90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, June 17, 2020


My Bitchute Channel:

Girls With Guns

I Support Yosemite Sam And...

On The Diabolical Genius Of Marxism...

..And Just Like That...

When There Are No Police...

71 Percent Of Americans Reject Privacy Killing Contact Tracing Apps

Europeans also say no to government monitoring.

Almost three quarters of Americans say they will not submit their privacy to contact tracing apps, with Europeans also rejecting the notion outright because they do not trust government to keep their information safe and refrain from misusing it.

A study from Avira reveals that the vast majority of Americans are against contact tracing apps, with 71 percent saying they will not download them, and 75% believing their digital privacy is at risk from the technology.

The poll found that only 14 percent believe the government would protect their data effectively.

When asked if they would trust big tech more than the government, 32 percent said they would feel safe giving Apple or Google their data.

The study also noted that those working in Government and Healthcare are the least-likely to download the technology, with 84% of people from these sectors saying they will not use the apps:

Are Democrats Retarded?

Seattle Police Agree to Provide Concrete Barriers to Replace CHAZ Border Walls

They’re working with the anarchists.

In a display of submission to left-wing and anarchists rioters and secessionists, the Seattle Police have agreed to provide a set of concrete barriers to replace the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone’s border wall fencing.

Fox News reported on the treaty between the City of Seattle and CHAZ representatives on Tuesday.

The Seattle Department of Transportation will install concrete barriers running east and west on Pine Street. The barriers will supposedly allow emergency vehicles into the autonomous zone and separate pedestrian and motorized traffic.

The agreement between the city and protestors will supposedly reduce the footprint of the autonomous zone from six city blocks to three. The occupation of a considerable portion had posed a public safety risk to residents of downtown Seattle, with police and emergency services having difficulty responding to 911 calls. The Seattle Police has been seen humbly requesting that the anarchists administering CHAZ allow them to reoccupy a precinct station that had been taken over by CHAZ when the zone was created.

A contingent of the anarchists and leftists of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone are currently trying to rebrand the occupied area as the Capital Hill Organized Protest, walking back the previous claims of active secession from the United States. However, not every so-called citizen of...

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil ...

I'm the trouble starter, punkin' instigator
I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated

I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
You're a firestarter, twisted firestarter

I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm the bitch you hated, filth infatuated, yeah

I'm the pain you tasted, fell intoxicated
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter
I'm the self inflicted, mind…

US likely behind ‘Ninja Bomb’ strike that killed 2 Al Qaeda terrorist commanders

The U.S. military is believed to have killed two al-Qaeda-linked senior commanders in a drone strike which may have involved a secret U.S. missile.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the drone strike in Syria occurred on Sunday, according to the Associated Press. The group believes the United States is behind the strike, as the U.S. military has targeted extremists in the region for years.

The drone strike hit a vehicle, killing the commanders inside — a Jordanian named Qassam al-Urduni, also known as “Qassam the Jordanian,” and a Yemeni citizen known as Bilal al-Sanaani, the commander of the group’s so-called “desert army,” according to al-Mohrar Media, an activist collective in northern Syria.

The attack hit in the northwestern province of Idlib, the last remaining rebel stronghold in war-torn Syria. Al-Qaeda-linked militants dominate Idlib, which is home to 3 million civilians.

Al-Urduni and al-Sanaani were with the al-Qaeda-linked Horas al-Din group, an extremist group that broke away from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the strongest insurgent group in...

Men's Lives Matter...