90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, June 15, 2020

To Maintain Independence From Government Abuse...

Held as a Sex Slave by ISIS for Five Years: 'I Never Thought that One Day I Would Be Free'

ISIS hasn't been front-and-center in the news recently, but it's still a threat in many places around the world.

In Iraq, thousands of women and girls who were kidnapped when the terror group took control in 2014 have yet to be returned to their homes.

Now, families are put in the position of buying their daughters back from the brutal jihadist group.

Six years ago, Leila Taalo was kidnapped by ISIS along with her entire family. They are Yazidi, an ancient people who were brutally oppressed by ISIS when the terror group flooded into their area in Northern Iraq in 2014.

After their capture from their home in Sinjar, her family was forcibly converted to Islam. This allowed her family to live as second-class citizens for a while, working for the Islamic State mainly as herders, along with other Yazidis who were moved there.

Taalo showed journalists a room near Sinjar where she was confined with her husband.

But after some Yazidis escaped, the militants gathered all the men and took them away, never to be seen again. Many were killed and dumped into a sinkhole, where their bones can still be seen whitening in the...

The Minister Of Victim Theology...

Shakedown Sharpton - Racebaiter In Chief...

Shots fired from Mexico at US border wall construction workers

A crew working at a border wall construction site on the southern border said they were shot at from the Mexico side on Thursday morning.

While multiple rounds were shot, one bullet hit the newly constructed wall in Southern Texas near Fronton, Breitbart first reported. Construction workers heard the shots and immediately called 9-1-1. Border Patrol agents arrived on the scene shortly after and said they could hear a shootout in Mexico, possibly in the small town across the river called Los Guerra.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) flew a helicopter to the area, but by the time they arrived, all the shooters reportedly ran away. According to the report from Breitbart, the city has been consistently home to multiple shootouts between factions of the Cartel Del Noreste and the Gulf Cartel. The area has been historically under Gulf Cartel control.

The area has seen a spike in gun battles recently, and cartel and human trafficking activity have increased with the coronavirus pandemic still raging across the world. The malicious actors have been exploiting the global crisis, seizing upon the distraction that comes with it.

The head of the CBP said that the administration has seized an enormous amount of drugs since the coronavirus outbreak began.

“As for the cartels and drug trafficking networks, we know that there is no ‘day off’ for them,” Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan said. “They continue to exploit the current health pandemic by attempting to move counterfeit products into...

You Turned Fudd Into A Dud...

How President Trump Just Won Re-Election

It's visuals that take down a president, and the video of George Floyd's death is about as graphic as it gets — just like the victims of Hurricane Katrina stranded on rooftops, waving for help that was slow to come.

Katrina was the end of President Bush's presidency, even though it occurred at the beginning of his second term. After Katrina, Bush lost credibility and limped through the last three and a half years of his administration. After Katrina, Republicans lost control of Congress, and Bush was powerless to accomplish anything, even if he had wished to.

Bush was charged with being too slow and ineffective in his response to the storm. In fact, it was local and state Democrats who were slow and ineffective. The mayor of New Orleans seemed to have no advance plan and left much of the city submerged and in chaos, and it was Louisiana's governor, also a Democrat, who was slow to call out the National Guard. Slow on purpose, many would say. In reality, Bush's response was about as effective as it could have been, given the inept response at the local level.

But George Bush failed when he crumbled in response to media criticism and flew to New Orleans to abase himself in front of the cameras at Jackson Square. There he apologized to the black community and promised billions in reparations for what that community had gone through. It made no difference: the left hated him even more. But by demeaning himself in this way, Bush lost what support he still had on the right.

President Trump faces a similar moment, but his response has been just the opposite. In the wake of the Floyd protests, the president has defended law and order. He has defended business owners and police at a time when Democrats are claiming that reliance on the police is a form of "white privilege."

So when a violent criminal is breaking into my house and I call 911, that's "white privilege," and I should just let myself be robbed and murdered?

This is the crucial moment of the Trump presidency, but not in the way the media have framed it. By standing his ground and resisting calls for change, the president will win another term. Conservatives are watching Trump's response with intense interest because in defending law and order, he is defending us as well. Conservatives know that they have nothing to apologize for. It is the rioters, looters, and killers in the streets, including many young white radicals, who should be apologizing — and they should apologize from inside a prison cell.

Despite a recent Quinnipiac poll showing that 51% of Americans believe that the president is a racist, conservatives know that he is not and that racism is not a systemic problem in America. Nor do they believe that the police response in George Floyd's arrest was typical of policing in this country. Conservatives know that a disproportionate level of crime exists in black sections of American cities, and they believe that the problem lies with criminals, not the police. Policing broke down in the case of George Floyd because police in Minneapolis operate under a Democrat administration that appears to have exercised little control of its force. A well run police force is not going to retain an officer who has 17 serious complaints on his record.

Conservatives know that the Floyd case has been blown out of all proportion by the media for political purposes. We are tired of hearing that Floyd was a saint who was the victim of systemic racism. He was not. He was a repeat offender and drug-user who was the unfortunate victim of incompetent and perhaps criminal policing. There is a problem, I believe, in Minneapolis and other Democrat-run cities, but Larry Kudlow was right when he said on Wednesday that the U.S. does not have a problem with systemic racism.

The only real solution to the violence in our cities is for criminals to stop committing crimes, and for that, young men must be brought up differently. Black males, on average, commit seven times the number of murders as do those in the general population, and blacks themselves are six times as likely to be victims. It is the criminals who are responsible for the violence in our country, not the police.

It would help if black leaders like the Rev. Al Sharpton would acknowledge this fact. Instead, as he did in his eulogy for George Floyd, Sharpton maintains that the problems blacks face are the fault of whites. "Ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to being is you kept your knee on our neck," he declared.

No—whites don't have their "knee on your neck." The fact is that with affirmative action blacks have opportunities denied to whites. Blacks go to the head of the line at school and in the workplace, but apparently that's not enough.

Now some are asking for a lump sum in reparations and for community self-policing outside the control of state, city, or federal government, as well as for abolishing the police everywhere so that criminals can rob, rape, and murder with impunity. How much farther do we have to go before we realize that the solution is for all of us to adhere to the same civilized rules?

Fortunately, President Trump has been unwavering in his opposition to the left's radical proposals. He has pointed clearly to the source of the violence. He has been ready to assist cities in putting down riots, and he is insisting on prosecution of those responsible for violence.

Most importantly, he has not given in to the demands of protestors and critics. Conservatives expect President Trump to defend what is right, and they know that the looting and rioting are not our fault or the president's. He must act in a manner that makes that clear. If the president stands his ground, he will retain the conservative vote in November and win re-election.

The Floyd case need not be President Trump's Katrina. Only by abasing himself, apologizing, or offering reparations can he make it so. All he need do to retain conservative support is to stick to the truth: Americans are not racists, American police are overwhelmingly honest and decent, and America offers more opportunity and freedom for all its people than any nation on Earth.

So far, the president has stuck to his guns, despite pressure from the left. By doing so, he will retain his conservative base and win re-election in the fall.

It's visuals that take down a president, and the video of George Floyd's death is about as graphic as it gets — just like the victims of Hurricane Katrina stranded on rooftops, waving for help that was slow to come.

Katrina was the end of President Bush's presidency, even though it occurred at the beginning of his second term. After Katrina, Bush lost credibility and limped through the last three and a half years of his administration. After Katrina, Republicans lost control of Congress, and Bush was powerless to accomplish anything, even if he had wished to.

Bush was charged with being too slow and ineffective in his response to the storm. In fact, it was local and state Democrats who were slow and ineffective. The mayor of New Orleans seemed to have no advance plan and left much of the city submerged and in chaos, and it was Louisiana's governor, also a Democrat, who was slow to call out the National Guard. Slow on purpose, many would say. In reality, Bush's response was about as effective as it could have been, given the inept response at the local level.

But George Bush failed when he crumbled in response to media criticism and flew to New Orleans to abase himself in front of the cameras at Jackson Square. There he apologized to the black community and promised billions in reparations for what that community had gone through. It made no difference: the left hated him even more. But by demeaning himself in this way, Bush lost what support he still had on the right.

President Trump faces a similar moment, but his response has been just the opposite. In the wake of the Floyd protests, the president has defended law and order. He has defended business owners and police at a time when Democrats are claiming that reliance on the police is a form of "white privilege."

So when a violent criminal is breaking into my house and I call 911, that's "white privilege," and I should just let myself be robbed and murdered?

This is the crucial moment of the Trump presidency, but not in the way the media have framed it. By standing his ground and resisting calls for change, the president will win another term. Conservatives are watching Trump's response with intense interest because in defending law and order, he is defending us as well. Conservatives know that they have nothing to apologize for. It is the rioters, looters, and killers in the streets, including many young white radicals, who should be apologizing — and they should apologize from inside a prison cell.

Despite a recent Quinnipiac poll showing that 51% of Americans believe that the president is a racist, conservatives know that he is not and that racism is not a systemic problem in America. Nor do they believe that the police response in George Floyd's arrest was typical of policing in this country. Conservatives know that a disproportionate level of crime exists in black sections of American cities, and they believe that the problem lies with criminals, not the police. Policing broke down in the case of George Floyd because police in Minneapolis operate under a Democrat administration that appears to have exercised little control of its force. A well run police force is not going to retain an officer who has 17 serious complaints on his record.

Conservatives know that the Floyd case has been blown out of all proportion by the media for political purposes. We are tired of hearing that Floyd was a saint who was the victim of systemic racism. He was not. He was a repeat offender and drug-user who was the unfortunate victim of incompetent and perhaps criminal policing. There is a problem, I believe, in Minneapolis and other Democrat-run cities, but Larry Kudlow was right when he said on Wednesday that the U.S. does not have a problem with systemic racism.

The only real solution to the violence in our cities is for criminals to stop committing crimes, and for that, young men must be brought up differently. Black males, on average, commit seven times the number of murders as do those in the general population, and blacks themselves are six times as likely to be victims. It is the criminals who are responsible for the violence in our country, not the police.

It would help if black leaders like the Rev. Al Sharpton would acknowledge this fact. Instead, as he did in his eulogy for George Floyd, Sharpton maintains that the problems blacks face are the fault of whites. "Ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to being is you kept your knee on our neck," he declared.

No—whites don't have their "knee on your neck." The fact is that with affirmative action blacks have opportunities denied to whites. Blacks go to the head of the line at school and in the workplace, but apparently that's not enough.

Now some are asking for a lump sum in reparations and for community self-policing outside the control of state, city, or federal government, as well as for abolishing the police everywhere so that criminals can rob, rape, and murder with...

Defund The Facebook Police...

Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP Is One Long Trump Campaign Ad

Leave CHAZ/CHOP Up and Running Until the Election

The Seattle autonomous zone originally known as CHAZ, now CHAZ/CHOP, is now moving into its second full week as an independent gardening commune or something. It appears that they are trying to take themselves seriously and pretend to be grown ups, doing things like wrestling with name changes and setting up a conflict resolution council.

There is a bit of debate over on this side of the aisle about how CHAZ/CHOP should be handled. I have a lot of friends who wish that someone would send in the big guns clear the little brats out of the way, hopefully for good. That’s unlikely to happen while the mayor of Seattle is cheerfully hanging out with the kids in the autonomous zone and Washington’s governor spends his days as a full-time climate hoax pimp.

While I am generally a fan of cleaning up hippie filth as soon as it erupts somewhere, I think that CHAZ/CHOP should be left to evolve into all of its dumpster fire potential.

Dumpster fire near the CHAZ

We are probably all in agreement that this upcoming presidential election may be the most important one ever. The American voters need to have a clear picture of their choices before them. Well, the still undecided voters do, anyway. The current civil unrest does just that in a most perfect fashion. Unfortunately, the election won’t be happening in the next week or two. CHAZ/CHOP, however, is happening right now and may be an early Christmas gift for the president.

I can think of nothing better for President Trump than to have CHAZ/CHOP chugging along from now until the election in November. While Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep and other prominent Democrats continue to swoon over everything that...

The Democrat Strategy To Win The Election...

GA Dem Backs Hate Crime Law, Says 'Wearing a MAGA Hat Should Never Endanger Your Life'

Democratic Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones has already bucked his party by announcing his decision to support President Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020.

Now, he has likely triggered the snowflakes in his party even more by vowing to introduce a bill that would make political affiliation a protected class and classify politically motivated attacks as hate crimes. As Jones puts it: “Wearing a MAGA hat should never endanger your life.”

Political affiliation should be a protected class, right alongside race, gender, and religion, and my legislation will do just that.

Making any politically motivated attack a HATE CRIME.

Wearing a MAGA hat should never endanger your life.
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Jones represents Georgia’s 91st House District, where Hillary Clinton beat Trump by nearly 50 points in 2016. In spite of his district’s massive Democratic tilt, Jones did not hesitate to publicly support the president’s re-election bid.

Speaking to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jones explained the rationale behind his decision: “It’s very simple to me. President Trump’s handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign.”

The backlash Jones received for refusing to fall in line and...

Seattle’s CHAZ: Retry All Non-White Violent Convicts with Non-White Jurors

Seattle, Washington’s, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is demanding all non-white violent convicted criminals in prison be released and retried in court by non-white jurors only.

CHAZ, formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists, has released a list of demands that seeks to defund the Seattle Police Department and use the money to retry non-white convicts, provide unrestricted voting rights to inmates, and expunge the records of convicted marijuana traffickers.

“We demand a retrial of all People in Color currently serving a prison sentence for violent crime, by a jury of their peers in their community,” CHAZ organizers write.

Such a policy would mean that all non-white violent convicted criminals have their existing convictions and sentences expunged and be given new trials with non-white only jurors.

Another CHAZ demand asks that “prisoners currently serving time be given the full and unrestricted right to vote, and for Washington State to pass legislation specifically breaking from Federal law that prevents felons from being able to vote.”

The policy would mean that close to 40,000 inmates serving sentences in local jails, state prisons, and federal prisons in Washington state would be granted the right to vote in all local, state, and federal elections.

CHAZ organizers also want those convicted of “marijuana-related” and resisting arrest offenses to...

Morning Mistress