90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Who's Your Enemy?

The Propaganda Media...

A Public Service Announcement From Ozzy Osborne...

People's Minds That Fear Destruction
Sorcerers Of Asswipe Compunction...

Joey Gets An Unwanted Taste Of Joe Biden's Sick Obsession With Children...

NYT Reporters Just Can’t Stop Lying

The New York Times’ reporters are on a mission to prove that their paper contains all the fake news that’s fit to print.

Times reporter Julie Bosman tweeted out a quote from a new article of theirs, claiming that President Trump told the nation’s governors during a conference call “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment – try getting it yourselves” – attempting to portray Trump as saying that he told the governors that they’ll be fighting the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic alone.

Of course, that’s not the full quote. Only when the quote is cut the exact way Bosman did do you get the impression Trump told governors they’re on their own. What he actually said (which is quoted correctly in the article) was just the opposite: “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment – try getting it yourselves. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”

Or in other words, Trump said he would absolutely he helping the states – but they could take initiative to expedite the process if they so wish.

And she wasn’t the only Times reporter to deliberately misquote Trump when sharing the article – presumably because they assume their audience doesn’t actually read the articles they post (and I certainly can’t blame anyone for not reading what the Times reports). Mara Gay was also on the case to deliberately misrepresent Trump.

What are the odds that two Times reporters would unintentionally misquote a Times article in exactly the same way to give exactly the same impression? I’m no statistician, but I’d say close to zero.

In the event that you forgot – Gay is the woman who recently divided 500 by 330 and got one million in a particularly hilarious on-air math error on MSNBC. She later claimed that racism explained the backlash to her...

You Can't Eat Toilet Paper...

Obama DOJ officials privately told Mueller they were alarmed by FBI treatment of Flynn

A little-noticed letter from special counsel Robert Mueller's office divulges Obama DOJ concerns about FBI treatment of ex-Trump national security adviser.

Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates and other senior Obama-era Justice Department officials told the Russia special prosecutor in private interviews they had concerns about the FBI’s conduct in investigating former Trump National Security Adviser Mike Flynn, according to memos that paint a dark portrait of the bureau’s behavior.

The documents, which include a letter from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team transmitting exculpatory evidence to Flynn’s defense lawyers in 2018, offer the most detailed montage to date about why Attorney General Bill Barr recently appointed a special prosecutor to review the government’s actions in the Flynn case.

Among other things, the correspondence shows:
  • Mueller’s team accepted Flynn’s guilty plea on a charge of lying about his conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak even though agents told DOJ they thought the former general was not lying and simply had a faulty memory.
  • DOJ officials believed the threat the FBI was using to prosecute Flynn under an obscure law known as the Logan Act was a “stretch.”
  • Flynn was lured by the FBI into a fateful interview with agents believing he was not in legal jeopardy, which caused him not to seek a lawyer.
  • Some of the DOJ officials’ assessments to the Mueller team were backed up by former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe.
The documents add credence to the arguments Flynn’s new lawyer, Sidney Powell, is making that the former national security adviser was coerced into making his 2018 guilty plea and should be allowed to withdraw it.

Yates, the Obama administration holdover, rose in January 2017 to Trump’s acting Attorney General only to be fired by the new president. She described her concerns to the Mueller team about a Jan. 24, 2017 effort by the bureau to interview Flynn about his contacts with Russia without letting him know he was under investigation.

“During an SCO (Special Counsel Office) interview of former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, Yates said that on January 24, 2017, Comey advised Yates that two FBI agents were on their way to interview Flynn,” a May 2018 Mueller team letter to Flynn’s lawyers stated. “The interview was problematic from Yates’ perspective because, as a matter of protocol and courtesy, the White House Counsel’s Office should have been...

Social Distancing World Champion..

Explaining The Butterfly Effect In Relation To Toilet Paper Shortages...

Butterfly Effect | Definition of Butterfly Effect by ...

Butterfly effect definition is - a property of chaotic systems (such as the atmosphere) by which small changes in initial conditions can lead to large-scale and unpredictable variation in the future state of the system.

Pro-Gun Software Developer Was Asleep at Home When Police Killed Him in Firearms Bust, Family Says

A Maryland software developer was asleep in his bedroom when police opened fire from outside the house and shot him dead, according to his family.

The Montgomery County Police Department said in a news release Friday that Duncan Socrates Lemp, 21, “confronted” police who were executing a “high risk” search warrant at the Potomac home early Thursday. They said a tactical unit member fatally shot Lemp around 4:30 a.m.

According to police, the officers were “following up on a complaint from the public that Lemp, though prohibited, was in possession of firearms.”

However, Rene Sandler, an attorney for Lemp’s family, said an eyewitness gave a “completely contrary” account of the shooting. She said police have “absolutely no justification” for shooting Lemp as far as she can tell.

“There is no warrant or other justification that would ever allow for that unless there is an imminent threat, which there was not,” she told The Associated Press.
Duncan Lemp and his girlfriend were shot without warning, the family says

Sandler said Lemp’s family believes the officers opened fire with shotguns, including through Lemp’s bedroom window, while he and his girlfriend were sleeping. Nobody in the home, which Lemp shared with his parents and 19-year-old brother, heard any warnings or commands beforehand, she said.

Lemp’s girlfriend was also wounded in the shooting. Detectives later recovered three rifles and two handguns from the house, police said.

A police spokesman did not immediately respond to requests for comment by The AP or Pluralist. Officers are not required to alert targets of “no-knock warrants,” which judges issue to protect police or evidence.

In a statement released Friday by their lawyers, Lemp’s family said the warrant that police obtained to search the home makes no mention of any “imminent threat” to law enforcement or the public.

“Any attempt by the police to shift responsibility onto Duncan or his family, who were sleeping when the police fired shots into their home, is not supported by...

Instead of Prepping for Pandemic, CDC Focused on Gun Control and Promoting Social Justice

The federal bureaucracy has failed us again.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has come under fire for their handling of the coronavirus pandemic and examining what they devote their limited resources toward shows that the anger that has developed toward the bureaucracy is well-deserved.

Journalist Daniel Greenfield noted in Front Page Mag that the CDC has focused on liberal causes du jour rather than their mandate of actually keeping Americans safe from legitimate public health crises.

Greenfield noted that one of the social justice causes that have been pushed by the CDC are unconstitutional gun control schemes.

Last year, the federal budget gave $25 million for the CDC to split with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to come up with psuedo-scientific gun control schemes. This satisfied a request from liberals to study gun control as a public health crisis as a way to undermine the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.

“The significance of this is huge,” said Mark Rosenberg, a gun control advocate who used the CDC to push for gun control before Republicans defunded such research in the 1990s. “For 20 years, the government has not sought answers using science to this horrendous public health crisis.”

Greenberg also pointed to other boondoggles the CDC has funded, including a state-of-the-art $106 million visitor’s center replete with Japanese gardens, a gym facility costing $200K, and a beauty pageant for transgender individuals.

“The occasional outbreak only calls the CDC’s general incompetence to everyone’s attention. The rest of the time its incompetence, like that of other government agencies, just ticks along wasting money,” Greenberg wrote.

A program implemented by former President Bill Clinton illustrates the failure of the CDC’s SJW central planning. He unveiled his National Plan to Eliminate Syphilis in 1999, in what was supposed to be a legacy project for his administration. Despite the money that was spent on his plan – which was framed around fighting back against racism – syphilis rates reached an all-time high in the year of 2018.

Democrat presidential front-runner Joe Biden, in a boast exhibiting extreme Hubris, said he would use the CDC and other bureaucracies to defeat cancer if he was elected to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #231

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