90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Self Defense Is A Human Right...

Defend The Police, Defend Yourself.

Biden: Schools should ramp up 'Islamic faith' studies, Muslims must 'mobilize' against Trump

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden says it’s time for U.S. schools to ramp up Islamic curriculum across the nation.

The presidential hopeful’s remarks came during the “Million Muslim Votes Summit” hosted by Emgage Action.

“Look, one of the things that I think is important is I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith,” he said Monday.

Mr. Biden praised Islam as “one of the great confessional faiths” while claiming it is routinely maligned by President Trump

“We all come from the same root here in terms of our fundamental basic beliefs and I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity, for being engaged, for committing to action this November,” he continued. “You’re doing what has never been done before. You’re registering and turning out more than 1 million Muslim voters this November. It matters. … Under this administration we’ve seen an unconscionable — and unconscionable rise — in Islamophobia.”

The Democrat closed out his statements by making a direct appeal to Muslim Americans.

“We need you. I need you,” he implored. “I need you to mobilize and motivate one...

Killing The Lie....

‘Enough is enough’: Missouri’s attorney general ‘entering the case’ of the McCloskeys on grounds that their Second Amendment rights have been violated

As Twitchy reported earlier Monday, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner charged Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the two attorneys who pointed firearms at Black Lives Matter protesters who were trespassing on private property, with felony unlawful use of a weapon. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt entered the fray Monday evening, though, saying the McCloskeys had a right to defend their family and their property.

Fox News reports

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Monday moved to dismiss charges brought by St. Louis’ top prosecutor against a couple who pointed guns at a crowd marching to the mayor’s home last month, Fox News has learned.

“The right to keep and bear arms is given the highest level of protection in our constitution and our laws, including the Castle Doctrine, which provides broad rights to...

Remember: Communists Have Murdered Millions Of People...

Democrats, Communists And Fascists All Love Tax Slaves...

Will 2021 Be 1984?

It’s all about the power, not the equality.

Cultural revolutions are insidious and not just because they seek to change the way people think, write, speak, and act. They are also dangerous because they are fueled by self-righteous sanctimoniousness, expressed in seemingly innocuous terms such as “social activism,” “equality,” and “fairness.”

The ultimate aim of the Jacobin, Bolshevik, or Maoist is raw power—force of the sort sought by Hugo Chavez or the Castro dynasty to get rich, inflict payback on their perceived enemies, reward friends, and pose as saviors.

Cubans and Venezuelans got poor and killed; woke Chavezes and Castros got rich and murderous.

Leftist agendas are harder to thwart than those of right-wing dictators such as Spain’s Francisco Franco because they mask their ruthlessness with talk of sacrifice for the “poor” and concern about the “weak.”

Strong-man Baathists, Iranian Khomeinists, and the German National Socialists claimed they hated capitalism. So beware when the Marxist racialists who run Black Lives Matter, the wannabe Maoists of Antifa, the George Soros-paid activists, “the Squad” and hundreds of state and local officials like them in cities such as Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis, and Big Tech billionaires take power. These are “caring” people who couldn’t care less about the working classes or the hundreds of African-Americans murdered in America’s inner cities.

Vice President as President

If Joe Biden is elected, the effort to remove him by those now supporting him will begin the day after the election and it will not be as crude as rounding up a Yale psychiatrist to testify to his dementia in Congress or shaming the White House physician to give him the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test in the manner that the Left went after Donald Trump.

It will be far more insidious and successful: leaked stories to the New York Times and Washington Post from empathetic White House insiders will speak of how “heroically” Biden is fighting his inevitable decline—and how gamely he tries to marshal his progressive forces even as his faculties desert him. We would read about why Biden is a national treasure by sacrificing his health to get elected and then nobly bowing out as he realized the cost of his sacrifice on his person and family.

In the past until now, there was zero chance that the hard Left would ever win an American election. No socialist has ever come close. Even Bernie Sanders accepted that the Democratic establishment for six years broke rules, leveraged candidates to drop out, and warped the media to ensure that he would remain a septuagenarian blowhard railing at the wind from one of his...

Absurd Lawsuit Claims Tucker Carlson Sexually Harassed a Woman by Taking His Jacket Off on Set

Fox News guest claims she was “tied to her chair” because her microphone was connected to it.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is facing an absurd MeToo-style lawsuit after a former guest on his show claimed she was ‘sexually harassed’ by the sight of Carlson changing into a leather jacket while on set.

The retaliation lawsuit, which also targets Sean Hannity and Ed Henry, was filed by former Fox Business Network producer Jennifer Eckhart and former FNC guest Cathy Areu.

In the suit, Areu claimed she was “tied to her chair” while Carlson demanded she stay until the very end of the show to chat with him.

In reality, Areu wasn’t ‘tied to a chair’ – her microphone that she had just used to speak on the show was attached to the chair.

Elsewhere in the lawsuit, Areu appears to be suggesting that Carlson changed in front of her while she was “tied to her chair.”

In reality, the Fox News host merely changed into his leather jacket as he prepared to attend a Christmas party.

Areu then suggests that Carlson propositioned her by stating he would be alone in New York City that night at a hotel without his wife and kids.

As commentator Mark Dice points out, this could easily have been deliberately misconstrued to hide the reality that Carlson was merely expressing that he missed his wife and...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #355

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Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1055

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

NPR Tries And FAILS To Spin Attack On Driver As 'Right-Wing Extremism'