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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Senator Daines’ niece, Maria Piacesi, says Biden pinched her nipple

Steven Daines’ niece, Maria Piacesi, reveals that Joe Biden pinched her nipple when she was only 8-years young during shocking TikTok video.

Maria Piacesi, niece of Republican senator Steve Daines, revealed that US president Joe Biden pinched her nipple during a Swearing-In Ceremony in 2015. She’s scared of speaking out, her friends don’t believe her even though it was caught on video.

Joe Biden, 78, has — again — been accused of inappropriately touching a woman, but in this case there might actually be video evidence that the sitting president sexual assaulted a minor during his tenure as Vice President in 2015.

In a shocking TikTok video a 14-year-old Maria Piacesi, niece of the Montana senator Steve Daines, claims that Joe Biden pinched her nipple when she was only 8-years-old during a Ceremonial Swearing-In session. The ordeal was caught on camera but the mainstream media has largely discounted the theories that Biden sexually assaulted the underage girl as a ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’.

Maria Piacesi is the only child of Rob and Christie Piacesi. She describes herself as “very social” and has a very upbeat demeanor.

“I play the flute and piano and always like to keep busy one way or another. I am also very adventurous when it comes to activities,” Piacesi stated in her profile.

“Did Joe Biden pinch you?” A user by the name of Jonathan Pasetti asked, to which Piacesi responded, “Yes.” However, soon after, she deleted her comment.

“Why did you delete the comment?” Pasetti asked. “I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that,” Maria Piacesi replied.

Mr Pasetti then added: “Those ‘friends’ are not true friends then. You were abused by a pervert and deserve justice, but only you can exact that justice by telling others.”

Maria Piacesi then sent the user a direct message via the TikTok app and said that she’s wanted to speak out about her assault but that she fears that she won’t be believed and will be seen as an outcast.

“I would do something about it — to be honest — if I thought it would help, but it would only make more people angry and I’ve already had people calling me out saying I’m lying and this is BS [bullsh*t], even though it is not. I just don’t think it would help with anything right now,” Maria Piacesi said.

Mr Pasetti reassured the scared 14-year-old, “I understand your apprehension. The first thing, though, is not letting him get away with it because then he can do it to others. I just want you to know that there are millions of people who are on your side and they believe you. There is video evidence of what happened and I believe you. We all believe you.

A video of the January 3rd, 2015, ceremonial swearing-in of Steve Daines shows an 8-year-old Maria Piacesi recoil back in fear after the then 72-year-old Vice President Joe Biden appears to pinch her nipple.

Conservatives often refer to the president as “Creepy Joe” due to his very bizarre and often inappropriate...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #728

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1428

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

January 7th News Report Includes Description Of Paid Instigators At The January 6th Protest....


Girls With Guns

Meet Your New Unaccountable Masters:

Nationalizing the Capitol Police

How Bad Will The Political Persecution Of Anti-Communists In America Get?

The Capitol Police Chief And Her Democratic Bosses Are Lying To You, All To Hold Our Capital Hostage


The People Who Carry The Pictures Of Chairman Mao Are Now Making All The Rules...


You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead

But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

What Is More Corrupt Than The Art World?



Biden's Dirty Laundry....

Did the FBI Manipulate the Michigan Kidnapping Plot to Influence the Election?

Americans deserve to know whether the FBI meddled in the 2020 election.

Remember this headline? “Trump appears to give a pass to the domestic kidnapping plot against Whitmer.”

Just before the November 2020 election, CNN and many other mainstream media outlets repeatedly attempted to tie President Trump to a domestic terrorism plot allegedly aimed at Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “Trump has repeatedly attacked Whitmer before and after the news of the plot,” CNN wrote, implying that Trump’s criticism of Whitmer inspired the plot.

Whitmer went further, directly accusing Trump of “fomenting anger and giving comfort to those who spread fear and division.” The Chicago Sun-Times wrote, “Donald Trump was complicit in the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer,” adding, “Political rhetoric can incite. Incendiary posturing can trigger those who carry matches. We’ve now seen this play out dramatically in Michigan.”

The timing of the story and its circumstances seemed a little fishy, even then. The headlines reinforced very ugly stereotypes about Trump supporters: Violent rural men hatching a plot to kidnap a key Democratic governor. Nobody paid any attention to the FBI’s weirdly balancing details that the kidnappers also hated Trump. It’s almost like the FBI added that detail to the plot to camouflage the otherwise obviously partisan impact of the story.

The story supposedly broke when it did because the kidnappers had begun to set things in motion. Trump lost Michigan just a few weeks later by a very small margin. The story almost certainly played a role in tipping this key battleground state.

In publicizing the plot, the Justice Department declared its commitment to “make sure violent extremists never succeed with their plans, particularly when they target our duly elected leaders,” and that, “All of us can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never . . . result in violence.” We all knew exactly what that was supposed to be code for: The FBI stopped Trump supporters from kidnapping the Democratic governor of Michigan.

Last week, BuzzFeed published an article that completely changes what we know about the plot. Previously, we were led to believe that the FBI “disrupted” the plot. But according to...

That Feeling When You Overcome Adversity....