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Friday, July 2, 2021

New York Officials: Teen Murdered by Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Members

Photo of (Murdered By Illegal Alien), Bryan Steven Cho Lemus

An accused illegal alien MS-13 gang member, who first arrived in the United States as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC) at the southern border, has pleaded guilty to helping murder 18-year-old Bryan Steven Cho Lemus.

Samuel Ponce, an illegal alien from El Salvador, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder this week for his role in murdering Lemus in August 2016 allegedly with other MS-13 gang members, the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office announced. Ponce was 15 years old at the time of Lemus’ murder.

“Bryan Lemus was just 18-years-old when he was viciously attacked and violently murdered with machetes by the defendant and multiple MS-13 members,” Acting Nassau County District Attorney Joyce A. Smith said in a statement.

According to prosecutors, Lemus was lured into the Massapequa Preserve in Nassau County by a number of MS-13 gang members, including alleged illegal alien 23-year-old Christian Rodriguez, who has been charged with another murder.

Lemus, prosecutors say, was hacked with machetes by Ponce and others until he was dead and was put into a shallow grave where his body was not found until May 2019.

According to Newsday, Ponce first arrived in the U.S. at the southern border from El Salvador at the age of 13 years old. Ponce was briefly held in federal custody before being released to a sponsor, his father, in Long Island, New York.

Ponce is facing nine years to life in prison for his involvement in Lemus’ murder. His...

Norway to pay compensation for AstraZeneca side effects as patients who suffered from Pfizer & Moderna watch and wait

At least three claims over serious side effects of Oxford-made vaccine AstraZeneca have been upheld in Norway, resulting in financial compensation. Dozens more are expecting a ruling in connection with coronavirus-jab reactions.

The Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation (NPE) will make payments to three applicants badly affected by the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, it announced on Friday. It officially confirmed that the vaccine, currently suspended in the European country, has resulted in severe cases of blood clots and low platelet counts in these patients, one of whom died.

Among those who suffered badly from the shot – later removed from the national vaccination program due to serious side-effects – are health workers who were prioritized to be vaccinated. The two women were hospitalized in March and one of them, who was in her 40s, died. Another applicant, an unnamed man in his 30s, is still suffering from severe immune reactions.

“I was admitted to hospital with great pain. It was frightening to follow the news about others who had just died from the same vaccine,” he told NPE.

Officials are now calculating the exact amount of compensation, the body’s director Rolf Gunnar Jorstad announced, saying that direct connections between the vaccine and its receivers’ deteriorated conditions have been established and medically confirmed. The family of the deceased woman will also receive payment for her funeral, he said.

In total, 77 compensation claims related to side effects of Covid vaccines have been received in Norway. Over 50 of those concern AstraZeneca, while there are also complaints about Pfizer and Moderna shots. Eight of the 77 applications involve fatal cases.

At the same time, more than 16,000 reports of suspected side effects of anti-Covid vaccination have been recorded by the end of June, NRK media reported, citing the Norwegian Medicines Agency. While many people complain of relatively mild symptoms such as fever, headache, fatigue and dizziness, more serious medical consequences, including blood clots, bleeding, paralysis and severe allergic reactions with anaphylaxis, have...

FaceBook Be Like:


Pretty Sure They Are NOT Looking For ANTIFA, BLM, Or Black Liberation Armed Marxists...

Black Extremist 'Shoots Daytona Cop In The Head' As DOJ, FBI Stay Laser-Focused On Jan 6 Protesters And 'White Extremists'

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #702

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1402

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Girls With Guns

Here Are The "Republicans" That Voted To Impeach President Trump:


Celebrate These Champions!

No Time For Losers

Case We Are The Champions!


The United States Is Descending Into A Fascist, Socialist State Where There Is No Justice Just Political Prosecutions...

Liberals Didn't Pounce on Eric Adams Just for Questioning New York's Election. They Had...Another Reason.

New York’s descent into election madness would be hilarious if it wasn’t also so deeply disturbing. The Big Apple is looking like a giant banana republic. The move to ranked-choice voting means residents won’t have a result until mid-July, according to my colleague Rick Moran. Will they be able to trust that result when it comes so long after Election Day and the whole thing looks to be a giant mess?

From Election Day to whenever the result arrives, via a puff of smoke or whatever means they choose to announce it, chicanery and shenanigans are more than merely possible. There’s a lot at stake in this election; not least is the possible discrediting of Bill de Blasio and the entire “defund the police” project. Eric Adams, a former cop, ran on a law and order platform. By the end of Election Day, he looked to be cruising to a win. In deep blue New York City.

That’s no small thing.

Then all Hades broke loose when the city released a vote total that included 100,000 more votes than were cast on Election Day despite the fact that the absentee vote hadn’t been counted yet.

Adams raised his hand and questioned what was going on, as anyone might expect in the circumstances.

Liberals pounced on him. Glenn Greenwald caught ’em pouncing and also called them out for trying to slip away once the city announced that it somehow, accidentally, included 135,000 test votes in its ongoing actual vote count.

Among the questions all this raises is, just how incompetent is Bill de Blasio’s New York City?
Another question this raises is, are the Democrats who run that city gaming the ranked-choice count to keep Adams out of Gracie Mansion?

His win could humiliate de Blasio. Yes, there’s some scuttlebutt in New York that de Blasio actually favors Adams. But, does that really seem likely? Mayor de Blasio didn’t endorse anyone, and he mocked the entire field. De Blasio surely knows that his endorsement, or even something tacit, would hurt whoever he supported, because he is deeply unpopular. Adams ran on undoing what de Blasio has done to the NYPD. All that has to be taken into account.

Plus, Adams is black.

Liberals never questioned Hillary Clinton or John Kerry when they alleged, without any evidence, that their elections were stolen from them. Both of them are white.

Just saying.

The left is living in dread fear of losing minority votes. That’s powering their divisive and nakedly racist policies now. They actually believe that undermining the entire American project and teaching us all to hate each other is their path to...