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Monday, September 21, 2020

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

I Agree With Ruth Bader GInsburg!

The Day Is Coming When Good Men Will Have To Do Bad Things...

War Means Killing Enough Of The People On The Other Side Until They Surrender....

We Demand Unconditional Surrender.

When We Vote, We Win...


Two Ohio High School Seniors have received college scholarships after showing their true patriotism by carrying a thin blue line flag and thin red line flag onto the football field on 9/11 to honor first responders.

Brady Williams and Jarad Bentley were suspended briefly after they carried the flags onto the field after being told not to do so. The two had brought the flags to honor first responders at a football game on 9/11.

Their suspension was eventually overturned after the school district deemed that their actions were not politically motivated.
Despite the school having issues with them showing support for law enforcement and firefighters a local non profit, Holiday for Heroes, has decided to award the two college scholarships for their actions.

“Brady and Jarad are true PATRIOTS, they did something last Friday that showed they are far beyond their years. These men stood up for a cause they believe in. As they took the field with flags in hand it reminded us how we felt 19 years ago, heartbroken yet strong and united.” - Holiday for Heroes

We Should Always Count Our Blessings...

Chinese State Media Promotes The Far Left ‘1619 Project’


Appearing in China Global Television Network (CGTN), an outlet which serves as a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party, the op-ed “Barr & Trump Try To Rewrite Slave History But Fail In Reality” also contains several digs at President Trump and U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr.

The nearly 800-word piece hypes the findings of the 1619 Project, a New York Times affiliated initiative aimed at infusing American history taught in classrooms with social justice narratives. It’s central thesis is that America’s birth year is 1619, the year slaves first arrived, as opposed to the conventionally accepted year of 1776.

CGTN agrees with the project’s findings, insisting 1619 “should actually be seen as America’s year of birth”:

“The project marks the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first slaves in the Virginia colony in 1619, which should actually be seen as America’s year of birth.”

The outlet also criticizes President Trump’s efforts to remedy the influence the 1619 Project has amassed throughout American classroom by launching a Patriotic Education Commission:

“Speaking on the campaign trail in Wisconsin at the U.S. National Archives, the U.S. president said his administration would instead launch “a new pro-American lesson plan for students” called the “1776 Commission.” This is supposed to counter the 1619 narrative, 1776 being the year of America’s Declaration of Independence. Unfortunately for Trump, no amount of denial or deception can erase the contribution of African-Americans in the country. To his credit, however, his negation of the facts on this matter follows his trend of denying almost everything that does not suit his interests or ideology.”

CGTN also likens President Trump’s initiative to “whitewashing” and “mockery”:
“Admittedly, slavery was not exclusive to the States. But an attempt to rewrite history by whitewashing its brutality and other social and economic consequences is an injustice to the societies who still bear deep and indelible scars of this trade. Instead of engaging in mockery, Trump should really have tried to...

Payback Is A Bitch...

Soros-Funded MoveOn.org Threatens ‘Direct Action’ in D.C., Preps ‘Emergency Campaign’ to Stop Brett Kavanaugh

Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.

House Dems block bill to crack down on regime-sponsored Confucius Institutes

House Democrats are blocking a bill that will curtail the influence of the Chinese-government-funded Confucius Institute, stymying bipartisan legislation that unanimously passed in the Senate.

Despite bipartisan support in the upper chamber, House Democrats—including a cosponsor for the bill—voted against placing the CONFUCIUS Act on the agenda in late July, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) has yet to announce plans to place the bill on the floor. If passed, the legislation would require all federally funded universities with Confucius Institutes to assume "full managerial control" of the institutes, a move that would limit the Chinese government's influence over the program.

Frustrated by the lack of action, congressional Republicans are blaming Pelosi for blocking debate for the bill, criticizing the House speaker for putting politics over national security.

"I regret that Speaker Pelosi has still not scheduled the CONFUCIUS Act for a vote," said Rules Committee Ranking Member Tom Cole, who introduced the July vote. "This isn’t about politics. It’s about holding China accountable, and Speaker Pelosi clearly hasn’t made that a priority."

This is not the first time Democrats have opposed bipartisan legislation that sought to hold China accountable. In March, House Democrats railed against a bill that demanded Beijing disavow its conspiracy theory that the novel coronavirus originated in a U.S. military lab, labeling the bill racist against Asian Americans. House Democrats also dropped out of the then-bipartisan China task force in an unexplained, last minute...

Guess Who's Voting By Mail This Year...

Princeton Study: Black Lives Matter Responsible For 91% of Riots Over Last 3 Months

America experienced 637 riots between May 26 and September 12.

A new study by Princeton University’s US Crisis Monitor shows that the U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement.

In other words, BLM was responsible for 9 out of 10 riots across the country.

Riots are defined by the project as “demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups.”

“Forty-nine states, not counting Washington, D.C., experienced riots during that time period, the study found. California led the nation with 86 riots during that time, closely followed by Oregon with 79 riots during that time period, the data show,” reports the Daily Caller.

Mainstream media talking heads have repeatedly asserted that the riots were either not happening on any large scale or were “mostly peaceful.”

The statistics suggest otherwise.

Despite attempts to spin the riots as peaceful protests, more and more Americans aren’t buying it.

“A majority of U.S. adults (55%) now express at least some support for the movement, down from 67% in June amid nationwide demonstrations sparked by the death of George Floyd,” reported Pew. “The share who say they strongly support the movement stands at 29%, down from 38% three months ago.”

When one considers the level of intimidation and bullying metered out to those who refuse to express support for BLM, the real figures are probably much lower in terms of support for Black Lives Matter.

It’s no surprise that Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are only now condemning riots, arson and looting after 4 months of mayhem.

After initially ignoring or justifying the violence, Democrats have seen the polls and...

Cruz Decimates Democrats’ Demands For No SCOTUS Confirmation In An Election Year

While Democrats have demanded that President Trump and the Senate postpone confirming a new Supreme Court justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her passing, even calling for violence, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) says the action is historically justified.

“Twenty-nine times there has been a vacancy in a presidential election year. Presidents have made nominations all 29 times,” Cruz told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos in an interview on Sunday. “That’s what presidents do. If there’s a vacancy, they make a nomination.”

Of those 29 nominations, Cruz explained that 19 were made at a time the Senate and the White House were of the same political party, and 17 of these 19 were confirmed.

“There’s a big difference in the Senate, with whether the Senate is of the same party of the president or a different party than the president,” Cruz said. “If the parties are the same, the Senate confirms the nominee,” he added.

Despite Democrats’ insistence that Ginsburg’s death puts Trump and the Senate in the same position that former President Barack Obama encountered in 2016 with Merrick Garland after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, Cruz noted that the Senate only confirmed two of the ten nominations in similar circumstances because the Senate and White House were of different parties.

“It’s not just simply your party, my party. It’s a question of checks and balances. In order for a Supreme Court nomination to go forward, you have to have the president and the Senate,” Cruz said.

According to Cruz, one of the main reasons Trump was elected is that Americans wanted more conservative justices instated in the court.

“In this instance, the American people voted. They elected Donald Trump. A big part of the reason they elected Donald Trump is because of the Scalia vacancy, and they wanted a principled constitutionalist on the court,” Cruz explained. “And it’s a big part of the reason why we have a...