90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Girls With Guns

I'd Rather Die On My Feet Than Live On My Knees...

The Democrats Are Afraid Of Losing The Black Vote To Trump, This is Why BLM Is Allowed To Rampage America...

And my head, I'd be scratchin' While my thoughts were busy hatchin'

...If I only had a brain

Forging The Future...

A Future Of Darkness And Despair.
A Future Of Starvation, Death, And Murder.

The 'New Systemic Racism' That Is Coming

Before our Black Lives Matter moment, one had not thought of the NBC networks as shot through with “systemic racism.

Yet, what other explanation is there for this week’s draconian personnel decision of NBCUniversal chairman Cesar Conde.

According to Conde, the white share of NBC’s workforce, now 74% and divided evenly between men and women, will be chopped to 50%.

Persons of color - Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and multiracial folks — are to rise from the present 26% of NBCUniversal’s workforce to 50%.

What does this mean?

White men will be slashed as a share of NBCUniversal’s employees from the present 38% to 25%, — a cut of one-third — and then capped to ensure that people of color and women reach and remain at 50%.

White men can fall below one-fourth of the workforce, but their numbers will not be permitted to go any higher.

To impose race and gender quotas like this on the workforce at NBCUniversal — half women, half persons of color — would seem to trample all over the spirit, if not the letter, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Why is Conde doing this?

“(W)e have a unique responsibility to look like and reflect all of the people of the country we serve,” he says.

But whence comes this responsibility, the realization of which means active discrimination against new employees because they are the wrong gender or race: i.e, they are unwanted white men?

America has succeeded as a meritocracy where excellence was rewarded, be it in athletics or academics. Our Olympic teams have triumphed when we send the best we had in every event.

This egalitarian and ideological revolt against excellence is also arising in Fairfax County, Virginia, at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, which, concedes The Washington Post, “often ranks as the top public high school in the United States.”

Why does TJ have a problem? Writes the Post reporter, the school is “notorious for failing to admit black and Latino students.”

Does TJ discriminate in its admissions against Blacks and Hispanics? Is the school a throwback to the old days of “massive resistance”?

Of 486 students in the freshman class this fall at the school, the number of Black students is tiny, smaller even than the 3% of the class that is Hispanic. Is this yet another example of “white privilege” at work?

Hardly. Whites make up only 17% of TJ’s incoming class.

The problem, if it is a problem, is Asian Americans. Three in 4 members of the fall freshman class at TJ are...

I Can't Wait To Hear The Black National Anthem Before A Football Game!

NFL will play black national anthem prior to Week 1 games ...


Around 500 people demonstrated in Obergünzburg against the deportation of refugees to Afghanistan.

An Afghanistan migrant imported by German Chancellor Angela Merkel stabbed his ex-wife, also from Afghanistan, to death in a bus full of school children in the Allgäu region of Germany. The idyllic Bavarian village of 6,500 in Obergünzburg is in shock. In 2017, the Asylum Helper Group of Obergünzburg held a largely attended demonstration against migrant deportations of Afghanis which they considered “inhumane.”

Children who were passengers on the bus and witnessed the incident are being offered psychological support. The illegal 37-year-old Afghani already had a police record because of an earlier assault on his separated wife from November 2019. His deportation might have saved the woman’s life and protected German children from witnessing the horrible slaughter.

The murderer fled the bus on foot immediately after the slaughtering his ex, but was caught and arrested a short time later. Before fleeing the bus, he left the knife in the bus.

Watch the following news report exclusively translated by RAIR Foundation USA:

The Choice Here Is Abundantly Clear...

Zimbabwe VP Blames Famine On ‘White Man’ Failing To Teach Them Economics

Eighteen years after Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwean government seized large swathes of land from white farmers and forcibly evicted them, the famine-hit nation’s Vice President is blaming the crisis on the “white man” not teaching them economics.

Zimbabwe has been tasked with famines, starvations, and hyperinflation since a revolution and the land seizures topped it from its perch as the “breadbasket of Africa” to an underdeveloped, starving nation with a barely functional economy.

In a tweet captioned, “Zimbabwe’s Vice President Kembo Mohadi has blamed the country’s former colonial masters, Britain for not teaching Zimbabweans how to run their economy. He says since gaining independence from Britain in 1980, Zimbabweans only know how to run small businesses,” a local news outlet ran an interview where the Vice President blames white people for the long-lasting hardship.

According to News 24, the Vice President was “addressing the ruling Zanu PF provincial structures in Gwanda, south east of Bulawayo,” when he made the remarks.

Mohadi begins by addressing Zimbabwe’s economic troubles and poses the question:

On Our Mass-Murdering Media....

Four Stages of Marxist Takeover: The Accuracy of Yuri Bezmenov

The journalist and Soviet defector long ago pegged the current left-wing moment.

It’s important to understand that this is a revolutionary moment in American history, and it isn’t a bad idea to act in ways that would fall under the traditional description of “accordingly.”

But it’s also important to understand that the revolution taking place in America is not yet a “kinetic” one. That may come soon, or it may not. The battle taking place presently is a war of information — or disinformation, as the case may be.

And the revolution is a Marxist revolution. You should make no mistake about that. The groups fomenting it, the intellectuals promoting it, and the money financing it are all quite open about who they are.

In any other time in American history a presidential candidate would have dumped Duckworth as a potential VP the minute she came out against George Washington.

The object of this information revolution? To begin with, defeating Donald Trump and installing Joe Biden as the Hard Left’s puppet president. Biden is, for now, palatable to the American people in ways that actual communist Bernie Sanders, spawn of a communist Pete Buttigieg, Sandinista sympathizer Bill de Blasio and other far-left revolutionary (remember: Sanders has spent years traipsing around the country calling for a revolution) figures were not. But despite his lack of bona fides, Biden offers something quite beneficial to the Left — he is wholly incapable of executing the duties of President of the United States owing to a clear deficiency of mental function which shows itself every time he makes a public appearance. Couple that with Biden and his handlers being so utterly devoid of principle and scruples that he and they are willing to serve as an empty vessel into which might be poured whatever horrors the Left is willing to use him to bring on.

Joe Biden isn’t Vladimir Lenin. Biden is Alexander Kerensky, the Russian politician who served as the vessel for the revolutionaries to overthrow the old guard in 1917 and then, once he had proven himself useful toward that end, was shuffled aside so the real power could assume control. And as in Kerensky’s case, what comes after will bring the end of...