90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Heroes Of The Revolution...

If Rioters All Worked From Home, Systematic Stupidity Would Be Solved...

Stupid Is As Stupid Does...

Open Carry Black Lives Matter Protestor Has Negligent Discharge, Shoots Himself in the Foot [VIDEO]

We missed this when it happened last week. This video was from a protest that took place in Florissant, Missouri (a St. Louis suburb just north of Ferguson in St. Louis County).

An open carrying protestor (perfectly legal in Missouri) obviously didn’t know enough to keep his finger off the trigger, let alone engage the safety on his AR pistol. When he touched off a negligent discharge with a large crowd around him, the round went through his right foot.

From stltoday.com:

The shot caused immediate panic and...

Watching The Social Workers...

YouTube Bans Stefan Molyneux & Others, Reddit Changes Rules to Allow Hate Speech Against 'People In The Majority'

In a Big Tech censorship extravaganza on Monday, YouTube banned Stefan Molyneux, Jared Taylor and others, Reddit banned thousands of subreddits for "hate" and changed their rules to explicitly allow hate speech against "people who are in the majority," and Amazon-owned Twitch suspended President Trump's channel for "hateful conduct."

YouTube banned Jared Taylor's American Renaissance channels, The Iconoclast, The American Guard and David Duke, according to the Free Speech organization altCensored, which attempts to back up channels YouTube deletes over their political speech.

Stefan Molyneux's channel alone had nearly 1 million subscribers and over...

If I Had A Rocket Launcher...

Russian Anti-Terror Chief: Jihadis Are Intentionally Spreading Coronavirus

Terrorists are using ‘infected members to spread COVID-19’.

The head of Russia’s Anti-Terrorism Center has warned that terrorists are intentionally trying to spread the coronavirus, using it as a form of bio-weapon.

Andrei Novikov, head of Russia’s Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), told Russian state news agency Tass that the terrorists are using the health crisis to further their own agendas.

“While governments are trying to ensure health security, focusing on protecting the lives and health of their people, recruiters of international terrorist groups are not just taking advantage of the difficult situation in order to recruit more ‘Jihad soldiers,’ they are calling on infected members to spread COVID-19 as wide as possible in public places, state agencies and so on,” Novikov said.

The anti-terror chief also noted that terrorists have been hampered by lockdowns and so are finding other ways of recruiting and spreading fear.

“As the population started moving into self-isolation and borders between countries were closing, the level of terrorist activity had somewhat decreased,” Novikov said.

“The reason is obvious – it became significantly more difficult for terrorists to move around, especially between countries, given that border control as well as disease control and prevention were heightened,” he continued.

Novikov further added that online “Media centers were activated which combine the spread of terrorist and extremist ideology and the recruitment of...

The Culdesac Commandos....

83 Tons Of Fake Gold Bars: Gold Market Rocked By Massive China Counterfeiting Scandal

Over the years, we have periodically reported of the occasional gold bar discovered as counterfeit in Manhattan's Diamond District which instead of containing the yellow precious metal would be filled with gold-plated tungsten or in some cases copper. The news would spark a brief wave of outrage, prompting physical gold holders to run ultrasound spot checks of their inventory, at which point interest would wane and why not: buyer, after all, beware in gold as in every other market, and if someone is spending thousands to buy fake gold, well that's Darwinism in action.

Yet one market which seemed stubbornly immune to any counterfeiting was that of physical gold in China, which was odd considering that over the past decade China had emerged as the world's biggest counterfeiter of various, mostly industrial metals used to secure bank loans, better known as "ghost collateral", and which adding insult to injury, would frequently be rehypothecated meaning often several banks would have claims to the same (fake) asset.

All that is about to change with the discovery of what may be one of the biggest gold counterfeiting scandal in recent history. And yes, not only does it involve China, but it emerges from a city that has become synonymous for all that is scandalous about China: Wuhan itself.

With that preamble in mind, we introduce readers to Wuhan Kingold Jewelry Inc., a company which as the name implies was founded and operates out of Wuhan, and which describes itself on its website as "A Company with a Golden future."

In retrospect, it probably meant "copper" future, because as a remarkable expose by Caixin has found, more than a dozen Chinese financial institutions, mainly trust companies (i.e., shadow banks) loaned 20 billion yuan ($2.8 billion) over the past five years to Wuhan Kingold Jewelry with pure gold as collateral and insurance policies to cover any losses. There was just one problem: the "gold" turned out to be gold-plated copper.

Some more background: Kingold - whose name was probably stolen from Kinross Gold, one of the world's largest...

The Windmills Of Idiocy...

Don't Be Fooled, Recent Coronavirus Data Suggests the Lockdowns Were a Colossal Mistake

In various states across the nation, there’s been a noticeable trend of an increase in coronavirus cases. While this fact makes the headlines, the detail that seems to get overlooked is the fact that deaths have declined. Florida, Arizona, Texas, California, and Ohio are among the states that have experienced spikes in cases but have maintained declining death rates or no spike in deaths.

How is this possible? Conventional wisdom suggests that a spike in cases should result in a spike in deaths, but that has not panned out. The protests and riots following George Floyd’s death have been going on for nearly a month now. Surely a spike in deaths should shave occurred by now. But so far, it hasn’t.

Why not?

According to Justin Hart, an information architect and data analyst from San Diego, “who” gets the virus is just as important as “how many” get the virus. “Right now the average age of infected cases has dropped nearly 20 years,” Hart told PJ Media.

White House Coronavirus Task Force Member Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledged this fact last week: “The overwhelming majority of people who are now getting infected are young people, like the people that you see in the clips in the paper or out in the crowds enjoying themselves.”

Why does this matter, you ask? Let me explain.

Coronavirus data says risk is low for most Americans

Young people, possibly from the recent protests and riots, are likely behind the recent spike in cases, and that tells us a lot about why the data looks the way it does right now. According to the CDC’s current best estimate, the fatality rate of the coronavirus for symptomatic cases only are as follows:
  • 0-49 years old: .05%
  • 50-64 years old: .2%
  • 65+ years old: 1.3%
  • Overall ages: .4%
When you take into account that approximately 30% of coronavirus infections are asymptomatic, that drives the fatality rate down even further. “The risk of death for the general population of...