90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, August 23, 2021

Mocking Feckless Pretender Biden...


Osama Bin Laden banned Al Qaeda from trying to assassinate Joe Biden

The former Al Qaeda chief wanted to see then president Barack Obama taken out due to the prospect of having Biden as leader for the US, he explained in a 2010 letter.

Bin Laden believed that Biden would cause crisis as US leader.

Osama bin Laden banned any assassination attempt against Joe Biden when he was Vice President to Barack Obama.

Former Al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden, the instigator for the September 11 attacks, pushed for a plot against Obama partly because he felt that Biden would be less competent as his replacement.

He reportedly wrote to an aide in 2010: “Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.”

The letter to Atiyah Abd al-Rahman was found among other documents at the Pakistan compound where he was killed by US soldiers in 2011.

While it was first brought to light in 2012, it is now being pointed to by opponents of Biden over his handling of the Afghanistan crisis.

Biden has been criticised for his handling of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan

The withdrawal of Western forces allowed the Taliban to gain the upper hand and they were able to topple Kabul quicker than expected last Sunday.

Bin Laden said in the letter: “’Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there.

The terrorist also wanted a hit on ex-CIA director David Patraeus.

He wrote: “As for Patraeus he is the man of the hour in this last year of the war and killing him would alter the war’s path.”

The purpose of the 48-page letter was generally to push for attacks directly against the US and not in...

Blood On His Hands Like Red Rain Pouring Down....

Red rain coming down
Red rain
Red rain is pouring down
Pouring down all over me

And I can't watch anymore
No more denial
It's so hard to lay down in all of this

Taliban Threatens Joe Biden: Stay in Afghanistan Past August and Suffer ‘Consequences’

A senior Taliban spokesman told the U.K.’s Sky News on Monday that the United States and its ally Britain will face “consequences” if they seek to extend their military presence in Afghanistan to ensure the safe evacuation of their citizens.

American President Joe Biden announced this summer that he would withdraw all American troops from the country by August 31. Biden had previously announced in April that the withdrawal would end on September 11, the 20th anniversary of the jihadist attacks that prompted the Afghan War. Both dates were a significant extension of the war from the set withdrawal date under former President Donald Trump, who brokered a deal with the Taliban that would have seen a full American military exit by May 1.

The Taliban followed Biden’s extension of the war – and his choice to break the agreement Trump brokered with the jihadist organization – with a nationwide campaign to overthrow the now-former government of Afghanistan. The campaign culminated with Taliban terrorists surrounding the country’s capital, Kabul, on August 15, prompting former President Ashraf Ghani to abruptly flee the country.

Taliban leaders now control nearly all of Afghanistan, excepting a small pocket of resistance in north-central Panjsher province, which the jihadists claimed on Monday they had surrounded and would soon control.

Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen discussed the current situation in Kabul – where thousands are attempting to reach the airport to avoid being under Taliban rule – with the U.K.’s Sky News, denying that the crowds feared for their safety under the radical Islamist terrorist group. The desperation to flee Taliban rule has prompted multiple deaths in and around the Kabul airport resulting from stampedes and deliberate violence. Eyewitnesses have also reported extensive violence against civilians on the part of Taliban thugs outside the airport, reports the Pentagon confirmed last week.

Shaheen appeared to use the unsubstantiated claim that the Kabul airport chaos did not result from any fear of the Taliban to support the Taliban’s resistance to foreign forces staying in the country to help civilians flee.

The August 31 deadline, Shaheen said, was a “red line.”

“President Biden announced that on 31 August they would withdraw all their military forces. So if they extend it that means they are extending occupation while there is no need for that,” Shaheen said. “If the US or UK were to seek additional time to continue evacuations – the answer is no. Or there would be consequences. It will create mistrust between us. If they are intent on continuing the occupation it will provoke a reaction.”

Shaheen did not elaborate on what consequences Western soldiers would face in the event that their leader ordered them to...

90 Miles In 0.0 Seconds...


Tyranny Visits The American Shores...
From The Mountains To The Valleys...

Biden’s Weakness Will Result In Aggression. Here Are 4 Likely Foreign Policy Scenarios

Weakness invites aggression, so we should prepare for a tumultuous fall on the world stage. Here’s what to watch for.

Even prior to the stunning display of American failure in Afghanistan, President Biden appeared slow-witted and spineless on crucial U.S. national security matters.

For example, Biden handed Russia’s Vladimir Putin gift after gift: extending the START Treaty, lifting Nord Stream 2 pipeline sanctions despite bipartisan legislation and essentially surrendering Ukraine to Russia. During the Biden-Putin summit in Geneva, Biden was tougher with an American journalist than with Putin. After Biden’s advisers and the first lady told the press how extensively he prepared for the meeting, he cut it short.

Biden also responded to the several major cyberattacks traced to Russia—including the meat processor JBS and the Colonial pipeline—by handing Putin a list of critical infrastructure that was “off limits.” Biden claimed Putin would change his behavior if his standing was diminished in the world, showing a fundamental lack of understanding Putin’s motivations.

Rejoining the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran has been Biden’s top priority since taking office, and he was willing to offer Tehran almost anything for it. Tehran refused to negotiate with the United States directly, and operates with impunity in the Middle East.

In July, Iranian intelligence attempted to kidnap Masih Alinejad, an Iranian journalist, from American soil. In August, an Iranian drone attacked an Israeli merchant ship, killing two crew members. Iranian proxies targeted Americas in Syria and Iraq, and Hezbollah increased rocket attacks on Israel. It also appears Tehran attempted to close the Strait of Hormuz using sea mines.

In June, Biden proclaimed “America is back” with “renewed commitment to our allies and partners.” But North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies with troops on the ground in Afghanistan disagree as they scramble to get out their people out due to America’s hasty withdrawal. British paratroopers, prepared for face-to-face combat, have descended on Kabul to rescue British citizens.

Weakness invites aggression, so we should prepare for a tumultuous fall on the world stage. Here’s what to watch for.

1. An American Hostage Situation in Afghanistan

The Biden administration is not even aware of how many Americans are left in Afghanistan. It could be as many as 15,000. The administration canceled a Trump-era bureau overseeing protection and evacuation for American citizens in Afghanistan. Now Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says the U.S. military does not have the capability to “go in and collect large numbers of people.”

President Obama ensured the Taliban understood the value of American hostages. In 2014, Obama released five Taliban commanders—one of whom is currently among Taliban leadership in Kabul—for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who later pled guilty to desertion and was dishonorably discharged. The abandoned Americans may be used for leverage, either by the Taliban or other extremist groups. What is unfolding in Afghanistan may make the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis may look tame by comparison.

2. A Fresh Terror Attack on 9/11

Jihadists are relishing the idea that the United States weak and can be...

The Feckless, Incompetent, Liar's Failure In Afghanistan Gets Tagged With Dumkirk...


Jabbed Australian Official Develops Bell's Palsy in Middle of CV Press Conference

"That means it's working!"

From News.com.au, "Victor Dominello diagnosed with Bell's Palsy after concerning Covid-19 press conference":

New South Wales' Customer Service Minister has taken to social media to confirm the reason for his "droopy eye", which sparked concern after Wednesday's press conference.

Victor Dominello, who was there to speak about business grants, said people had reached out to him wondering if he was "winking at the camera" or if he had suffered a stroke.

But on Wednesday night he confirmed via Instagram that he had been diagnosed with Bell's Palsy, a temporary facial paralysis that has no...

Europe Learned Their lesson About Afghan Men....


Kamala Harris is filmed LAUGHING at reporter before discussing Afghan crisis and insisting evacuation is 'highest priority' after poll called her unfit to be president

  • Harris cut off a reporter with her nervous laugh and said 'Hold on, hold on,' before addressing the Afghanistan situation over the weekend
  • She reiterated that the Biden-Harris administration was working on the crisis, despite failure to promptly communicate with Americans and world leaders
  • The video was recorded as she prepared to fly to Singapore. She started her visits to Southeast Asia, where she will meet with officials
  • Yet her tour comes at an intensely difficult time for the Biden administration, amid widespread condemnation of their handling of the fall of Kabul
  • When likely voters were asked in a Rasmussen Reports poll if Harris is ready to be U.S. president, 47 per cent said she is 'not at all qualified'
  • Harris arrived in Singapore on Sunday for the week-long trip to Asia, which also includes a stop in Vietnam, where she will meet with officials in the region
  • She offered reassurances of Washington's commitment to the region and said America takes its role as a global leader 'seriously' amid Afghanistan chaos
Vice President Kamala Harris nervously laughed and dismissed a reporter's inquiry as she headed to Singapore amid Afghanistan chaos.

Harris initially claimed to have had a key role and that she was 'the last person in the room' when Biden chose to follow through with the May 1 deadline to retreat US troops from Afghanistan.

But her remarkable absence and lack of communication with the media and the American public have not escaped backlash, as 47% of likely voters found her 'not at all qualified' to become President, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll.

In a newly-unearthed part of a chat with reporters filmed as Harris prepared to depart for Singapore late Friday, the Vice President displays her infamous nervous laugh before flying to Singapore for an official visit, the Washington Examiner reported.

'What's your response to reports of Americans-' an eager reporter says over the jet engines noise.

'Hold on, hold on, hold on,' Harris said before the reporter could finish.

'Slow down, everybody,' she said after a big laugh.

'I want to talk about two things,' Harris then said. 'First, Afghanistan, we couldn't have a higher priority right now,'

'And in particular high priority is making sure that we safely evacuate American citizens, Afghans who worked with us, Afghans at risk, including women and children, and that is one of our highest if not the highest priority right now.'

'And it's a big area of focus for me in the past days and weeks, and will continue to be,' she added.

During a press conference in Singapore this morning Harris boasted that 'the US is a global leader'.

She insisted Washington could be depended as she stood alongside Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien. She said: 'The reason I am here is because the United States is a global leader and we take that role seriously'.

Her comments come as the US and President Biden have recieved global condemnation for the unfolding chaos and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Hardline Islamists' swift return to power came after US troops' speedy withdrawal.

Kamala Harris nervously laughed and cut off a reporter, before saying that Afghanistan was a priority issue, before she boarded a flight to Singapore

Because the reporter was never allowed to finish her question, it's not clear what she was going to ask Harris specifically. However, it sounded like she was going to ask Harris about the Americans trapped in Afghanistan.

The video of Kamala laughing was shared hours after Joe Biden laughed when questioned by a reporter about his poor performance in a new poll during a White House press conference about the Afghan crisis and Tropical Storm Henri.

He said of the survey: 'I haven't seen that poll.'

And the Democrats were hit with a further optics issue Sunday, as Nancy Pelosi was filmed at a lavish Democrat fundraiser dinner in Napa, California, which cost up to...

Australian army veteran: 3 of the 24 000 children vaccinated at a stadium are now dead

Daniel Andrews, Prime Minister of Victoria.  NSW Health’s Chief Health Officer.

Earlier this month, New South Wales' Minister of Health, Brad Hazzard, announced at a press conference that 24 000 children would be vaccinated against Corona at the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney.

Army veteran Alan Hennessy, who served 45 years in the Australian Air Force, said that three children have died after being vaccinated. There are two boys and a girl.

Parents were refused entry to the stadium in Sydney Olympic Park while their children were injected. “I want to reassure mothers and fathers that their children will be well looked after indoors,” said Hazzard. The politician justified this saying there was a possible risk of infection. For this purpose, police officers were deployed for surveillance. Nurses and policemen accompanied each student individually.

Australian politicians referred to the vaccine as a “ticket to freedom”.

Hazzard first urged all twelfth grade students in New South Wales to take advantage of this “golden” opportunity to get the Pfizer jab.

Australia’s curious response to the virus has been witnessed on all levels. To prevent volunteers at an animal shelter from travelling to pick up the animals, ten puppies were among 15 dogs shot dead by a rural NSW council “as part of its response to stop the spread of Covid-19”. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the killings were in line with the council’s interpretation of these restrictions because travelling would be a breach of the statewide lockdown.

Residents in regional New South Wales are currently subject to harsh lockdown measures.

Daniel Andrews, Prime Minister of the Australian state of Victoria, where Melbourne is located, announced at a press conference earlier that it would be illegal to remove a mask to drink alcohol outdoors.

“There will be no removal of masks to swallow alcohol outdoors,” he said. The Prime Minister said he was “angry” that people had gathered “in dozens” on pedestrian streets and sidewalks to have a beer and socialize. The Prime Minister went on to claim that there was a spread of infection among children and that “hotspots” such as playgrounds, basketball courts, skating rinks and outdoor gyms would also be closed down. This was based on official data from Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services claiming that 24 people tested “positive” for the virus, although nobody has died after testing positive.

Earlier, New South Wales Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello developed Bell’s palsy live on television after taking the shot. Dominello’s face became paralyzed, and his one eye started to close, which left viewers wondering why he was “winking at the camera”.

Post-injection, Dominello was unable to feel that side of his face and later...

Morning Mistress