90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 12, 2021

[VIDEO] During His CPAC Speech, Trump Reveals That He Figured Out Why Bill Barr Changed

I gotta admit, I was duped by Bill Barr.

When he first splashed back on the scene, I was really leery, especially because of his Bush ties. I thought he was an establishment DC bum, who would do nothing to help Trump and simply toe the line for the swamp.

I should have stuck with that assessment, but I didn’t. I got roped in, and I really believed that Barr was the man for the moment. That he was going to help drain the swamp.

Maybe I was naive, but I thought that I felt his passion and his determination to seek justice in #Spygate.

And it was easy to get roped in, Barr was bold and he wasn’t backing down from the Dems – and during those first few months of the investigation, Barr was traveling to Europe to poke around and it really felt as if he was gonna do it.

And then it all ground to a halt, and Barr turned into the DC swamp monster that I thought he was early on.

But looking back now, it was a strange jump…it was like flipping a switch. He changed fast.

President Trump says that he’s figured out when the change came…

During his Sunday afternoon CPAC speech, President Trump said that everything with Barr changed when the Dems threatened to impeach him.


I Got A Baby's Brain And An Old Man's Heart....

I got a baby's brain and an old man's heart 
Took eighteen years to get this far
Don't always know what I'm talkin' about
Feels like I'm livin' in the middle of doubt

'Cause I'm eighteen
I get confused everyday
Eighteen, I just don't know what to say
Eighteen, I gotta get away

RNC and Romney's Niece, Ronna McDaniel are lying about backstabbing Trump

"The RNC is corrupt and full of self-interested liars"

After former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis explosively called out the Republican National Committee for lying about their attorney stabbing former President Donald Trump in the back over election fraud allegations, Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel blocked her on Twitter.

Ellis is accusing McDaniel of abandoning the former president following the 2020 election. She reportedly received an email last November that showed RNC Chief Counsel Justin Riemer was actively questioning Trump’s election claims according to a new book by anti-Trump author Michael Wolff.

The note allegedly asked why Republicans backed Trump’s claims of election fraud as Business Insider reported from a pre-released copy of the book. Reimer also contended that the RNC could raise more money by going after Democrats than by challenging election results.

Ellis passed the email onto Rudy Giuliani and former NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik. Giuliani blasted Reimer and demanded that he resign or be fired immediately. The email was described in the book as being “akin to saying ‘f**k Trump’ and ‘f**k Giuliani.’”

“Can you f–king believe this,” Giuliani allegedly said. “They are backdooring us … doing everything in their power not to help us.”

The former New York City mayor reportedly called Reimer and yelled, “Who the f**k do you think you are? How can you be going against the President? … You need to resign and resign tonight … because you are going to be fired.”

Giuliani then called McDaniel and demanded that Reimer be fired. She refused and he is still the top attorney for the RNC. McDaniel and the RNC are denying the allegations in the book.

“As is typical with most things Michael Wolff writes, this story is simply false,” a statement from the RNC said. “The RNC legal team fought tooth and nail on election integrity efforts for the entirety of 2020, and that continues today.”

On Sunday, Ellis tweeted out, “This report is true@GOPChairwoman, and you know I have the receipts. Why is the RNC lying and saying it’s false?” After that tweet, instead of responding, McDaniel blocked Ellis on Twitter.

This led to a series of tweets from Ellis and other Republicans who called out McDaniel for her judgment concerning the matter, her behavior, her alleged lying, and whether she was in Trump’s camp or not.

“Update. I guess [McDaniel] doesn’t want to be confronted about the RNC lying,” Ellis tweeted.

“If [McDaniel] didn’t direct RNC lawyers to stand down and surrender to Dems, she should immediately fire the lawyer who wrote the email. If she gave the order, she must resign,” Newsmax host John Cardillo stated on Twitter.

Ellis claims that she and Giuliani were told Reimer would be fired. “She told [Rudy Giuliani], me, and the President she would fire Justin Reimer,” Ellis tweeted. “She didn’t. She lied then, and she’s lying now.”

More Republicans piled on McDaniel over the allegation. Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers wrote, “I stand with [Jenna Ellis], [Rudy Giuliani], [Bernard Kerik], and President Trump. The RNC supports pride month and backstabbed the tens of millions of Trump voters during the election integrity fight.” She went on to add, “Now Ronna is pretending to care about election integrity. We can do better!”

Kerik also tweeted out a blistering response, writing that Riemer⁩ “sent out an email bad mouthing the President’s legal team telling his colleagues that the RNC makes more money opposing Democrats, than soliciting funds for a legal defense. He didn’t give a sh*t about the president.”

Intelligence analyst Sebastian Gorka also chimed in, asking, “Well @GOPChairwoman?”

Ellis was blunt in her assessment of the RNC and didn’t hold back, writing: “Let’s get the truth out: the RNC is corrupt and full of self-interested liars...


‘Burn It All Down!’ Canadian Leadership on Church Attacks

Once again, the Woke crowd parades its hypocrisy and hate.

In one nation, at least two dozen mostly Catholic and some Anglican churches have been vandalized or torched in recent weeks; and that nation’s leaders are either openly calling for more or shrugging their shoulders.

That nation is not Iraq, Syria, or Libya under ISIS, but rather Canada.

According to one recent report titled “Canada has become the church-burning centre of the western world,”
As of publication [July 2], there have been almost 23 attacks against churches—including at least five completely destroyed by fires, at least three damaged by fires, and more than 15 vandalized to varying degrees.
Two days after that report was published, on Sunday, July 4, another church was set on fire in southeast Calgary, and “countless have been vandalized,” says a July 6 report. After characterizing these ongoing attacks as a “shocking and unchallenged new reality” for Canada, the report adds:
There are currently no suspects for these arsons, but even more alarming, there is seemingly very little sympathy or care given to this vicious form of religious persecution.
Indeed, consider the reaction to these hate crimes coming from some of Canada’s leaders: Harsha Walia, the head of British Colombia’s Civil Liberties Association—which claims to “promote, defend, sustain, and extend civil liberties and human rights”—on June 30 tweeted, “Burn it all down,” in regards to the churches. So much for her zealous defense for the “civil liberties and human rights” of Canadians; apparently they only apply to some people, not others.

Although she appears to be a Hindu, this Walia’s place of birth (Bahrain) and her last name are curiously Islamic—not, of course, that it matters: India has become so anti-Christianity that it is currently the 10th worst persecutor of Christians in the entire world; being a Christian in India is actually worse than being a Christian in most Muslim nations—which is saying much.

If Muslims and Hindus hate Christians and attack their churches, Western elements—the media, politicians, and academia—increasingly sympathize and cover for them.

Thus, according to Gerald Butts, a close confidant of the Canadian prime minister, attacks on churches are “understandable.” Even more bizarre, Heidi Mathews of Harvard Law School described the vandalization and torching of churches as “the right of resistance to extreme and systemic injustice.”

As for the Prime Minister himself, Justin Trudeau, after offering the usual lip service and saying that ongoing church attacks are “unacceptable,” he offered this:
I understand the anger that’s out there … against institutions like the Catholic Church. It is real, and it is fully understandable given the shameful history that we’re all becoming more and more aware of.
So attacks on Christian churches are “unacceptable”—but they’re also “understandable.” Considering that these two words neutralize each other, Trudeau’s is a call for...

What Is The Penalty For Lying On A Gun Background Check?

Biden’s ATF Director Refuses To Say If Hunter Biden Should Be Prosecuted For Illegal Gun Purchase

The Deep State Wants Your Guns


DOJ Retracts Claim of ‘Fully Constructed’ Capitol LEGO Set; LEGO of Riot Suspect ‘in a Box’

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has withdrawn its claim that a Capitol riot suspect was found to be in possession of a “fully constructed” LEGO set depicting the U.S. Capitol; the LEGO set was still contained in a box, the DOJ said Friday.

As Breitbart News reported last week:
Robert Morss, a substitute social studies teacher, allegedly engaged in violent behavior during the riot, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette …
In court documents filed July 2, as the Department of Justice pushed for Morss to be detained until trial, the federal government noted:
During his arrest, law enforcement recovered some clothing and other items that appear to match those he carried with him on the 6th – including a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, a neck gaiter, a military utility bag, a black tourniquet, and military fatigues. (Law enforcement also recoverd a fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set.) In addition, MORSS had three different firearms including a handgun, a shotgun, and a rifle.

The Capitol set is one of the most sought-after and most expensive LEGO sets, currently priced at $266.95 at Amazon.com.
However, in a new filing, the DOJ said:
In the original detention memoranda, the undersigned stated that law enforcement found a “fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set.” Please note that after a review of the photographs from the search, there appears to have been a miscommunication and that statement appears to be inaccurate. The Lego set was in a box and not fully constructed at the time of the search, as pictured below.
The DOJ is seeking to ensure that Morss remains in custody, pending...

Nationalizing the Capitol Police

Do we really want a nationwide federal police force accountable solely to a small number of legislators, not subject to FOIA and other citizen protections applicable to the executive branch? The Acting Chief of the U.S. Capitol Police has recently announced the expansion of their federal force into Florida and California. Two new field offices will be opening in Tampa and San Francisco, due to claims from Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman that the number of threats against sitting Congressmen has doubled in the last year.

However, this isn’t D.C.’s first effort to implement a new national police force. Just last June, House Democrats voted to pass H.R. 7120, an attempt to nationalize state and local police departments across the entire country, disguised as legislation for defunding the police.

Is it hypocritical that the same lawmakers who have been calling for a total overhaul of law enforcement since the death of George Floyd in police custody last May, now want their personal police force expanded nationwide? Absolutely, but that’s never stopped a politician before.

However, the USCP is a completely different beast. Unlike any other law enforcement agencies, including federal ones like the FBI, the Capitol Police fall under the legislative branch and therefore remain exempt from being subjected to oversight like the Freedom of Information Act.

Which explains why there has been so little effort and information surrounding Ashli Babbitt's untimely end. Shrouded in secrecy, the USCP does not answer to the people of America. Only an oversight committee run by a few select members of Congress; the same ones that reap the benefits from this total lack of transparency.

While some leftists may celebrate the killing of one of our veterans and the absence of accountability for her murderer, that is truly self-defeating. One day it will be the same leftists that want to air their grievances against Congress and they too will be met with gunfire. Jesse Kelly recently tweeted, “Despite all of human history telling them otherwise, these people still think the monster they’re feeding won’t ever turn on them.”

I asked Tayler Hansen, who was present when Capitol Police opened fire and struck Ashli Babbitt, his thoughts on nationalizing the perpetrators. His response was chilling:
“The Capitol Police Force opening field offices in California and Florida is a tragedy. They have already done so much to ruin ordinary Americans’ lives, but it seems they’ve only gotten started. I pray for the residents of these states, hopefully they don’t meet the same ends as Ashli Babbitt and others did on January 6th.”
Currently, the USCP is able to arrest individuals on Capitol grounds and areas around D.C. like Union Square courtesy of an agreement with the city. This means granting them jurisdiction nationwide would simultaneously install the first nationalized police force with no input from the citizens of this country.

While that is terrifying, it also raises questions on whether it is legal under the U.S. Constitution. The 10th Amendment limits the power of the federal government while granting all other responsibilities to the individual states. A nationalized police force could overstep the federal government’s authority and infringe on the rights that are granted to the states. Frankly, expanding the USCP is just too much power for the legislative branch of our government. And we can look at historical examples to know that such actions have been tried before and always lead to autocratic leadership. States’ rights have been our bastion of democracy and they shouldn’t be tossed to the dogs because Congressmen were frightened to be confronted by their own constituents.

The new field offices also highlight other federal forces' inadequacy. The FBI, US Marshals, and Secret Service all currently respond to threats against politicians, so this new overlap with the USCP means that lawmakers are not confident in these establishments’ abilities to handle this responsibility.

And that may be a legitimate concern. To date, over 500 individuals have been arrested for their appearance at the Capitol building on January 6th and the FBI is still looking for 300 more. Missing from the lineup of grandmothers and vegans in fur hats is the individual who placed pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC the night prior. That brand of incompetence is emblematic of federal bureaucrats. But the answer definitely isn’t to spawn a new police force nationwide under the full control of a handful of politicians thousands of miles away.

While lawmakers may be using January 6th as a public reason to expand this private police force, expanding the USCP has been on the agenda for a while. Just last year, Congress increased the Capitol Police’s annual budget to just over...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #712

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1412

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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