90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, June 29, 2020

‘The suburbs are rising up’: Armed couple hold BLM at bay as they march up on their property; libs are offended

The radical left is evolving into the monster that can no longer be controlled, with the Democratic Party playing the role of Dr. Frankenstein.

At the same time, American citizens are gearing up for the challenge, as seen Sunday in St. Louis when an armed couple stood guard outside their historic home located on a private road, as Black Lives Matter protesters marched outside.

The dramatic scene was either inspirational or terrifying, depending on your views of private property and the God-given inherent right to defend yourself.

Organizers can be seen in the video moving the mob along, as the husband and wife hold a pistol and automatic rifle outside the upscale property.

With rioters burning and looting all across America these past weeks, destroying all that stands in its path, the couple cannot be blamed for wanting to protect the palace.

The words of an organizer of the protest, Ohun Ashe, as reported by KSDK, adds to that concern: “It’s meant to be disruptive. It’s meant to be disturbing.”

The home is reportedly on the National Historic Register, as...

I'd Say "Commie Chicks" Would Be More Appropriate...

Ex-DNI Dick Grenell Shreds Democrat's Russia Bounty Scandal Narrative: 'I Never Heard This'

The Trump administration, as well as its former intelligence chief, pushed back hard this weekend over a New York Times report claiming President Donald Trump had been briefed on an intelligence assessment that said a Russian military unit was doling out bounties to terrorists in Afghanistan when the terrorists killed members of the U.S.-led coalition.

According to The New York Times, a Russian military intelligence unit covertly offered the bounties for killing coalition troops in Afghanistan.

The Times, much of whose reporting was confirmed by The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, said it learned of the intelligence assessment from “officials briefed on the matter” who it did not name.

The Times report said it was uncertain which, if any, of the 20 American deaths in Afghanistan last year might have been linked to bounties paid by the Russians. The report said “Islamist militants, or armed criminal elements closely associated with them, are believed to have collected some bounty money.”

The intelligence assessment upon which The Times based its report was discussed in March by the National Security Council, according to the newspaper, which also claimed that Trump was...

Tear It Down...

A Coup Against Our Institutions

The systematic campaign to undermine an incoming presidential administration through politicized investigations is a true constitutional crisis.

Matthew Spalding, a scholar of the Constitution and dean of Hillsdale College’s Van Andel Graduate School of Government in Washington, D.C., has written an important essay on the troubling possibility that the treatment of General Michael Flynn by the Obama administration and, later, by holdovers in the FBI, the Justice Department, and the CIA, represents not just a personal disaster for Flynn—who was, for a week or so, President Trump’s national security advisor—but also a brewing constitutional crisis for the United States.

Many commentators, myself included, have described the whole “Donald-Trump-was-a-Russian-Asset” caper as the biggest political scandal in U.S. history. We were ridiculed or condemned by the Left and the NeverTrump fraternity alleged to be on the Right for saying that, but time has proven us right. We were right, too, that this scandal was less a “hoax,” as it was sometimes called, than an attempted, if slow-motion, coup. It was an attempted coup because it aimed to disrupt the peaceful transition of presidential power from one administration, and one party, to another.

That sounds pretty dramatic, I know—aren’t “coups” things that happen in South American banana republics, not the United States? But as I wrote in May 2019, “coup”

accurately expresses the deliberate effort by actors in the Obama Administration, including by President Obama himself, to assure Hillary Clinton’s victory by destroying the reputation of Donald Trump. “Most Presidents leave office,” the commentator L. J. Keith recently wrote, “and essentially step back from public life. Not Barack Obama. Shellshocked by Hillary Clinton’s loss, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and Clinton set in motion a series of events that will forever tar his presidency, and decimate the concept of a peaceful transition of power.”
I returned to Keith’s point last September, noting that “the Obama administration’s actions threatened not just Trump and his presidency, but the very processes and protocols by which the peaceful transition of power has been effected in the United States.”

This troubling truth is Spalding’s theme, and he brings together the threads of the argument in masterly fashion.

As the cocoon of deep-state lies surrounding Michael Flynn has unravelled, we can see the extent to which he stands at the very origin of the attempted coup against Donald Trump. The Russian-born historian Svetlana Lokhova, a British citizen who met Flynn at a conference dinner in 2014, was smeared by the Obama operative Stefan Halper as Flynn’s mistress who was taking orders from...

Just Say No To Coke....

Judge Refuses to Dismiss Terror Charges Against Young Conservative Who Posted Rifle Pic on Social Media

The railroading of Lucas Gerhard continues.

20-year-old Lucas Gerhard, who faces up to 20 years in prison for posting a picture of his rifle on social media, was denied his motion to dismiss charges on June 11 in a Chippewa County court in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.

Big League Politics broke the story earlier this year of how Gerhard was banned from continuing his studies at Lake Superior State University dorm and charged with making terroristic threats because he posted an image that triggered a far-left student on campus. Because the student was scared by a picture of a firearm with text making fun of liberal snowflakes, Gerhard is facing decades in prison as a result.

The Court repeatedly denied a request made by Gerhard’s lawyer, Nick Somberg to record the proceedings and broadcast them on the internet. They are determined to keep the railroading of an outspoken conservative under the cover of darkness, particularly now that the story has gone viral. Many supporters of Gerhard were denied entry into the courthouse as well, with the COVID-19 pandemic used as an excuse to keep them out.

The prosecutor made the argument that because Gerhard posted a picture of his rifle along with a comment regarding how the firearm would offend campus snowflakes on Snapchat, this was adequate to proceed with terror charges and a jury trial. Circuit Court Judge James Lambros ultimately concurred with the argument from the prosecution and denied Gerhard’s motion to dismiss. The case will likely head to trial as a result of Lambros’ decision.

“My opinion is that the judge had no choice but to take the safe approach, as many of the unorthodox and contextually misleading arguments that the prosecution introduced were simply bells that could not be unrung at that point,” said Gerhard’s father, Mark, a retired Marine Colonel, to Big League Politics.

Despite the judge commenting positively on Gerhard’s demeanor and complimenting the young man for his composure while facing the charges, Gerhard was ultimately kept on a tether because of highly irregular behavior from the prosecution. They inexplicably produced a video of a Mosque shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand from 2019 and played it in the courtroom for several minutes to bias the proceedings.

“As a Marine, I’ve been exposed to some incredibly traumatic events [to include combat], and even so, it was entirely sickening watching the violent video. It was one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen in my life. The point of a tether is to prevent someone from fleeing bond. How the prosecutor was allowed to play this for seven or eight minutes, without any real contextual value linking the reasoning as to why Lucas should remain tethered, was both mystifying and...

More Jersey Democrats Caught Committing Voter Fraud with Mail-In-Ballots

PATERSON, NJ – Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal today announced voting fraud charges against Paterson City Councilman Michael Jackson, Councilman-Elect Alex Mendez, and two other men in connection with the May 12, 2020 special election in the City of Paterson.

All four men are charged with criminal conduct involving mail-in ballots during the election. The investigation by the Attorney General’s Office of Public Integrity & Accountability (OPIA) began when the U.S. Postal Inspection Service alerted the Attorney General’s Office that hundreds of mail-in ballots were found in a mailbox in Paterson. Numerous additional ballots were found in a mailbox in nearby Haledon. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all voting in May 12 elections in New Jersey was done by mail-in ballots.

“Today’s charges send a clear message: if you try to tamper with an election in New Jersey, we will find you and we will hold you accountable,” said Attorney General Grewal. “We will not allow a small number of criminals to undermine the public’s confidence in our democratic process.”

“The residents of New Jersey have a right to free and fair elections, and we will ensure that happens,” said OPIA Director Thomas Eicher. “Our office’s criminal investigations complement a number of other safeguards that New Jersey has implemented to ensure the integrity of our elections.”

As described below, a number of today’s charges relate to the improper collection of mail-in ballots. Generally speaking, a voter who receives a mail-in ballot completes the ballot themselves and then returns the ballot by mailing it, placing it in a specially designated “drop box,” or delivering it to the County Board of Elections. However, New Jersey also allows a voter to provide the completed ballot to a “bearer,” who must complete the bearer certification on the ballot envelope in the presence of the voter and then return the ballot on behalf of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #334

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1033

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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