90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, July 2, 2020

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1036

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Customs Officials Seize Nearly 10 Tons of Prohibited Meats from China

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Knowing Biden

My YouTube Channel:

Girls With Guns

Oh The Cities They Will Burn....

Democrats Rely On Lies And Deceit, Pandering And Backstabbing...

Can We Trust Postal Workers That Endorse Radical Leftist Policies?

Camera catches USPS worker throw away GOP campaign ads

Jesse Taggart, 33, Charged With Attempted Murder For Allegedly Shooting Driver at Provo BLM Protest

Black Lives Matter activist Jesse Taggart, 33, was arrested for allegedly shooting an elderly man during a riot in Provo, Utah on Tuesday and hit with a host of charges including attempted aggravated murder.

According to Provo Police, Taggart was charged with attempted aggravated murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, rioting, threatening use of a weapon in a fight or quarrel, criminal mischief and firing a weapon near a highway.

This is how police described the shooting in a statement on Tuesday:
A white SUV was driving south on University Avenue before pulling into the right turn lane in an attempt to turn onto Center Street. Several protestors began crowding around the vehicle. A male protestor ran to the SUV on the passenger side, pointed a handgun at driver and shot one round through the window.

The driver, who was struck by the bullet, hit the gas trying to leave the situation. The same protestor ran after the vehicle and shot a second round that went through the rear passenger window. The video then shows that the protestor conceals the firearm and continues to protest. This same protestor later approached another vehicle at 500 North and University Avenue striking and breaking the window with the handgun.

Taggart attempted to demonize his victim as a "nazi" and "white supremacist" on Facebook before he was arrested.

"A natzi, white supremacist, or angry provo driver was allegedly shot during the...

Stand Up, No Matter What.

The Launch Of America’s Maoist Cultural Revolution?

For most Americans, our current summer of discontent launched like a bolt from the blue. It began with the explosion of violence in cities, led by angry mobs attacking and calling for the overthrow of an allegedly unjust old order. Their methods range from mass demonstrations to destruction of political-historical symbols to in-person and online “struggle sessions” often referred to as “cancel culture” in today’s jargon.

The catalyst for the current campaign ostensibly is the May 25 suffocation of George Floyd, seen around the world. The terrible image and reality of former Officer Derek Chauvin’s knee to the victim’s neck, while universally denounced and condemned, provoked a powerful political and media reaction. It also fueled the launch of a mass campaign protesting systemic injustice, whose declared objectives go well beyond issues of race and police conduct at the heart of the Minneapolis tragedy.

While they sympathize with the anger at the injustice in Minneapolis and the need for a systemic response, many Americans can be forgiven for being concerned the current mass movement is not a call for reform or restitution. It is an organized attack on the foundations of America itself.

Targeted mass attack on individuals, institutions and property is alien to the 21st century American experience. Revisionist attacks on public monuments of all kinds are confusing. Shaming and crucifixion of public figures and corporations – who fail to genuflect and seek atonement before the mob – is truly shocking.

Our current experience feels alien and un-American for a reason. It is an echo of the Communist Chinese Cultural Revolution of a half century ago.

Fearing loss of control over the “New China” he established in 1949 after the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong launched the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution in May 1966 to purify the nation of...

Stupid People Should Carry A Sign....