90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Girls With Guns



Epidemiologist Says Influenza Cases Are Being Counted as COVID-19

Motor Vehicle Per Mile User Fee Found Buried In The "Infrastructure" Bill.....


The Science Of it All...

 Political Science...

Politico’s GETTR Hit-Piece Was Covertly Funded By Big Tech Giants.

When GETTR, the free speech, “cancel free” social media platform officially launched on July 4th and immediately began to scale, it was certain that Big Tech and the mainstream media would get their knives out.

When the attacks came, they were predictably coordinated, brazen, and transparently driven by an agenda of self-protection and animosity toward the Make America Great Again movement, and more specifically, anyone attached to President Donald J. Trump.

POLITICO, the Washington, D.C., political trade publication, launched a strike on GETTR, declaring that our platform is a “safe haven” for Islamic extremists, as their initial, inflammatory headline blared.

The story was peppered with references to former President Trump and the Make America Great Again movement, leaving no doubt why GETTR was being targeted in the first place.

What POLITICO left out, and purposely obfuscated, tells a different story.

GETTR is fast approaching two million registered users, which is unprecedented growth for a social media startup. (For comparison, consider that Twitter needed 24 months to record its first one million users and Facebook took 10 months to reach that milestone.)

Among two million users, POLITICO cited a mere 250 individual accounts that allowed them to write a story that fit their narrative. Incredibly, they used the word “inundated” to describe the content this tiny number of accounts produced, even though regular users would most likely never even encounter their posts.

The impetus for the story was the work of the “Institute for Strategic Dialogue,” a think tank that “tracks online extremism,” according to POLITICO. The writers of the article admit this organization supplied the research that was the basis of...

All The Kings Horses And All The Kings Men Are Trying To Keep January 6th Away From Them....

 Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall.....

Who Is the Real Humpty Dumpty?

Since the original nursery rhyme was created over 50 years before Through the Looking-Glass, it could not have been the egg that was the inspiration behind it. Not only was Humpty not an egg, but according to many historians, he was likely a military cannon.

To get the story behind this, we have to go back to 1648 when the English Civil War was nearing its end. In an attempt to try and hold off the Parliamentary army, King Charles I had his men stationed several cannons along the walls of Colchester. Not surprisingly, one of these cannons happened to be nicknamed Humpty Dumpty.

As the nursery rhyme alludes to, Humpty Dumpty experienced a vast amount of artillery fire on his section of the wall, making it unable to support the weight of the canon any longer. As a result, Humpty came tumbling to the ground and was instantly smashed into several pieces. Try as they might, none of the King’s men would be able to fix such a level of destruction caused to the cannon. Therefore, Humpty Dumpty remained inoperable and the King’s army would proceed to lose the war the following year....

AZ Senate Leader Takes Audit Fight with Maricopa County to Whole New Level, Brings in Top Law Enforcement Official

Arizona Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borrelli has officially requested Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich investigate the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors’ refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by Senate leadership overseeing the November 2020 election audit.

The subpoena issued by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann and Arizona Senate Judiciary Chairman Warren Peterson last week sought information and access regarding six matters, including access to the election routers as well as “user names, passwords, pins and/or security keys or tokens required to access, or otherwise relating to, any and all ballot tabulation devices used in connection with the November 3, 2020 general election.”

Maricopa County used Dominion Voting Systems’ ballot tabulation devices.

Access to the routers and tabulation device passwords were both listed in the original subpoena issued in December and reissued in January, but Maricopa County and Dominion have not complied.

In February, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason ruled the Arizona Senate has “broad constitutional power” to subpoena election-related materials, including those items listed in the subpoena.

Fann and Petersen’s July 26 subpoena set a deadline of Monday, Aug. 2, at 1 p.m.

“The supervisors are acting as if they are above the law, and it is an insult to the citizens of our state,” Borrelli said in a Tuesday statement.

“Yesterday the Board of Supervisors ignored the subpoena deadline and failed to provide the routers used in the November election,” he added. “They failed to provide passwords and security keys required to access tabulation devices. They failed to provide splunk logs and similar data.”

“The level of disrespect and contempt from...

Who Runs The World?


JUSTICE: Mark and Patricia McCloskey are Pardoned by Missouri Governor for Standing Their Ground Against Left-Wing Mob

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announced pardons on Tuesday for Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who were maliciously prosecuted after a left-wing Black Lives Matter mob appeared near their doorstep during the George Floyd summer of destruction.

The BLM mob came to menace the McCloskeys outside of their St. Louis mansion in June 2020, which prompted the couple to appear outside of their home with firearms. Mark McCloskey is now running for U.S. Senate on the promise of taking the fight to leftist thugs.
“[They said] that they were going to kill us,” Patricia McCloskey said in July 2020. “They were going to come in there. They were going to burn down the house.”

“God came knocking on my door last summer disguised as an angry mob, and it really did wake me up,” Mark McCloskey told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
Patricia and Mark McCloskey were forced to plead guilty to misdemeanor charges, which were reduced from felonies, around the time Mark McCloskey announced his run for Senate. He said he has no regrets about the stand he made.

Big League Politics reported on how Soros-funded St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner was removed from the case by a judge over her extreme bias in pursuing the case:

“A judge removed Soros-funded Saint Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner from political prosecution proceedings against Mark and Patricia McCloskey, a couple who went viral over the summer after confronting marauding Black Lives Matter rioters trespassing on their property while armed.

5 On Your Side reported that Judge Thomas Clark disqualified Gardner from the criminal proceedings against the McCloskeys on Thursday. The St. Louis couple had filed to dismiss her from the case, citing pervasive evidence of prosecutorial misconduct, including evidence fishing attempts from a subordinate and campaign fundraising emails bragging about her efforts to railroad the couple into jail.

Clark cited Garder’s promotion of the charges against the McCloskeys in campaign emails, dismissing her from the case in a brief.
“Ms. Gardner has every right to rebut criticism, but it appears unnecessary to stigmatize defendant – or even mention him – in campaign solicitations, especially when she purports to be responding to others,” he wrote. “In fact, the case law and Rules of Professional Conduct prohibit it.”
Read Judge Clark’s full order granting the McCloskey’s motion to dismiss Gardner from the case here.

Clark’s dismissal of the left-wing Democrat prosecutor from the case will require that a special prosecutor be appointed by the presiding judge of the case. However, the overwhelming improprieties implicating Garder’s handling of the case now make it much more likely charges will be eventually dropped.“

Parson’s heroic pardons mean that Patricia and Mark McCloskey are cleared completely and are considered fully innocent in the...

O beautiful for patriot dream...

#Olympic #GoldMedalist @mensahtamyrastock

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!

America! America!

God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Medical examiner requested cremation of Babbitt’s body two days after Capitol breach, docs show

The Washington D.C. Offices of the Chief Medical Examiner submitted a request to cremate Jan. 6 Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt two days after gaining custody of the body, according to documents obtained and released Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran and San Diego native, was fatally shot by a U.S. Capitol Police officer as she attempted to climb through a broken window of a door to the Speaker’s Lobby, a room off House chambers.

Among the 1,160 pages of documents obtained by Judicial Watch is a Jan. 8 application to cremate Babbit’s body that is labeled "completed successfully."

However, neither Judicial Watch nor the medical examiner’s officer could confirm Tuesday whether the entry meant the application or the cremation was successful.

The Justice Department said in April that it would not pursue charges against the unnamed officer accused of fatally shooting the 35-year-old Babbitt because there was insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution.

The decision came about a week after the medical examiner’s office said Babbitt died of a gunshot wound to her shoulder, and that her death had been ruled a "homicide" because it was the result of "intentional harm of one person by another."

"The continued secrecy and delayed release of information about the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt are suspicious and smacks of politics," says Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "That Americans still have no information about who killed her or any police report about her death is a scandal of epic proportions."

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch also appear to show that an email of Babbit's fingerprints between a Metropolitan Police Department officer and a District of Columbia government official resulted in multiple...

Big Pharma, Quick Money, No Morals And The Shame Of Thalidomide...