90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, July 3, 2020

The USMCA Is Good For America

My YouTube Channel:

Girls With Guns

Only In America....

Adopt The Illogic, Defeat Them With It...

This Strikes Fear Into The Democrat Bureaucratic Complex...

This Motorcyclist Is Alive By The Width Of A Hair!

More Great Animated GIF's!:

He Ain't Gonna Let You Cross That Street...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE
Animated Gif Collection #3
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Animated Gif Collection #9 -OR-Out Of Control Bus -OR- 
Animated Gif Collection #10 -OR- How To Launch An Oil Truck Into The Air 
Animated Gif Collection #11 -OR- Man That Must Have Hurt 
Animated GIF Collection #12 -OR- This Is Brutal 
Animated Gif Collection #13 -OR- This Guy Was Inches From DEATH!
Animated Gif Collection #14
Animated Gif Collection #15
Animated Gif Collection #16 -OR- Make It Rain!


Rubbing It In...

Left Wing July 4th....

Biden's Past Continues To Haunt Him...

Our Media Is Guilty of Sedition...

They Lie, They Omit, And They Distort Everything. They do not report the news, they spew leftist propaganda. Everything they do is dishonest, everything they do is against American interests.

If a revolution or coup attempt comes, they will need to answer for their crimes.

Indiana woman charged for mail in voter fraud, delivered 400 ballots with Democrat box prechecked

Just a couple days after finding out Democrat officials in New Jersey were charged for election fraud involving mail in ballots, we have a woman charged in Indiana with mail in voter fraud. 

This individual in Indiana delivered mail in ballot applications with 400 of these mail in ballots being prechecked Democrat before delivery. 

With multiple individuals now being charged for election fraud involving mail in ballots for Democrat officials or prechecked mail in ballots marked Democrat, you have to wonder if the Democrat establishment set themselves up for a trap with this mail in ballot harvesting agenda...As we are starting to see multiple Democrats now being charged in America for election fraud involving mail in ballots. 

This likely won't be the last time over a span of a few days where Democrats get charged for election fraud involving mail in ballots, but Democrats like Pelosi and their media will continue to claim there is nothing to worry about with...

If You Just Do This One Simple Thing.....