90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Chrissy Teigen is Evil...

Target stock has lost $1.5 billion in value since letting men in the ladies’ room

OMG! The Looting Is Getting Out Of Hand!

My YouTube Channel:

They Will One Day Be Consumed By The Very Fires They Stoke...

...And May Their Flame Dispel The Darkness They Created!

CNN: White Children ‘Don’t Deserve Innocence’

Talking head decrees that white children should be indoctrinated to feel guilt about their skin color.

CNN gave airtime to an ‘anti-racist activist’ who suggested that white children should not be allowed to have an ‘innocent’ childhood, but rather be made to feel guilty about their ‘white privilege’ at an early age.

CNN host Poppy Harlow cited a letter sent to her from a school directing white parents how to teach their kids about their ‘white privilege’, and asked Tim Wise “When should parents do this with their kids and how?”

Wise responded that it should be at as young an age as possible, and that white kids need to be repeatedly told they are over privileged in order to sufficiently indoctrinate them.

“I think the important thing for white parents to keep in the front of our mind is that if black children in this country are not allowed innocence and childhood without fear of being killed by police or marginalized in some other way, then our children don’t deserve innocence.” Wise proclaimed.

“If Tamir Rice can be shot dead in a public park playing with a toy gun, something white children do all over this country every day without the same fear of being shot, if Tamir Rice can be killed, then white children need to be told at least at the same age, if they can’t be innocent, we don’t get to be innocent.” Wise continued.

“If we could keep that in the front of our minds, then perhaps we would be able to hear what black and brown folks are telling us every day and have been for...

Her Voice Is Not Heard Because Our Media Foments Grievance Theology...

The Benefits Of Designating Antifa A Domestic Terrorist Organization

Antifa has continued to hijack peaceful protests across the country, even turning some into riots. Designating Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization would give the FBI the authority to use counter-terrorism measures to oppose the group’s efforts. One America’s Christina Bobb has more from Washington.

New Ad From The Democrats:

...And It's Completely True!

Road Rage: Man with ‘Wolverine Claw’ Confronts Teens Who Reportedly Threw Objects at His Car

A man angry with teenagers who reportedly threw items at his car was captured on video emerging from his vehicle with a double-bladed, wrist-strapped weapon — quickly dubbed a “wolverine claw” online — in Whitestone, Queens, Wednesday afternoon.

The footage, shared by NBC New York reporter Myles Miller, shows a man shouting at the youths before turning his grey SUV around to drive up to them. The man is seen quickly exiting his vehicle and chasing down one of the young men as he asks, “You want to throw shit like that?” while pointing the weapon at him.

The man then turns his attention to the rest of the group, pointing the weapon in their direction as he once again asks, “You want to throw shit like that?”

In Miller’s previous tweet, the reporter said the man also attempted to run over the teens with his truck.

Reporters and commentators compared the man’s unique weapon to Wolverine, the Marvel Comics X-Men character who fights with...

Acosta Refuses to Denounce Violence Against Police, Kayleigh McEnany Schools Him

CNN chief White House correspondent and resident quack Jim Acosta predictably inserted himself into Wednesday’s press briefing, taking up over four minutes lamenting about Monday night’s events in D.C.’s Lafayette Park and refusing to denounce violence against police officers.

And just as predictably, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany made him look like a fool, repeatedly saying that police “have the right to defend themselves” and that Acosta should respect the tough jobs they do seeing as how law enforcement have been “defending and protecting you as you come into this building each and every day, Jim.”

Acosta led off not with a question, but a hot take asserting that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “likely would not have approved what took place Monday evening in front of the White House, as you probably know.”

“If the White House, the President, and his team had to do it again, would you have gassed and pummeled protesters to clear the park so the President could have a photo op,” he added.
McEnany got one sentence out and then Acosta proceeded to filibuster instead of ask questions and have a real exchange. Thankfully, McEnany put a stop to it and laid out the timeline and rationale for clearing Lafayette Park:

MCENANY: So, let me first address no tear gas was used and no rubber bullets were used.

ACOSTA: Chemical agents were used.

MCENANY: So, again, no tear gas was used and no rubber bullets were used. Let me —

ACOSTA: Why are you making that distinction? Chemical agents were used.

MCENANY: — let me — let me back up and —

ACOSTA: We talked to an Episcopal priest who said she was gassed. Others say they were tear gassed in that area.

MCENANY: Well, no one was tear gassed. Let me make that clear. That's been confirmed by DOD and Park Services as well.

ACOSTA: But chemical agents were used.

MCENANY: So let me go back and address what happened cause there's been a lot of misreporting. First, I would note that these protests that were going on in the morning, A.G. Barr had determined that we needed to expand the perimeter by a block on each side. He was surprised, A.G. Barr, when he arrived at the White House to see that that perimeter had not been moved, so he said we needed to get going with moving that perimeter. He talked to the officers that out there. That was late afternoon, so that decision was made in the morning. The protesters were told three times over loud speaker that they needed to move and what happened was it grew unruly. There were projectiles being thrown at officers, frozen water bottles were being thrown at officers, various projectiles and the officers had no choice than in that moment but to acted and make sure that they were safe and the perimeter was pushed back because, as we all know, a church was burning in that very area the night before, so the appropriate action was taken. Expand

Acosta followed up with the lame excuse that “the church wasn’t burning” on Monday, so there was no reason to clear the area. McEnany countered that Barr had already said that the perimeter should be extended “so the church would no longer be in harm’s way” and, in similar fashion, “it's absolutely uncalled for to throw bricks, absolutely uncalled for to throw water bottles that are frozen at police officers.”

Acosta wouldn’t acknowledge that point and instead downplayed it because “the vast majority of those protesters were doing so peacefully and that many of them did not hear those warnings and were simply just pushed out of the way, just forced — pummeled out of the way by their fellow Americans, police officers.”

With McEnany reminding Acosta of the right of police officers to not be physically harmed and...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #309

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1008

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.