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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Las Vegas: Rioter Shoots Officer in the Head from Behind

Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told a press briefing an officer was shot around 11 p.m. Monday night and is in critical condition and on life support at University Medical Center.

Lombardo said officers were dealing with a large group of rioters at a George Floyd protest near the Circus Circus hotel-casino when the officer went down.

Rioters were allegedly throwing rocks and debris at the officers before the officer was shot, KTNV Las Vegas reports.

“Our officers were attempting to take rocks and bottles from the crowd,” said Lombardo during the press conference. “Officers were attempting to get some of the protesters in custody when a shot rang out and our officer went down.”

SWAT and K9 at the scene responded and were able to apprehend the suspected shooter while a second shooting was also notified:

My Office has been notified that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is currently working two separate incidents in Las Vegas. The State is in contact with local law enforcement and continues to monitor the situation.
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The second incident occurred at the courthouse on South Las Vegas Boulevard after officers who were posted to protect it from rioters. They encountered a suspect at approximately 11:22 p.m. armed with multiple weapons and appeared to be wearing body armor.

When authorities approached, the suspect reached for one of those weapons and was subsequently shot by the responding officers, ABC News reports.

The suspect later died at the hospital.

“This is a tragic night for our community,” said Lombardo. “With these protests, which are leading to riots, one tragedy is only leading to another … our investigations into both these incidents will be ongoing throughout the morning.”

“What has occurred is utterly, utterly unacceptable and I hope the...

Why Are Celebrities Bailing Out Looters And Rioters Rather Than Bailing Out Burned Down Businesses?

CBS Reporter Calls Out Black Lives Matter Rioters Looting Store

While many in the liberal media were treating looters and rioters as though they were a mysterious group of unidentifiable people, CBS correspondent Jonathan Vigliotti approached a store in Santa Monica, California on Monday and called out someone carrying “Black Lives Matter” sign while they stole merchandise. He even chased after a group who stole some surfboards and pressed them on their affiliation with the organization.

Vigliotti began his CBS Evening News report by noting that Santa Monica was “the site of some of the worst looting in America,” and that he and his crew were “firsthand” witnesses.

“This is a sushi store here. You can see the chairs were thrown around, even the computers ripped off. And here we have a jewelry store,” he said while going from shop to shop pointing out the chaos. He and his crew eventually came across a Patagonia clothing store in the process of being robbed.

Peering inside, Vigliotti spotted a black woman holding a sign that read “Black Lives Matter” and trying to hide her face. “What you're seeing is people of all ages, all backgrounds helping themselves, using Black Lives Matter as the reason. It is throughout Santa Monica,” he said.

The video immediately cut to a clip of him chasing after some people who had just robbed some surfboards and were making their getaway on a motorcycle. “So, wait! Guys, why are you doing this are you part of Black Lives Matter, or are you just surfers? What's the deal, guys,” he asked in a knowing tone.

After noting that local police had discovered that 95 percent of their 400 arrests were people from out of town, Vigliotti shared the story of an optometry office that was gutted by...

ESPN's Chris Martin Palmer Fine With Riots and Burning Things, As Long As They're Not His Things

Guts! Pelosi, Clinton and Schumer triggered by Trump’s boss-walk to St. John’s church amid riots

Senator Marco Rubio defended President Trump for visiting St. John’s Episcopal Church after leftists set fire to it the previous day during the mass riots and looting that occurred in Democrat-run cities across the country.

President Trump walked out the front door of the White House like a boss into Lafayette Square — where left-wing protesters were harassing police and trashing property — to visit historic St. John’s Church.

Senator Rubio tweeted: “Many in the media fell for the calculated and deliberate tactics of professional agitators. They knew the street needed to be cleared before 7 pm curfew. But they deliberately stayed to trigger police action and get the story they wanted, that “police attacked peaceful protestors.”

Many in the media fell for the calculated & deliberate tactics of professional agitators.

They knew the street needed to be cleared before 7pm curfew.

But they deliberately stayed to trigger police action & get the story they wanted, that “police attacked peaceful protestors.”
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Not surprisingly, Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer pounced on President Trump for visiting the church and in so doing, sending the message to rioters that he will not cede the country to lawlessness and anarchy.

In a statement, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer slammed Trump:

That Look You Get When ANTIFA Gets Listed As A Terrorist Group...

WAR ZONE: SECOND Driver Filmed Ramming Cop in The Street in New York; Cop Beaten By Mob to Cheers [UPDATE: THIRD Attack]

A second ramming attack against police officers in New York was filmed on Monday night, this time in the Bronx.

Footage of the attack was shared on Twitter (WARNING: GRAPHIC):

The Sergeants Benevolent Association shared video of an officer trying to arrest someone being pummeled in the street and attacked by rioters as onlookers filmed and cheered while shouting, "f**k 12," meaning "f**k the police."

82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force Headed to D.C. amid Riots

The Pentagon has ordered the 82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force to deploy to the D.C.-area amid rioting across the nation, according to multiple sources on background.

The force is the same one that deployed earlier this year to quell violent Iran-backed protests in Iraq. Sources told Breitbart News earlier on Monday that the forces were preparing their gear to deploy, but Pentagon officials would not confirm.

A source also told Breitbart News that the 16th Military Police Brigade from Fort Bragg was also headed to D.C.

The deployments to D.C. comes after rioters looted stores, defaced national monuments, and burned a historic church a block from the White House.

Trump during a press conference on Monday announced he was dispatching military units in response to the riots.

“My first and highest duty as president is to defend our great country and the American people. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation, and that is exactly what I will do,” he said.

“As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily-armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults and the wanton destruction of property,” he added.

Trump also spoke to governors earlier during a conference call in which he urged them to show strength and take back the streets from rioters.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), an Army veteran who is close to the Trump administration, said Monday morning that “anarchy, rioting, and looting needs to end tonight,” and suggested sending active duty forces.

He added: “And, if necessary, the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne,...

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