90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #699

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1399

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, June 28, 2021

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

Tuesday is The New Monday!

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Are Milley Vanilli's Words His Or Is He Just A Mouthpiece For A Higher Authority?

Former Army Captain, Purple Heart Recipient Sean Parnell Rips Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley For Defending CRT

Is Critical Race Theory Bad?

Ready For The Trains? 

How I Got Classified as an Anti-Government Domestic Extremist

When the United States says you are the most dangerous threat it faces, your life is about to change for the worse. The Biden Administration has just told conservative Americans they are that threat

The Biden Administration recently released its National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. After reading the fact sheet, which was a bit disconcerting, I downloadedthe full National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism document. By the time I finished reading, I was shocked. Evidently, President Biden thinks I am an anti-government domestic extremist. But that’s not all. Almost all of my friends and most of the people in the small Southern community where I live are anti-government domestic extremists, too.

So, let’s unpack this “anti-government domestic extremist” business. An integral part of the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism is an intelligence community assessment published in March. Having spent some time in the intelligence community, I was puzzled as to how agencies with the mission of foreign intelligence collection—and which are statutorily and explicitly restricted from conducting domestic intelligence operations—are now writing Intelligence Community Assessments on U.S. citizens residing on U.S. soil. Notwithstanding the troubling legal aspects, the assessment also lacked evidence to back up its broad assertions that America’s greatest threat comes from domestic extremists.

The strategy document claims to focus on unlawful violence from domestic extremists that pose a threat to public safety. The reality is there isn’t that much politically motivated domestic extremist violence happening in United States. Sure, there are countless FBI-manufactured plots and Homeland Security fever dreams of internet chatter to scare the public. But if one excludes Black Lives Matter and Antifa, actual political violence incidents, in a country of 330 million people, is a statistical anomaly. The extremely rare occurrences—thereport mentions six over a 26-year period (including a Black Lives Matter activist misidentified as an anti-government extremist—does not make a domestic terrorism pandemic.

Since our national security warriors need a domestic enemy, they have decided to focus on noncriminal (or, at best, pre-criminal) thoughts and intentions of that enemy. In other words, the national security apparatus plans to decide who will commit violence in the future, and then act against those individuals or groups to “disrupt” their plans.

I’d feel a little better about this idea if this same national security apparatus had not failed to connect the dots on everything from the fall of the Soviet Union to 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombers, and the ISIS Pulse nightclub attack—while simultaneously entrapping mentally challenged homeless people into fake terrorism plots designed, funded, and led by FBI agents and informants.

Like a scene out of “Minority Report,” the new focus on thought crimes, and the use of...

It Kind Of Makes You Wonder What Kind Of Conversations The Biden Administration Is Having In Smoke Filled Rooms....


We’ve warned for years that Democrats don’t give a damn about America insofar as preserving it as founded.

They want to completely remake the country into the same kind of socialist shithole that all other socialist shitholes become after they were once free nations.

Only ours will be the biggest best-armed socialist nightmare yet.

One of the ways Democrats are trying to accomplish this is by throwing open our borders and welcoming in as many third-world poor as they can hook on government (taxpayer) funded largess.

And one of them even said as much earlier Friday as Kamala Harris’ border-non-border visit commenced.

Harris went to El Paso, Texas, where there isn’t a migrant crisis because going to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, where the real migrant and drug smuggling crisis is taking place would be bad optics for the loser who was given this problem to solve three months ago.

All she had to do was tell Invalid Joe to reverse his reversal of Trump’s border enforcement actions and orders and viola, problem solved. Border secure. Oh, and re-fund the border wall.

But no. She won’t do that because she doesn’t want to do that. Because that runs counter to ‘the plan,’ which is to remake America, as a party member admitted.

The Washington Examiner reports:

A Texas Democrat referred to El Paso, Texas, as 'the new Ellis Island' as she accompanied Vice President Kamala Harris to the southern border on Friday.

'Welcome to El Paso, welcome to my community, to the new Ellis Island, to the capital of the border,' said Rep. Veronica Escobar, who represents Texas's 16th Congressional District, which encompasses El Paso.

Escobar went on to express a 'heart full of gratitude' to Harris and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for their approach to Central American migration at the border.

'We finally have an administration willing to tackle the big challenges, challenges that our country has dealt with for decades — willing to tackle challenges in a meaningful, thoughtful, strategic, compassionate way,' Escobar said, 'and that means starting with root causes and understanding what's driving people from their home, what's making them arrive at our nation's front door.'

What a bunch of bullshit. Trump took on ‘the big challenges’ of the border by sealing it. Even Hispanics living along it were appreciative and are heap big pissed off that Biden threw open the flood gates again.

But here you have it — the new “Ellis Island” is El Paso. The gates are wide up. Come one, come all, and let’s remake ‘Merica into the same kind of country that...

Military Priorities - China Vs. America:


Former Army Captain, Purple Heart Recipient Sean Parnell Rips Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley For Defending CRT

Arms, Iron Ore and Electricity Boost Chinese Influence in Latin America

Venezuela's Vice President Delcy Rodriguez (C) stands next to China's ambassador to Venezuela, Li Baorong (3rd L), and other Caracas officials on arrival of a 55-ton shipment of humanitarian aid and medical equipment sent from China for the fight against the COVID-19, at the Simon Bolivar Airport, March 28, 2020.

Latin American countries have joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative, often referred to as the BRI, which funds overseas infrastructure projects.

Chinese state-run companies and banks have been investing in electrical utilities in Latin America, generating income for the firms and creating leverage for Beijing to advance its interests in a region sometimes referred to as “America’s backyard.”

One of the most comprehensive reports on the subject has been written by R. Evan Ellis, research professor of Latin American Studies at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute.

COVID-19 caused economic setbacks in a number of these countries, so they may now be more likely to agree to some Chinese projects that they would have rejected in the past, Ellis says.

The Wall Journal has recently analyzed data from a number of Latin American nations that reveal a staggering COVID-19 death toll.

According to The Journal, the country with the world’s highly daily death rate as of June 21, was landlocked Paraguay, with 19 times as many deaths as the United States per capita.

And with 50 million people, Colombia has recorded about 4,200 deaths from COVID-19 over the past week—about 50 percent more than the whole of Africa.

Fewer than one in 10 people in Latin America have been vaccinated, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Carissa F. Etienne, director of PAHO, has at the same time urged leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) nations to speed up delivery of a billion vaccines they promised to developing nations by the end of 2023.

China has meanwhile been importing about 75 percent of the world’s traded iron ore and some 60 percent of its copper ore from Latin American countries for years.

Latin American countries have joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative, often referred to as the BRI, which funds overseas infrastructure projects in nearly 70 countries.

Aerial view of the old salt gate in the southern zone of the Uyuni Salt Flat, where Bolivia plans to produce lithium for China's electromotive industry, July 10, 2019. Credit: AFP

BRI enlists 18 of 31 countries

David Dollar, a senior fellow at the U.S.-based-Brookings Institution, says that the BRI is controversial in the West because of a lack of transparency that makes it difficult to get reliable information on the finances of the initiative as well as on specific projects and their terms.

According to the U.S.-based Atlantic Council, Panama in November 2017 became the first Latin American country to officially endorse the BRI, five months after switching diplomatic ties from Taiwan to China.

In the next two years, 18 of the 33 countries in the region would join the...