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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Did Dismissals of Safe Outpatient Drugs Cause Needless COVID Deaths?

Dissenting doctors say, “Yes.”

For the first nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were no officially approved outpatient treatments for combating the disease. The medical establishment expressed extreme caution regarding such treatments, and these warnings were amplified by major media hostile to President Trump, as when he touted the anti-malaria medicine hydroxychloroquine.

Although an estimated 12 percent to 38 percent of prescriptions are written for FDA-approved drugs used “off-label” (including Botox and Viagra), Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, declared early on that providers should dispense only medicines proven to be safe and effective for COVID patients through “randomized, placebo-controlled trials.” These can take months or years to conduct, often at great cost.

Some governments and independent practitioners considered that standard a recipe for inaction that meant likely death for untold numbers of victims. These medical dissenters instead treated COVID-19 as physicians have long responded to newly emerging infectious diseases: by administering designer cocktails of cheap, safe, and readily available agents—in this case including hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, aspirin, and vitamins—that had proved effective in treating similar illnesses or showed promise due to mechanisms of action.

RealClearInvestigations spoke or corresponded with 12 such advocates for early outpatient treatment globally—from California, Texas and Honduras to France, Israel, and India. These physicians used their clinical experience to make educated guesses about what combinations of drugs might work. Few used the same cocktail, but all insisted the treatments proved most effective when administered as early as possible.

Researchers knew fairly early in the pandemic that COVID infections progressed through several stages. For example, it was known in March 2020 that the illness progressed from a viral phase to massive inflammation across the body. Anti-inflammatory drugs—such as colchicine, the choice of Dr. Darrell DeMello in Mumbai—could have been given at clinicians’ discretion.

By June 2020, it was known that COVID could cause major blood clotting. The blood thinner Plavix, another choice of Dr. DeMello, is often used to prevent and treat clotting. As Dr. Brian Tyson, a primary care physician in Imperial County, California, who champions outpatient treatment, explained, if patients are “showing inflammatory changes, let’s use an anti-inflammatory. We see people getting clots, dying of coronary artery clogs, let’s use a blood thinner.”

It wasn’t until April 2021 that the National Institutes of Health announced it would fund a large clinical trial to study repurposed drugs, including some of those favored by several of the doctors RCI interviewed. Why wasn’t there greater urgency to conduct studies like this one?

President Trump’s advocacy of hydroxychloroquine put him at odds with the Washington media and medical establishment. This may in part have colored public perceptions of the use of off-label drugs in the U.S. Articles in the highly influential medical journal The Lancet played a significant role—with one that pooh-poohed hydroxychloroquine being retracted after proving fraudulent. Although hydroxychloroquine is used around the world every day to treat various illnesses in adults and children, including lupus and malaria, health officials cast it as potentially dangerous. “As a result,” Dr. Scott Atlas, the often-dissenting adviser to the Trump White House Coronavirus Task Force, writes in A Plague Upon Our House, his new tell-all, “doctors were blocked from prescribing the drug, even though prescribing any other approved drug for an off-label use was routine.”

U.S. tech giants censored much discussion of outpatient treatment, branding it “misinformation.” YouTube in particular has silenced heterodox thinking, suspending the YouTube channel of Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), a proponent of early treatment who convened two hearings on the matter in late 2020, and removing several of...

Pacifism Is The Transitory Luxury of...


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Someday, ... Your Kind Will Pray For A Man With A Sword...

If You Are Not Prepared To Use Force To Defend Civilization...

Dying Societies Accumulate Laws Like Dying Men Accumulate Remedies.

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Ivermectin: It seems that the 'horse dewormer' is an effective COVID treatment

I don't think it can be said often enough that the leftist establishment's dismissal of all early treatments for COVID in favor of vaccines, followed by hospitalization when people are in extremis, will go down as the greatest slaughter of Americans since the Civil War. Whether driven by politics, profit, or the power that vaccine mandates have given them, the entire leftist establishment dismissed ivermectin as a "horse dewormer," making it almost impossible for doctors to prescribe it. Yet a Japanese study shows that, in fact, ivermectin is both "safe" and "effective."

Because COVID appeared in America during an election year, Democrats and other leftists could not allow Trump to deal with it successfully. That meant they had to slap down any possible treatments and keep the focus on ruinous lockdowns, ineffectual masks, and chimerical vaccines. Any early treatments were dismissed as poisonous. Instead, we were told there was nothing to be done about COVID until we were near death, at which point going to the hospital might save us — especially if we got incredibly expensive, toxic, minimally effective Remdesivir.

When Trump mentioned the possible efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an old, stable, safe malaria medicine, it was instantly shouted down as a deadly fish treatment. That came as a surprise to me because, several years ago, when I was going to Cambodia, Kaiser's travel nurse automatically prescribed HCQ as a prophylactic to prevent my getting malaria. Although I'm the person who always gets the side-effects, I had no problems with HCQ (plus I didn't get malaria).

Then, when word began to emerge from Africa, Latin America, and India that ivermectin, a truly magical anti-parasitical that has changed life across the third world for the better, the establishment instantly tagged it as a "horse dewormer." And once again, Americans were denied a safe, effective early treatment for COVID.

Mind you, these medicines weren't just subject to derision. The FDA refused to authorize them for COVID treatment. Vast HMOs, usually headed by leftists, also refused to allow them to be used in an off-label way. Not only did Meryl Nass, a physician in Maine, have her license suspended for prescribing ivermectin and HCG, but the medical board demanded that she undergo a psychiatric evaluation to get it back.

To understand what was going on, imagine a situation in which you develop an infection — say, a urinary tract infection (UTI). Currently, you're uncomfortable, and it's getting worse. You contact your doctor, seeking an antibiotic.

To your surprise, the doctor tells you you can't have the antibiotic because it might upset your stomach. Instead, the doctor says you should wait until you're running an incredibly high fever, have agonizing abdominal pain, and are beginning to hallucinate. At that point, head to the hospital, and your doctor will see about treating you. Oh, and he'll treat you with an industrial-strength antibiotic that has a 75% chance of permanently damaging your liver and kidneys.

Image: Ivermectin (seized in Austria, a vaccine mandate nation, lest it help people recover) by the Bundesministerium für Finanzen. CC-BY-2.0.

What you really should do, says your doctor, is get a shot against future UTIs. Never mind that you're generally very unlikely to get a UTI or that UTIs are easily treated in their early stages. He also tells you to ignore that the shot won't actually stop you from getting UTIs. What's important is that it might lessen the chances of your going septic. Maybe. And don't worry about the fact that the shot might damage your heart and increase your chances of cancer. And for God's sake, stop whining...

To add insult to the profound injuries the establishment has inflicted on the American people, with more than 800,000 deaths attributed to COVID, a Japanese study confirms that ivermectin was always safe and effective:

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Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #215


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #213

Embalmers discover strange, rubbery ‘worms’ in bodies of the jabbed

Dr. Jane Ruby spoke to embalmer Richard Hirschman for the Stew Peters Show on Thursday about "strange, rubbery" plugs found in the veins of deceased Americans. Hirschman took a number of photos of the "worms", which were shown during the interview.

Many vaccinated people who end up on Hirschman’s cutting table have died of a heart attack or stroke. He took long, fibrous strings from one of the bodies. The red part looks like a normal blood clot, but the white fibrous material was not normal, Hirschman said.

The embalmer said a blood clot normally breaks apart easily when touched. “But this white stuff is pretty strong,” he explained. “It’s very pliable, it’s very hard. It is not normal.”

“I’ve contacted colleagues and they see the same thing,” he told Ruby. Hirschman added that the number of people with these types of “worms” has increased by 50 to almost 80 percent in recent times. “I am very concerned about the future.”

Hirschman is now trying to figure out what the material consists of. “My gut tells me it’s caused by the vaccine. I can’t prove that, but if this is caused by the vaccine, just imagine how many people will die in the future,” he said.

“If this tissue ends up in your brain, you’ll have a stroke. If it gets in your heart, you’ll have a heart attack. People need to...

Top doctor calls on employers to reinstate unvaccinated workers, apologize for firing them

'By firing staff with natural immunity, employers got rid of those least likely to infect others,' Dr. Marty Makary contends. 

An influential doctor says that people who were fired for refusing COVID shots should be reinstated and are owed an apology.

Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at John Hopkins University School of Medicine writing in The Wall Street Journal, maintains that employees who lost their jobs for refusing the jab were unjustly fired.

“Public health officials ruined many lives by insisting that workers with natural immunity to COVID-19 be fired if they weren’t fully vaccinated,” Makary wrote. “But after two years of accruing data, the superiority of natural immunity over vaccination is clear. By firing staff with natural immunity, employers got rid of those least likely to infect others.”

‘It’s time to reinstate those employees with an apology,” Makary concluded.

Makary based his statement on a study that he performed on natural immunity at Johns Hopkins University. Speaking to Brian Kilmeade on FOX radio, Makary described the study.

“We looked at 295 people with natural immunity, they were not vaccinated, and we found that the immunity was strong nearly two years out from the infection,” Makary said. “It is now a settled science: natural immunity is durable and effective for as long as the infection’s been around.”

“The data are now in (sic),” Makary said. “It’s clear. The [Centers for Disease Control (CDC)] itself has a study, and … my team has been doing a big study on natural immunity, and we just got the early results, which I point out in [The] Wall Street Journal piece.”

Makary has defended natural immunity in the past. Speaking to U.S. News and World Report last September, Makary said that there was no scientific data suggesting that people with natural immunity against COVID-19 should get the jab. In December, Makary accused government officials of “modern day McCarthyism” because of COVID policies, maintaining that some of the policies were “too extreme, too rigid and are no longer driven by clinical data.”

Makary’s comments come in...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #917

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1617

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

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