90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Critical Race Theory | Senator Ted Cruz

Girls With Guns

The Time For A Polite Society Is Over...


The Experimental Jab Guinea Pigs Are The Ones Spreading The Mutant Variants...


The Totalitarian Left Is Showing Us Who They Are...


When You Fought Hard And Won, But Then You Find Out You Didn't Win....

I'm going to Wichita
Far from this opera forevermore
I'm gonna work the straw
Make the sweat drip out of every pore

And I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding
Right before the Lord
All the words are gonna bleed from me
And I will sing no more

COVID Disproved The Notion That Morbidly Obese People Are Also ‘Healthy’

The body positivity movement is just the latest iteration of social movements to encourage acceptance of overweight and obese people in American society. While some of their points are valid, the body positivity movement has decided to adopt unscientific positions for the sake of inclusivity.

However, they’ve now led their adherents down a road that puts them much more at risk from having a serious case of COVID-19, much less an almost certain early death.

The modern body-positivity movement is an outgrowth of the fat acceptance movement which began in the 1960s and sought to reverse stigmas surrounding obesity, according to Fusion. It claims to promote mental and emotional wellness through celebrating individuals regardless of their outward appearance, particularly when it comes to physical weight and size, but also with an emphasis on race and gender.

Those who embrace body positivity believe that beauty is completely socially constructed, and functions as a sorting mechanism in societal hierarchies that can be unrelated to beauty and health. Thus, by an outpouring of encouragement for these individuals to accept and love themselves — regardless of their health or physical appearance — body positivists believe they can tear down these supposed...

Where Is The Little Dutch Boy When You Need Him?

We Need Millions Of Little Dutch Heroes To Give The Southern Border The Finger To Save Our Country...

CAUGHT ON FILM: PA Teacher Jordan Sharp Busted Pushing Banned Critical Race Theory (Video)

Teaching children that racism is built into American institutions and that white children benefit from racist systems is unacceptable.

A race-baiting high school teacher was captured blatantly teaching students the divisive, radical left doctrine broadly known as Critical Race Theory (CRT) this week at Exeter High School in Reading, Pennsylvania.

The footage, which was provided to the Exeter Examiner by the local chapter of the Moms for Liberty, captured English teacher Jordan Sharp indoctrinating teens during an online course. It is unclear if Sharp is pushing Marxist propaganda deliberately or perhaps she is simply indoctrinated herself. Either way, it is unacceptable.

“This definition [of racism] has changed, friends. Racists are not necessarily individuals who are mean, who are like, consciously disliking people across race, intending to hurt them,” she tells her students. “You could make the argument that almost all of us are racist.”

“Why?” she continues. “Because it’s individuals who support one racial group as superior to another even when it is unintentional.”

Later, she informs students that the United States government and “school system” are “inherently racist”. “Why?” she asks, “Because our whole country is built on this hierarchy, this social hierarchy, where white men are at the very top.”

Slide from Miss Jordan Sharp’s English Class

Exeter Examiner journalist Jerry Geleff also obtained the slide pictured, which shows a black woman condescendingly speaking to white people, telling them to capitalize the “B” in black in order to “recogniz[e] the cultural, and historical, and social significance of black as a category,” which appears to be a direct quote from African American studies professor at Northwestern University, Celeste Watkins-Hayes.

Considering that black people have been forced to “adapt our entire lives to fit into white spaces,” the black woman cartoon on the slide chides, “I think you can [slightly] inconvenience yourself to learn about the culture of the people who built the foundation of the country you live in today.”

Geleff further explained that the Exeter Township School District school board assured parents that Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools as part of an “approved curriculum”. Geleff quoted school board president Alison Wilson stating during a June 22nd, 2021 school board meeting:
I would say that Critical Race Theory is not taught in our school district, and if that you have evidence of otherwise, then I would encourage you to contact your building principal. It is not approved curriculum here and this school board does approve all books and curriculum.
As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, over the weekend school board members from all over Pennsylvania attended a webinar hosted by Marxist group “Our Revolution” to learn how to “rebut” parents’ concerns about Critical Race Theory.

Teacher Jordan Sharp explains that she took it upon herself to learn more about white privilege. “It’s opened my eyes to the privilege that I face in society and it is my responsibility to learn and to research.” The English teacher gives an example of privilege as a white person getting a job in which a black person also applied. By not saying anything, one is “unintentionally supporting a system where one racial group is superior to another”.

First Video:
0:58 / 2:09

Second Video:

We Are Reaching The Point Where Imbeciles Determine Our Fate...

..Or Has That Already Occurred?


Study Finds Most Highly Educated Americans Are Also the Most Vaccine Hesitant

Narrative fail.

A new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant.

The researchers canvassed no fewer than 5 million Americans who responded to surveys on whether they were “probably” or “definitely not planning on getting a COVID vaccine.

The results will shock many.

“More surprising is the breakdown in vaccine hesitancy by level of education,” reports UnHerd. “It finds that the association between hesitancy and education level follows a U-shaped curve with the highest hesitancy among those least and most educated. People a master’s degree had the least hesitancy, and the highest hesitancy was among those holding a PhD.”

In addition, while the lowest educated saw the largest drop in vaccine hesitancy for the first five months of 2021, those with PhD’s were the most likely to not change their minds.

The study also reveals that the most common concern for those who are hesitant to take the vaccine is potential side-effects, with a lack of trust in government close behind in second.

The results of the investigation completely debunk the notion, amplified by media narratives, that only “dumb” people are vaccine hesitant.

It also demolishes NYT White House correspondent Annie Karni’s characterization of elitists who attended Obama’s 60th birthday party by as “sophisticated, vaccinated.”

How many of them haven’t taken the vaccine?

Meanwhile, the meme has been proven correct: