90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Chinese CoronaVirus Is Mutating...

The BLM Founder Who Begged Allah For Strength Not To ‘Kill Sub Human Whites’ Received A Government Award ‘Encouraging A Run For Public Office’


The unearthed comments from Yusra Khogali follows co-founders of the U.S. branch of Black Lives Matter (BLM) being exposed by The National Pulse for vowing to oppose capitalism and claiming “we’re trained Marxists.”

The tweet – no longer on the social media platform – read:
“Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz.”

Khogali, an alleged “anti-racist” activist and founder of the Black Liberation Collective Canada, only had one qualm with the tweet: it “drowned out the discussion we sought to spark about the black lives of those who have died at the guns of police in this country.”

The daughter of Sudanese refugees has also insisted white people are “recessive genetic defects” who should be “wiped out,” that “whiteness is not humxness,” and “white skin is sub-humxn” in 2015 Facebook posts.

Despite these clearly racist attacks, Khogali received a Canadian government-sanctioned “Young Women in Leadership Award” in 2018.

Recipients of the awards are connected with...

This Is Called Winning!

California Truck Driver Will Not Be Charged After Hitting Leftist Rioters Occupying a Busy Street

A rare victory for sanity.

A California truck driver who was forced to bowl through Black Lives Matter (BLM) rioters as they were occupying a busy street in order to get to safety will not receive any criminal charges, the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office has announced.

Prosecutors noted the hostility of the far-left agitators as they occupied the road and obstructed traffic. They posed an obvious threat to the safety of the driver, who may have been beaten by a gang of thugs if he had stopped.

“Traffic continued to proceed through the intersection, and ultimately a low speed collision occurred between a white pick-up truck and two protestors standing in the roadway on northbound Victoria Avenue,” the DA’s office stated in a press release.

The authorities noted that the truck driver alerted them to what happened as soon as he was away from the mob and safe. Witnesses captured video that was analyzed to determine that the trucker did nothing worthy of criminal charges.

One such video can be viewed here:

“As protesters pounded on his vehicle, the motorist and his passenger, who was pregnant, believed that the passenger compartment would be breached and they would be physically harmed. At that point, the motorist acted in reasonable fear for his and his passengers’ physical safety and proceeded forward,” the release stated.

“Based on these facts, there is insufficient evidence to establish that the collision was the result of...

UK Police Force Forbids “Counter-Protest” to Black Lives Matter Gathering

While approving BLM demonstration in direct violation of coronavirus lockdown laws.

A police force in the UK is “facilitating” a Black Lives Matter protest despite it violating coronavirus laws, while forbidding any form of counter-protest.

“We’ll be in attendance to facilitate a planned Black Lives Matter vigil at Keel Square in #Sunderland tonight,” tweeted Northumbria Police

“A Section 14 order is in place forbidding any other public assembly, including counter-protests, to ensure the public’s safety. Anyone with concerns should ring 101.”

The force’s promise to “ensure the public’s safety” is somewhat of an oxymoron given that current coronavirus lockdown laws state that gatherings of more than 6 people are illegal.

However, as we have learned, the law doesn’t apply to thousands of BLM protesters because apparently COVID-19 is woke and stays away whenever leftists gather in numbers to protest against perceived injustices.

The deliberate banning of counter-protests also clearly represents the police taking a political stance and appears to be in total violation of human rights laws.

“So, allowing assembly selectively on the basis of...

Google Is Evil.

3 Things I Found On Ancipient.com

AncipientWhat is Ancipient.com? It Is A Pro-American (Nationalist), Pro-Trump, Pro-American Exceptionalism, And Pro-Western Values automated news aggregation website.

Ancipient.com is an automated, curated, rules based news aggregation website. If I wanted it to sound sexy, I could say it uses artificial intelligence to select news articles. It does not. It uses negative and positive keywords, data rules and curation to select news articles. When other news aggregaters have not updated any new news in hours, you can always depend on my trusty robot ancipient to work 24/7 to keep you updated.

Ancipient is a new word, it means:


  1. in an initial stage of understanding; beginning to understand or learn. "he could feel ancipient knowledge growing"
  2. (of a person) learning, and improving their understanding on a topic or topics.

Oh Yeah, The Links I Promised:

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Left Will 'Steal Every Election Until the End of Time' via Vote-by-Mail

AG Barr: 500 Investigations Underway Into Riots. Antifa Involved, They Want To 'Tear
Down' The U.S.

History Shows Free Speech Is The Loser In Mob Action

Take a look at Ancipient.com and check it out!


NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’

Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones once penned a polemical letter to her college newspaper denouncing the white race as "barbaric."

"The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world," she wrote in a 1995 letter published in the Notre Dame Observer, according to a report by The Federalist. She added that white Europeans "committed genocide … in their greed and insatiable desire to destroy every non-white culture."

Her essay goes on to compare Christopher Columbus to Hitler, claim that Christianity was an "excuse" for genocide, and state the white race continues to subdue the black community in a similar fashion to this day.

"The descendants of these savage people pump drugs and guns into the Black community," she writes.

Hannah-Jones also implied that the descendants of white Europeans are racist because of their ancestors.

"After everything that those barbaric devils did, I do not hate them or their descendants," she says. "Because of some lacking, they needed ot [sic] constantly prove their superiority."

Hannah-Jones's editorial was written in response to an editorial by a fellow sophomore, Fred Kelly, who had defended Columbus's legacy after protests were staged against his murals hung in a campus building.

Hannah-Jones won the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in May for her "1619 Project" on the legacy of slavery in the United States. It has been frequently criticized by historians for its inaccuracies, such as its claim that the American Revolution was fought primarily to preserve slavery in the colonies.

In December 2019, five distinguished American historians wrote a letter to...

Know What The Didn't Find In Bubba Wallace's Garage?

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #332

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