90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, June 19, 2020

Many Newspapers are Refusing to Publish Mugshot Galleries Because the Criminals Aren’t White

They say it enforces negative stereotypes.

There is a growing trend of newspapers across the country that are refusing to publish mugshot galleries because the pictures of minority criminals are supposedly reinforcing negative stereotypes.

The Tampa Bay Times announced on Monday that they would stop publishing mugshot galleries due to concerns that they “disproportionately show black and brown faces.”

“The galleries lack context and further negative stereotypes,” Tampa Bay Times executive editor Mark Katches said in a statement.

“We think the data is an important resource that our newsroom will continue to analyze and watch carefully, but the galleries alone serve little journalistic purpose,” he added.

They followed suit shortly after the Orlando Sentinel announced that they were making a similar decision.

“We’ve come to realize that without context, the galleries have little journalistic value and may have reinforced negative stereotypes,” the Sentinel wrote about the paper’s decision to censor their mugshot database.

In addition, all Gannett-owned papers have announced that they will no longer publish “mugshot galleries, or mugshot photos that are not associated with a story or other editorial content,” according to a Poynter report.

This is part of a broader campaign to suppress facts about crime from being known by the greater public. Big League Politics has reported about how tech corporations are censoring crime statistics from being shared on their...

With Friends Like This....

Never Bend the Knee

Ready or not, the fight is coming to your communities, your schools, your workplaces, and your places of worship.

Recently, I posted a meme on Twitter showing a large idol with “BLM” on it, people bowing down before the idol labeled “woke evangelicals,” and three men standing who are labeled “infidels.” Of course, the meme is based on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Bible’s book of Daniel. These three men refused to bend the knee to a false idol. For that, they were labeled unbelievers by the ruling power and thrown into a pit of fire, yet miraculously they lived.

Some friends and family were not entirely sure what I meant by posting the meme—hence this essay.

Most evangelicals—in fact most Americans—have no idea that Black Lives Matter means something more than the basic and indisputable point that the lives of black people are precious. They don’t know what Black Lives Matter, the organization, actually is, what it stands for, or what it is trying to achieve. They don’t know that it is a Marxist political ideology cloaked in race, an Orwellian tactic if there ever was one.

People think that if you speak out against BLM, you are a racist who cares nothing for the lives of your fellow citizens if they are of a different race.

So let me make this abundantly clear: I care about the lives of my fellow man regardless of the color of his skin. My work has been focused on ensuring not only that every life matters, but that every voice is heard, and that every vote is counted.

In my personal journeys and public efforts, I have seen the challenges others face every day in schools, on the job, even at the ballot box, and I am here to tell you that BLM doesn’t truly care about bettering the lives of anyone—least of all the black community in the United States. It is far more concerned about pushing a radical ideology intended to harm the very people it claims to support because such an agenda keeps them up and operating and in business.

In short: they are traitors to the cause so many believe they espouse.

So what is Black Lives Matter, really? BLM was founded by three Marxist women in 2013. Alicia Garza, one of the founders, is a writer and activist who resides in Oakland, California. She is a self-proclaimed Marxist and “queer social justice activist” who makes no bones about admiring other Marxists and the Black Panthers.

In a September 2016 interview with Complex.com, Garza claimed that the U.S. would be in a better place if we terminated the police. “Quite frankly,” she said, “many of our [BLM] members are continuing to investigate what it would mean to have police-free communities. I think what we’ve continued to see over time is that no moral appeal [to police] is actually stopping the deaths of black people [at the hands of police], whether they are armed or unarmed.”

Patrisse Cullors, another BLM founder, was trained in her activism by Eric Mann, a former Weather Underground member. In a December 2014 interview with The Feminist Wire, Cullors claimed she views Black Lives Matter as a means to push issues such as “decriminalizing Black lives,” “reducing law-enforcement budget,” and requiring that some police departments be “disbanded or abolished.” She’s also a supporter of the BDS movement, a deeply anti-Semitic movement that seeks to...

The Left Is Using Selective Outrage To Further Their Marxist Goals...

Virginia Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government Officials a Criminal Offense

Australia Under MASSIVE Cyber Attack By a ‘State-Based Actor,’ Prime Minister Says

Australia was undergoing a widespread cyber attack Thursday which was targeting all levels of government, political parties, businesses, and other organizations, according to the Prime Minister.

“This activity is targeting Australians organisations across a range of sectors, including all levels of government, industry, political organisations, education, health, essential service providers and operators of other critical infrastructure,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said. “We know it is a sophisticated state-based cyber actor because of the scale and nature of the targeting and the trade craft used.”

“To encourage organisations, particularly those in the health, critical infrastructure and essential services to take expert advice and implement technical defences to thwart this...

McEnany Destroys Bolton: ‘We Take Classified Information Seriously, John Bolton Apparently Does Not’

Watch as White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany destroys John Bolton’s lies about the President and his slimy unprofessional behavior:

McEnany does it again!

Truth is Bolton knows his reputation is completely destroyed and the only way he could salvage anything at all was to cash in on a huge book deal.

Looks like he may have to forfeit his profits and may even end up in jail.


REPORTER: “So in this book, John Bolton alleges that President Trump ran on [inaudible] with Xi to ensure that he’d win in 2020. Do you deny that incident?”

MCENANY: “Robert Lighthizer has been asked this. On the fly, in fact, he was asked it without even reading that and immediately said that is absolutely untrue. And I would note, no one, no president has been tougher on China than President Trump. The trade deal, the billions in tariffs, this President has been tough on China from the very beginning.”

REPORTER: “But why did it take six months for the White House to review it?”

MCENANY: “It was going through a classified review process, it still is going through that process. We take classified information seriously. It puts people at risk, it puts sources at risk, and it’s a process that we meticulously look through. It’s undergoing a review process that’s still ongoing.”

REPORTER: “[inaudible] — that there could have been additional people reviewing the book?”

MCENANY: “Again, it’s still undergoing the review process. We take classified information seriously, John Bolton apparently does not. And this was absolutely appalling that he chose to do this. He more than anyone, being a part of the NSC, should know that classified information is very serious, being someone who’s been a part of two different governments, in fact, and should be very well versed in...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #324

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1023

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Facebook Insider: Company Suspended My Account In H-1B Policy Doc Leak

Girls With Guns