90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, July 10, 2020

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1044

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Good Father...

My YouTube Channel:

Girls With Guns

Tear Down This Monument To Evil...

Let The Bodies Hit The Floor, Let The Bodies Hit The Floor...

Let The Bodies Hit The Floor, Let The Bodies Hit The Floor

You Must Destroy Society To Recreate It Into A Communist Utopia....

Seattle Mayor Celebrates “Summer of Love” as Rape and Violent Crime Soars in ‘CHAZ’ Communist Utopia

University Of Texas professor made violent threats toward woman Ashley StClair

UTSA police looking into situation with Ashley StClair; Officials say individual no longer in role

SAN ANTONIO – The UTSA police department is investigating an incident of alleged violent threats made on social media toward a woman by a now former teaching assistant.

Twitter user Ashley StClair contacted UTSA’s Twitter account Tuesday evening to alert the university of the physical and vulgar threats she claimed to receive. She posted the following.

“Hey @UTSA, One of your students/teaching assistants threatened to come to my house, kill, and rape me because of my politics.”

“If someone from your staff could DM/contact me, it’d be greatly appreciated.”

StClair said the threat was in response to a tweet she has pinned on her Twitter page about transgender children.

She describes herself as a Freedom Fighter and a patriot on her Twitter profile, and her tweets are generally politically charged.

About an hour after her request to the university, UTSA’s Twitter account responded to StClair and posted the following:

We Have A Champion: The Right Man For The Right Time.

Now Go Register Your Ass To Vote.

John Solomon: Indictments coming in Russia investigation

'My sources tell me there's a lot of activity'

Investigative reporter John Solomon says there's a "lot of activity" in U.S. Attorney John Durham's criminal investigation of the Obama administration's probe of now-debunked claims of Trump-Russia collusion during the 2016 election.

"My sources tell me there's a lot of activity. I'm seeing, personally, activity behind the scenes [showing] the Department of Justice is trying to bring those first indictments," Solomon said in an interview with the Fox Business Network's Lou Dobbs reported by the Washington Examiner.

"And I would look for a time around Labor Day to see the first sort of action by the Justice Department."

Solomon said he's seeing "action consistent with building prosecutions and preparing for criminal plea bargains."

"Until they bring it before the grand jury you never know if it's going to happen. I'm seeing activity consistent with that."

Top former officials, including former CIA Director John Brennan, are said to be targets of the Durham investigation. But Attorney General William Barr has said he doesn't expect Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, to be subjects of a criminal investigation.

"There is overwhelming evidence in the public record now that crimes were committed," Solomon said.

He cited "falsification of documents, false testimony, false representations before the FISA court."

Solomon said he is hearing from defense lawyers and people "on the prosecution side" that complications with the coronavirus pandemic are "slowing down" the...


More Have Died From The Protests Than From The Cops This Year.
This Is Not About Justice, This Is About Communist Revolution.

San Francisco Officials Introduce 'CAREN Act' to Punish 'Discriminatory' 911 Calls

Democrats are doing everything in their power to intimidate white women and make them terrified to call 911 when they feel threatened by non-white suspects.

Not only do white women face the threat of being turned into the next "Karen" and doxed, demonized, fired and inundated with death threats on social media but soon they may face being charged with "hate crimes" and being sued for civil damages.

The statewide AB1550 bill would also make it a hate crime to make "racially-motivated" 911 calls and open you up to civil damages.

Following a spate of high-profile 911 calls against people of color, San Francisco Supervisor Shamann Walton on Tuesday introduced an ordinance that would make discriminatory calls for police illegal.
Walton dubbed the ordinance the Caren Act (Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies), in an apparent nod to the popularized slang name that refers to an entitled white woman complaining about people of color. The legislation would amend the San Francisco Police Code to make it unlawful for someone to "fabricate false racially biased emergency reports," according to a news release from Walton.

"This is the CAREN we need," Walton tweeted.

The law aims to "protect the rights of communities of color who are often targeted and victims of fraudulent...