90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, June 8, 2020

Deep Thoughts From KermitTheeFrog...

University agrees that black students should be graded differently

Students at the University of Washington are demanding that black students should not face difficult exams and time constraints because they are too “busy fighting for [their] rights to sit down and study”.
And the university thinks it is a good idea: It is currently advising professors to pass black students on the basis of race after an online petition gathered more than 26 000 signatures.

“You need to encourage and demand professors to accommodate their black students during this time. If UW truly understands our pain, UW will be a part of alleviating it,” the petition states.

Nicole McNichols, UW Psychology Professor told Campus Reform that she supported the move. “Obviously, I support the petition and absolutely believe the accommodations it requests should be honored by all faculty. Students need all of the support and compassion we can afford to give them right now.”

The email sent by McNichols to her students reads: “First, the remaining homework chapters are being put into review mode. Everyone will receive full points. Second, I have decided to drop everyone’s lowest exam score. This means that you may opt-out of taking Exam 3 if you just don’t feel up to it, (or if you [are] happy with your scores from exam 1 and 2).”

UW Senior Director of Media Relations Victor Balta said that all staff were asked “to consider...

My Socialist Credit Card Arrived In The Mail Today...

I'm Going To Do Something Constructive With It.

I'm Gonna Build A Wall With It...

Instagram Censors FBI Crime Stats Graph As 'Hate Speech'

Facebook-owned Instagram is now censoring FBI crime statistic graphs as "hate speech," according to Blaze TV's Elijah Schaffer.

"Instagram is now removing FBI crime statistic graphs," Schaffer said Saturday on Twitter. "Posted with the necessary citations [as] 'hate speech.'"

"We are getting to the point where narratives are more important than truth," Schaffer said. "And the truth when inconvenient makes you a hateful person. This is 1984."

Instagram is now removing FBI crime statistic graphs

Posted with the necessary citations

As “hate speech”

We are getting to the point where narratives are more important than truth

And the truth when inconvenient makes you a hateful person

This is 1984
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This is the "hate graph" he posted, which is based off FBI crime stats from 2013:

It makes sense that Instagram would want it censored as it debunks the media's entire false victimization narrative.

While Instagram has apparently deemed FBI crime stats off limits, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal are now running them on their front pages.

For example, Fox News included these lines in their headline article on Sunday titled, "Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey rejects city council's push to defund police, despite veto-proof majority":

Nationally, efforts to defund the police have been broadly unpopular, with only about 20 percent of Americans favoring reductions in...

WOW! Joe Biden Has A Plan For Our Economy And It Is Magnificent!

‘We repent on behalf of Caucasian people’: Cops, white protesters wash feet of black faith leaders, ask forgiveness

Wuz Kangs?

Protests over the death of George Floyd are now approaching two weeks, as mostly young Americans continue taking to the streets to call for justice — even though all four officers involved in the incident just before Floyd died have been fired and face serious legal charges.

The only clear demand outside of justice has been to defund police departments, a move that hurts low-income minority communities most. Aside from emasculating police, the only other demand seems to be for white people and law enforcement to prostrate themselves before black Americans as a means of atonement.

On that note, an incident over the weekend in Cary, North Carolina is making the news, after a video captured a group of white people washing the feet of black faith leaders.

The faith leaders having their feet washed are Faith and Soboma Wokoma, a married couple who co-pastor the Legacy Center Church, according to ABC 11 News.

As the white people kneel before the Wokomas and wash their feet, a white woman with a bullhorn narrates — foot washing is a common religious practice, but those in the video add a decidedly racial flare to the gesture.

“We repent on behalf of Caucasian people,” the woman says, as two police officers are seen entering the picture, taking a knee before the faith leaders.

An ABC 11 video description reads: “Police officers and community members gather to wash the feet of the faith leaders of Legacy Center Church.”

The bullhorn is passed to a white man, who assumes the authority to speak on behalf of all white people, praying for repentance for “our aggressions” against “our African-American brothers and sisters.”

“Lord, we repent for our greed… we have put our hands on the necks of our African-American brothers and sisters, people of color, indigenous people,” the man prayed. “Lord we ask for your forgiveness for our slaughter.”

The scene was part of a unity march in Cary, in response to the...

Mitt Romney Marching to White House to Ensure ‘People Understand That Black Lives Matter’

This Guy Gets More Clownish Every Day.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) marched with protesters on Sunday to ensure that Americans “understand that black lives matter.”

Romney reportedly marched with a group of roughly 1,000 Christians towards the White House.

Romney told a Washington Post reporter that he is marching with protesters to ensure that the country can reduce “violence, and brutality, and to make sure that people understand that black lives matter.”

“We need a voice against racism; we need many voices against racism and against brutality. And we need to stand up and say black lives matter,” Utah’s junior senator said during the protest.
Romney also sang “Amazing Grace” as they approached the...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #313

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1012

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Discrimination Vs An Elderly Black Man

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