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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

He Was “Defending Himself” From “Racist” UK Claims Brother of Reading Terrorist Who Stabbed Three People to Death

Fact check: No.

The brother of the Libyan refugee who stabbed three people to death in Reading on Saturday night said the terrorist was merely “defending himself” against “racist countries” like the UK.

25-year-old Khairi Saadallah was arrested after launching a vicious attack on a group of people in a park at around 7pm, killing three and injuring three others as he stabbed them in the neck.

Authorities quickly concluded that the incident was a terrorist attack and later carried out a raid and a controlled explosion at the suspect’s home.

However, the terrorist’s brother responded to the news story on Facebook by claiming that his sibling was a victim of “racism” and that he was merely “defending himself” by stabbing three people to death.

“This is not true. Khairi defended himself … racist countries. Freedom for my brother Before !!” claimed Mo Saadallah.

“We are not terroris (sic) and fuck England,” he later posted.


20-year-old eyewitness Lawrence Wort described the horror that unfolded during the attack.

“Suddenly shouted some unintelligible words and went around a large group of around 10, trying to stab them.

“He stabbed three of them, severely in the neck, and under the arms, and then turned and started running towards me, and we turned and started running.

“When he realised that he couldn’t catch us, he tried to stab another group sat down.

“He got one person in the back of the neck and then when he realised everyone was starting to run, he ran out the park.”

The terrorist arrived in the UK claiming to be a tourist, but later claimed asylum on the grounds that his life was being threatened by Islamists in Libya who took over the country after Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama oversaw regime change and the fall of Colonel Gaddafi.

The United Kingdom doesn’t have a very good history with Libyan refugees.

Salman Abedi was rescued from the civil war in Libya in August 2014 by the British Royal Navy.

He went on to blow himself up at an Ariana Grande concert being held at...

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