90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Most Terrifying Words in The English language...


The Most Terrifying Words In The English Language..

Democrats And The Media Be Like:


Mexican Journalist Exposes Joe Biden's Human Trafficking Compact

In October after the presidential debate, a Mexican journalist immediately filed a live video event, to respond to the deadly lies of Joe Biden.

Oscar 'El Blue' Ramirez is a Mexican journalist, based in Tijuana. He gives an excellent breakdown of the U.N. compact that Joe Biden & Barack Obama signed. That compact led to a massive influx of child trafficking and over 20,000 children in cages during the Obama administration.

El Blue gives a first hand witness to the Coyote network of organized crime in human trafficking of children. He describes a massive black market industry that Obama/Biden created by signing the UN Global Compact of open borders.

The fake families that resulted from the compact are a result of the poorly designed text with loopholes wide enough to build concentration camps within.

El Blue says 72,000 trafficked kids have been rescued during the Donald Trump administration because of efforts to determine if the child was actually a biological offspring of the so-called 'parent' who paid coyotes for the use of the child.

Oscar El Blue is an investigative journalist in Mexico.

El Blue also asserts that Antifa is involved in the trafficking syndicate. Trump's effective shutdown of the global human trafficking has crushed the 'cash cow' of international trafficking.
Coyotes are losing enslaved children when DNA tests verify whose child the youth actually is. Kids from deep in South America are now miraculously returned to parents as a result.

Coyotes have used those same kids over & over again, as an anchor to keep an illegal alien in...

When Laws Politicians Write Do Not Apply To Politicians...

 We Are Not Their Subjects, They Are Our Servants...

The Great Disruption

How Big Tech’s obsession with control is tearing us apart.

Of the 10 wealthiest men and women in America, 8 of them made their money in the tech industry. Of these, only 3 made their fortunes from companies that predated the internet era. The rest made it the 'new-fashioned' way, by developing and deploying internet platforms.

The great disruption of the internet made college dropouts into the wealthiest men in America, made the West Coast, for the first time, the equal of the East, and transformed the economy from manufacturing tangible items to reselling access to data and outsourcing manufacturing.

The men of the great disruption were libertarians, if not necessarily by politics then by cultural inclination. The original disrupters had been engineers and hackers who didn’t fit into conformist environments like IBM and were chasing the dream of doing their own thing. They set up shop in garages and basements, in small California, Oregon, and Washington towns, and a few cities, dressed casually, watched Star Trek, dreamed utopian ideals, and were bad at business.

The new disrupters were less interested in hardware or software applications than in using the power of the network to suck up the data of our interactions and turn it into a service. Their insights, building a search engine around link popularity, or a college face book by grabbing pictures of women, might be trivial, but were part of an emergent vision of the new data order.

The original disruptors had been concerned with empowering the end user to command the system, but the new disrupters were reversing the process that had taken users from terminals to personal computers, instead reducing a multitude of devices to terminals leaking data that made them easier to profitably manipulate. The early internet was empowering, but the internet of the Google, Amazon, and Facebook era is disempowering by design. It works by limiting your options and then using what it knows about you to push you in the direction it wants you to go.

Early computers had practically demanded programming skills. The new setup programs you.

As companies went public and college kids became billionaires, they stopped being disrupters and became concerned with maintaining the new order that they were building.

Every revolution ends with a pledge to make sure that no other revolution will happen again.

Google, whose empire was built on search because Yahoo, Netscape, Microsoft, and an array of other companies that allowed it to disrupt its way to power had failed to account for the importance of search, has spent a generation working its way from...

This Is Insanity That I Find Humorous...


I Want To See Them Fight This One Out....

Biden Advisers And CNN Anchors Attended A Major Chinese Communist Conference With Xi Jinping

CNN Host Fareed Zakaria and an adviser to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign attended the recent Understanding China Conference, which counted Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping and high-level apparatchiks in attendance.

The conference, themed “Huge Shake-up, Big Test, Great Cooperation: China’s New Journey toward Modernization and Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind,” argued for increased cooperation between the Chinese Communist Party and the broader world.

Featuring nearly 20 Chinese speakers – all boasting high-level involvement with the Chinese Communist Party – the conference depends on Western figures to grant legitimacy to the event.THE CONFERENCE

Zakaria, who hosts CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS and writes for The Washington Post, along with Lawrence Summers were keen on assisting the Chinese Communist Party in their quest.

Summers, a former Obama-era National Economic Council Director, has also been identified as “advising Joe Biden’s...

Did China Buy Dominion Voting Systems Before The Election?


More than 1,000 Chinese researchers leave US amid tech theft crackdown

US security officials also claim the researchers have already been targeting the incoming Biden administration.

More than 1,000 Chinese researchers have left the US amid a crackdown on alleged technology theft, US security officials have said.

It is also claimed they had already been targeting the incoming Biden administration.

John Demers, chief of the justice department's national security division, said the researchers left the country when the department launched several criminal cases against Chinese operatives for industrial and technological espionage.

Another Justice Department official said the Chinese nationals were a different group to those mentioned by the State Department in September - when the US revoked visas for more than 1,000 Chinese nationals under a presidential measure, denying entry to students and researchers deemed security risks.

The Chinese researchers are believed to be affiliated with China's People's Liberation Army and left the US after the FBI conducted interviews in more than 20 cities and the State Department closed China's Houston consulate in July.

Image:Chinese agents are believed to be already targeting president-elect Joe Biden's incoming administration

"Only the Chinese have the resources and ability and will" to engage in the breadth of foreign influence activity that US agencies have seen in recent years, Mr Demers said, during a discussion hosted by the Aspen Institute think tank.

The researchers were already targeting personnel of the incoming administration of president-elect Joe Biden, as well as "people close" to Mr Biden's team, according to...

Still More Believable Than Biden Winning The 2020 Election...


Illegal Alien Murdered Woman on Thanksgiving, Held Her Roommate Hostage, Police Say

POMPANO BEACH, Florida — Broward Sheriff’s Office homicide detectives arrested a man wanted in connection to a Thanksgiving holiday murder.

Around 9:15 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 26, Broward Regional Communications received a call regarding a female found unresponsive near the 5300 block of Northeast 20th Terrace in Pompano Beach. Broward Sheriff’s Office deputies responded and located the victim, Nadir Verissimo, inside the home unconscious and not breathing. Verissimo was pronounced dead on scene at 9:26 a.m.

Crime scene and homicide detectives were notified and responded to investigate. The Medical Examiner office was also contacted.

Preliminary investigation revealed Verissimo’s roommate, the second victim involved, saw her alive inside the residence around 11 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 25. The roommate left the home and returned after 1 a.m. to discover the known suspect, Roberto De Lira, inside the residence. De Lira had somehow broken into the home and then battered, choked and held the second victim hostage before leaving after 2 a.m. Later that morning, the second victim woke up and found Verissimo’s lifeless body in the home and contacted authorities.

One of Nadir’s closest friends told AcheiUSA that the crime was motivated by Roberto not accepting the end of...

Biden-Linked Firm WestExec Scrubs China Work From Website

Democrat cabinet nominee for State Department co-founded consulting firm WestExec

The Washington, D.C., consulting firm co-founded by President-elect Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, has removed from its website details of its China-related business as the firm’s work has drawn scrutiny following Biden's election victory.

As recently as late July, WestExec Advisors touted its work helping major American universities court donations in China without jeopardizing Pentagon-funded research grants. An archived version of the WestExec site states that "U.S. research universities" were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to "remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs." The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2, weeks before Biden accepted his nomination at the Democratic National Convention in late August.

The consultancy’s work is under the microscope because Biden has tapped, or is considering tapping, several of its principals and advisers who have thus far refused to disclose their clients or elaborate on the precise nature of their work.

Biden is eyeing Blinken’s WestExec cofounder, the former Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, as a potential secretary of defense. His nominee to be the intelligence chief, Avril Haines, and incoming press secretary Jen Psaki have also done work for the firm.

Founded in 2017, WestExec boasted of deploying its deep government connections on behalf of its clients, pledging to bring "the situation room to the board room," and promised first-hand knowledge and government access to clients. The firm has dabbled in an array of consulting work, some of which involves U.S. adversaries such as China and Russia.

A spokeswoman for WestExec told the Washington Free Beacon that the firm "previously offered a service targeted to U.S. research universities to help them avoid...