,” that accomodates 6 to 7 people starts at...

This Is How Entire Economies Are Destroyed And Everyone Starves To Death...

'If Only Our Leaders Cared to Put Americans First': Tucker Slams GOP-Backed H-1B Outsourcing Scheme

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night exposed how companies like AT&T are reportedly forcing American workers to train their foreign replacements brought in from India through H-1B visas.

Though candidate Trump said he would end the program when he was running for president, after getting elected president he kept the program and has floated expanding it and even giving a "path to citizenship" to H-1B visa holders.

Just weeks ago, White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said the US is "desperate" for more immigrants to "fuel" our economic growth.


From Fox News, "'Tucker Carlson Tonight' investigates: How AT&T outsources American jobs, makes employees train replacements":

"I'm aware of at least 8,000. At least 8,000. It could be more."

That's how many AT&T employees have been victimized by an outsourcing process called "rebadging," according to a former worker for the telecommunications giant who spoke to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" for a special investigation.

The employee, who spent nearly two decades at AT&T, was informed a few months ago that she was no longer needed, and was being "rebadged" to consulting company Accenture, where she'd be forced to train a low-cost foreign replacement. She told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" that she expects to be fired within a year.

"You feel helpless and you just accept it," said the employee, who added: "Today it's my job. Tomorrow, it could be...

You Needed A Study To Find This Out?

Case In Point:

Listen to Pro-Bernie Crowd Roar as Security Guard Gets Violent with Peaceful Trump Supporter

Bernie Sanders may have lost big on Super Tuesday, but at least his partisans got to cheer a seemingly peaceful supporter of President Donald Trump supporter getting tackled by security at a campus rally in Virginia on Saturday for reasons that are under dispute.

And the Sanders crowd appreciated it, too, judging by the cheering that can be heard in the video.

According to WAVY-TV, Markus Gohring attended the rally at Virginia Wesleyan University in Virginia Beach as a counter-protester.

“I’m not an aggressive person,” he told the TV station. “I wanted to tell the people that go there that I’m not with them.”

The Trump-Pence 2020 flag was a pretty good indicator that, no, he wasn’t feeling the Bern.

Campus security approached Gohring and told him he’d have to leave the private university’s campus.

“I didn’t know who he was, what his authority is and so I asked who authorizes you to [say] I have to go off-grounds,” Gohring told the station.

“We have a little discussion, but he was not approachable in any way.”

As Campus Reform noted, the Sanders campaign event was described as “open to the public.”

Gohring says that after the dialogue with the security guard, he decided to leave. Video shows him being followed by the guard, however.

“He approached me then from behind and the rest is [on] video,” Gohring said.

The video shows the guard grabbing Gohring’s flag and then physically dragging him to the ground.

“I saw he was pulling a weapon and that’s when I ran,” Gohring said.

“It was a matter of getting that Trump flag off of...

Who Is Controlling Biden's Brain?

Missouri Muslim Convert Sentenced In Planned Terror Attack Plot

A Columbia, Missouri, man was sentenced to 19 years in prison in federal court today for his role in making preparations to launch a terrorist attack with persons he believed were members of the Islamic State (ISIS), but who were actually undercover law enforcement employees.

Robert Lorenzo Hester Jr., 28, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Greg Kays to 236 months in federal prison without parole. The court also sentenced Hester to a lifetime of supervised release following incarceration.

Hester pleaded guilty on Sept. 24, 2019, to attempting to provide material support to ISIS from October 2016 to Feb. 17, 2017, knowing that it was a designated foreign terrorist organization that engages in terrorist activity. Hester actively attempted to plot a mass casualty attack with others that he believed were acting on behalf of ISIS. Hester drew the attention of law enforcement through advocating violence on social media, and when contacted by undercover officers, he immediately showed that he wanted action in addition to words. Law enforcement engaged Hester to see if he was truly committed to an act of terrorism, and his responses left no doubt that he was.

Hester, who has been in federal custody since his arrest in February 2017, is a U.S. citizen. He was enlisted in the U.S. Army for less than a year, receiving a..

Justice Roberts blasts Schumer for ‘dangerous’ and ‘threatening statements’ about Gorsuch, Kavanaugh

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts said House Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Wednesday remarks were “dangerous” and “threatening statements.”

Schumer said during a rally in front of the United States Supreme Court that Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh “released the whirlwind,” and would “pay the price.” The New York Democrat also said the pair “won’t know what hit you” if they side in a way that hurts abortion access in a case before the court Wednesday.

In a rare response, Roberts responded: “Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.”

NEW: Chief Justice Roberts chastises Schumer for "threatening" statements about Kavanaugh, Gorsuch.
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“All members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter,” Roberts added.

Following Roberts’s response, Schumer spokesman Justin Goodman told the Daily Caller News Foundation: “Women’s health care rights are at stake and Americans from every corner of the country are in anguish about what the court might do to them,”

“For Justice Roberts to follow the right wing’s deliberate misinterpretation of what Sen. Schumer said, while remaining silent when President Trump attacked Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg last week, shows Justice Roberts does not just call balls and strikes,” he continued.

Trump called for Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg to recuse themselves on cases involving his administration Feb. 25.

Schumer’s initial remarks were spoken Wednesday at a rally in front of the Supreme Court, where...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #219

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